Colorado Brevet Series 2000 |
[ 2002
Schedule ]
Colorado Brevet Series 2000 -- Results
Here are the results for our 2000 brevet
series. We had 18 participants, 6 of them rookies – pretty good
for a non-Paris-Brest-Paris year – with 15 riders on the 200km, 12 on the 300km,
10 on the 400km, and 6 on the 600km. Two riders went on to complete
Boston-Montreal-Boston (their first time): Merle Baranczyk and Chris Grealish.
200km Results 300km
Results 400km Results
600km Results
Bear in mind that brevets are not races, and
people have different goals in riding a given brevet – fast finishing time;
riding in a group; testing out nutrition, equipment or sleep deprivation.
Riders who rode under the pre-ride provisions
are denoted as "®" – those riders did not benefit from the same
comraderie of riding with the others, and did not enjoy the same weather
phenomena as on the calendared event date.
Comparisons with 1999 – We include the elapsed times for 1999 and 1998
brevets, for this year’s riders who rode them. The conclusions to be drawn are
limited at best, since riders’ goals and circumstances often overshadow course
or weather differences. For example, Bob Fourney compared his 1999 times on an
enclosed recumbent HPV with this year’s standard bike.
Cinnamon Rolls! – Finally, this series allowed participants to
compare the most highly vaunted cinnamon rolls of the area – Vern’s in LaPorte
on the 200km; the Glen Haven General Store’s (secret checkpoint) on the 600km;
and Johnson Corner’s (600km second loop).
200km Brevet - 14 May 2000
Northglenn - LaPorte - Niwot – A new
course, with a fair amount of climbing over Horsetooth Reservoir to LaPorte. We
had good, mild weather, with a noticeable headwind the entire way back from
LaPorte. Comparison with 1999 – With more hills,
this year’s 200km added a few minutes, but not many, for riders in comparable
condition both years
200km Brevet |
5/14/00 |
Time of Day |
Rider |
Elapsed 2000 |
1 North-glenn |
2 LaPorte |
3 Niwot |
4 North-glenn |
8:48 |
7:57 |
7:46 |
9:10 |
13:02 |
16:03 |
17:58 |
8:49 |
10:15 |
9:10 |
13:02 |
16:21 |
17:59 |
8:43 |
8:35 |
9:10 |
13:07 |
16:25 |
17:53 |
BODEUX, Reynald |
8:43 |
9:10 |
13:11 |
16:18 |
17:53 |
BOYLE, Tom |
8:49 |
9:10 |
13:13 |
16:15 |
17:59 |
ELLIS, John Lee |
8:18 |
7:26 |
9:10 |
13:03 |
15:57 |
17:28 |
8:18 |
8:26 |
9:10 |
13:03 |
15:58 |
17:28 |
7:35 |
9:10 |
12:40 |
15:12 |
16:45 |
9:02 |
8:40 |
9:10 |
13:16 |
16:35 |
18:12 |
8:18 |
8:08 |
8:54 |
9:10 |
13:05 |
15:58 |
17:28 |
HOLLAND, Gregory |
7:35 |
9:10 |
12:40 |
15:12 |
16:45 |
HOWARD, Mark |
8:18 |
9:10 |
13:03 |
16:10 |
17:28 |
HUGHES, John |
9:02 |
9:10 |
13:16 |
16:35 |
18:12 |
SMITH, Vernon |
8:18 |
9:10 |
13:03 |
15:58 |
17:28 |
WERNER, Glen |
8:43 |
7:47 |
9:10 |
13:07 |
16:25 |
17:53 |
300km Results 400km Results
600km Results
300km Brevet – 11
June 2000
Littleton - Castle Rock - Black Forest - Chatfield – Same
course as last year, with only moderate breezes, not the strong southerly wind
of 1999 (and many other years). Running the brevet on Sunday this year did not
seem to lessen the traffic on Co.86 or Santa Fe. Comparison
with 1999 – Without last year’s hefty southerly wind, riders finished
much closer together – early riders finished the same time as last year, but
the spread for the later riders was only 1˝ hours vs. than 3˝ hours in 1999.
300km Brevet |
6/11/00 |
Time of Day |
Rider |
Elapsed 2000 |
Little- ton #1 |
Castle Rock #2 |
Elbert #3 |
Black Forest #4 |
Castle Rock #5 |
Roxbo-rough #6 |
Little-ton #7 |
13:31 |
14:50 |
13:08 |
4:04 |
7:30 |
10:05 |
12:25 |
15:17 |
17:20 |
17:35 |
13:33 |
17:29 |
4:04 |
8:13 |
10:46 |
12:50 |
15:31 |
17:04 |
17:37 |
ELLIS, John Lee |
12:11 |
12:04 |
11:55 |
4:04 |
7:27 |
9:50 |
11:35 |
14:10 |
15:18 |
16:15 |
13:31 |
15:30 |
4:04 |
8:13 |
10:46 |
12:50 |
15:30 |
17:04 |
17:35 |
FOURNEY, Robert |
11:26 |
11:19 |
10:42 |
4:04 |
7:26 |
9:30 |
11:18 |
13:27 |
14:45 |
15:30 |
11:56 |
4:04 |
7:26 |
9:42 |
11:40 |
14:00 |
15:16 |
16:00 |
13:16 |
15:34 |
HIGGINS, Kerry |
13:31 |
4:04 |
8:00 |
10:30 |
12:42 |
15:32 |
17:04 |
17:35 |
HOLLAND, Gregory |
11:56 |
4:04 |
7:27 |
9:42 |
11:35 |
13:57 |
17:20 |
16:00 |
HOWARD, Mark |
11:56 |
4:04 |
7:27 |
9:42 |
11:35 |
13:57 |
17:20 |
16:00 |
HUGHES, John ® |
13:30 |
13:30 |
SMITH, Vernon |
11:56 |
4:04 |
7:27 |
9:50 |
11:35 |
14:36 |
15:16 |
16:00 |
200km Results 400km Results
600km Results
400km Brevet – 24 June 2000
Superior - Platteville - Lefthand Canyon - St. Vrain Canyon
- Horsetooth - Wellington – Almost the same course as last
year, but without violent weather. But the early finishers had to fight a big
headwind the last 50 miles, while later riders were treated to a tailwind.
Lefthand Canyon – picturesque as always – again posed a good test in pacing for
veteran and rookie alike. Comparison with 1999 -
With no weather problems, the finishing times were much closer together (3˝
hours spread vs. 7 hours in 1999). An added factor was that the first three
finishers this year fought a strong headwind the final 50 miles, while later
riders had a tailwind!
400km Brevet |
6/24/00 |
Time of Day |
Rider |
Elapsed 2000 |
Super-ior #1 |
Platteville #2 |
Niwot Secret |
Ward #3 |
Carter Lake #4 |
Welling- ton #5 |
Windsor #6 |
Superior #7 |
18:10 |
20:15 |
16:40 |
4:10 |
5:57 |
7:32 |
9:50 |
12:55 |
16:00 |
17:45 |
22:20 |
18:55 |
4:10 |
5:54 |
8:24 |
11:24 |
14:19 |
17:50 |
19:15 |
23:05 |
ELLIS, John Lee |
16:30 |
16:39 |
14:52 |
4:10 |
5:54 |
7:32 |
9:40 |
12:10 |
15:00 |
16:15 |
20:40 |
18:55 |
22:37 |
4:10 |
6:17 |
8:22 |
11:22 |
14:20 |
17:50 |
19:15 |
23:05 |
FOURNEY, Robert |
15:15 |
14:55 |
12:37 |
4:10 |
5:54 |
7:32 |
9:42 |
12:15 |
15:00 |
16:15 |
19:25 |
16:40 |
16:39 |
14:52 |
4:10 |
5:54 |
7:32 |
9:41 |
12:50 |
16:00 |
17:30 |
20:50 |
HENDERSON, Charles |
18:10 |
22:37 |
4:10 |
6:20 |
8:22 |
11:22 |
14:20 |
17:20 |
18:50 |
22:20 |
18:10 |
4:10 |
6:00 |
7:52 |
10:36 |
13:44 |
17:20 |
18:58 |
22:20 |
HIGGINS, Kerry |
4:10 |
5:59 |
7:47 |
10:30 |
SMITH, Vernon |
17:40 |
4:10 |
5:57 |
7:32 |
9:45 |
12:35 |
15:42 |
17:15 |
21:50 |
200km Results 300km Results
600km Results
600km Brevet – 8-9 July 2000
Superior - Brighton - St. Vrain Canyon - Estes Park - Big
Thompson Canyon - Horsetooth - Wellington - Evans – Similar
route to 1999, but this year the first loop omitted Evans, while the second
loop added a country escapade beyond Evans to Kersey, which most riders
enjoyed, though Merle Baranczyk was accosted by coyotes at 4am. Comparison with 1999 – Even less can be concluded from
the 600km, since most people took at break between loops – from two hours for some
riders to nine for your author.
600km Brevet |
7/8/00 |
Saturday |
Time of Day |
Sunday |
Rider |
Elapsed 2000 |
Super-ior #1 |
Brighton #2 |
Lyons #3 |
Meeker Park #4 |
(s) Glen Haven |
Welling- ton #5 |
Wind-sor #6 |
Louis-ville #7 |
Evans |
Super-ior #10 |
27:30 |
33:58 |
38:27 |
4:10 |
5:40 |
7:57 |
10:36 |
12:07 |
16:15 |
17:25 |
20:58 |
3:11 |
7:30 |
ELLIS, John Lee |
32:26 |
29:58 |
4:10 |
5:40 |
7:56 |
10:09 |
11:20 |
14:30 |
15:45 |
18:48 |
8:00 |
12:26 |
FOURNEY, Robert |
31:05 |
22:10 |
19:11 |
4:10 |
5:25 |
7:55 |
10:18 |
11:35 |
14:30 |
15:45 |
4:05 |
7:25 |
10:55 |
25:30 |
4:10 |
5:40 |
7:56 |
10:13 |
11:35 |
14:30 |
15:45 |
18:30 |
1:41 |
5:30 |
HENDERSON, Charles |
32:56 |
4:10 |
5:50 |
8:32 |
13:06 |
16:55 |
18:30 |
22:30 |
7:00 |
12:56 |
200km Results 300km Results
400km Results