RMCC 2013 Randonneuring and Distance Riding Seminar
Our seminar covered the 200km 200 mile distance. This encompasses the 200km and 300km brevets, and the RMCC Colorado Triple Crown mountain double-centuries. PRESENTATIONS Megan Hottman The Cyclist Lawyer Megan is a Cat 1 racer and former triathlete who represents cyclists in injury cases. Her advice on our rights and responsibilities as cyclists and what to do when things go wrong was extremely cogent and helpful. We were fortunate to hear her advice. Please have a look at her website a good resource for us. Thanks, Megan! JLE I gave an intro to randonneuring the rando basics, the tradition, what our local program looks like, and how you can connect with other randos and rando events throughout the country and the world! Diane Benoit nutritionalist, former DU professor, top-notch distance cyclist, and general overachiever gave us some incisive (and state-of-the-art) advice on nutrition coupled with her personal experience and enthusiasm for brevets and other challenging distance events including the RMCC Triple Crown. Her presentation is full of info we can use, and Diane is also available for individual consultation. Ryan Franz who has accomplished both Vernon Smiths South Park 400k and Paris-Brest-Paris in a swift time (but which is more difficult?? we all know the answer) spoke about the concrete training steps and execution plan that will get you to the finish line. Ryan touched upon so many elements that experienced randonneurs can identify with, from pace, to clothing, to planning to attitude, perhaps the most important of all. Tammie Nakamura Last Chance 1200k Finisher, tireless volunteer, scientest, and bon vivant Tammie got the rando bug by coming to one of our seminars, and has been relentless since then, going from bike commuter to Last Chance finisher in under a year. Have a look at her enigmatic yet fascinating presentation. A FINAL NOTE I am personally very pleased with this seminar, because of our great speakers, and frankly their enthusiasm for the sport. If you missed it, please check out the links above for some helpful and inspiring material! -jle