Colorado Brevet Series
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club
Randonneurs USA
2018 Randonnée Results
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
200km --
8 December 2018
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 8:17 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 153 | 8:17 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 4600 | 7:27 | FICHIALOS, Benjamin
| 9603 | 10:10 | FRASER, Malcolm R
| 5417 | 8:17 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 7751 | 7:59 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12631 | 7:59 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11377 | 7:44 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11133 | 8:17 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 5418 | 8:17 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 10610 | 7:44 | NELSON, David
| 11863 | 7:27 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 3108 | 8:17 | SHENK, Catherine
| 3551 | 8:32 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 8:17 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
Second December Brevet Ever ... in the same Month!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick.
We scheduled this and the next day's Lyons-Berthoud Populaire during the week-long
RUSA hiatus for Permanent riding, to accommodate as many riders as we could, especially R-12 aspirants.
We got a great crowd!
We welcomed visitors Benjamin Fichialos from Utah and Tom Ehlman from Wisconsin.
Some of us had had the pleasure of Tom's support on the Coulee Challenge 1200 back in August,
as one of the main organizers of that event.
Thanks to Mike Turek for stepping up and leading this last-minute 200k!
Tom Ehlman, Catherine Shenk, Michelle Grainger
with rando fare in Hudson
200km --
1 December 2018
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 9:25 | BENOIT, Diane M
| | 9:40 | BUSH, Debbie
| 153 | 9:25 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1471 | 9:48 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 12:00 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 9:40 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 12:03 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 9:14 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:31 | MANGIN, L John
| 3108 | 9:25 | SHENK, Catherine
| 11228 | 9:14 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:48 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 8564 | 11:35 | STANTON, Laurel
| 5691 | 12:03 | SZMURLO, Len
| 7898 | 9:14 | WARREN, Corinne D
A (Windy) First-Ever December Brevet!
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout
The 8:00 am start meant that the sun had just melted off enough of some thin glaze from roadways
to make this a safe and secure ride. But we still contended with slush on the shoulder of I-76.
It was also a windy ride, with a stiff NNE breeze, one which only began to pay returns at the turnaround
in Platteville. As always, we enjoyed the friendly faces at the Roggen store and at the Platteville Shell.
Big thanks to Paul Foley for leading this brevet!
A Sit-Down Snack in Platteville - Paul Foley photo
Debbie Bush, Corinne Warren, Vernon Smith, JLE, Pascal Ledru, Jim Howell, John Mangin, Catherine Shenk, Diane Benoit
200km --
3 November 2018
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 8:42 | Benoit, Diane
| 5417 | 8:37 | Grainger, Michelle
| 1060 | 9:00 | Grealish, Chris
| 11377 | 8:36 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 11847 | 8:38 | Howell, Jim
| 12884 | 8:36 | Leoni, Chris *
| 11228 | 8:37 | Sigmund, Bennett
| 5691 | 10:12 | Szmurlo, Len
| 10173 | 8:40 | Turek, Mike
| * First brevet!
High spirits at Sandy's
A Windy First-Ever November Brevet!
This was our first-ever November brevet, and despite some fierce weather, went great!
Temps were 40° to low 50's, with light showers heading to Platteville,
and hefty NW winds heading to Masonville.
This was Len Szmurlo's first randonnée since a trail crash earlier this year
involving a mountain goat.
Thanks to Mike Turek for suggesting using this route and leading the brevet!
Mike reports: Rain! Loved it! We stayed together thru Platteville, then Len dropped back to ride his own pace ...
we shared pulls as a group in the 15-20 mph headwinds. Finally made it thru masonville at 1:30.
So happy to have tailwind, but I was smoked...still happy to roll along at 25 with little effort.
Chris Leoni’s first brevet huge success for him. He loved the camaraderie..."I’ll be back for sure though winter."
Nate and I. used our fenders for sure in the first couple hours! Nice to have them, though we’re still pretty dirty.
We all felt like true Randonneurs battling wind, rain and cold. Good thing Michelle pulled me in.
- jle
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
Leaving Platteville
Nate in Lyons in fashionable RMCC wool jersey
Michelle and Jim in Lyons
200km --
20 October 2018
Colorado Front Range Dart
| Rider
| Team Les Avant Derniers (205 km)
| 9096 | Ledru, Pascal (captain)
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle
| 5418 | Le Goff, Steve
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 3108 | Shenk, Catherine
| Team Rando Rats (225 km)
| 1679 | Mangin, John (captain)
| 11377 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 11847 | Howell, Jim
| 7898 | Warren, Corinne
| Team Wild Cats (201 km)
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin (captain)
| 153 | Ellis, John Lee
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| | Rundle, Marc
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon
Best Dart Weather Ever?
Thanks to Corinne Warren for coordinating and to
team captains Pascal Ledru, John Mangin, and Dustin Harding
for route design and leading!
More details to follow ...
Après Dart Dinner - Dart director Corinne Warren front and center.
Après Dart Dinner
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200km --
6 October 2018
Vail - Glenwood Springs - Vail (VGV)
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 8:46 | Foley, Paul
| 11377 | 8:49 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 1679 | 8:49 | Mangin, John
| | 8:49 | Rundle, Marc
| 3112 | 8:49 | Rupel, Ray
| 11228 | 9:14 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 7898 | 8:49 | Warren, Corinne
A Surprisingly Dry and Colorful VGV!
Corinne reports:
Seven starters and six finishers braved inclement weather for the inaugural Vail-Glenwood-Vail (VGV) 200k, and were
rewarded with a wonderful route and a nearly dry day. It was chilly but never really cold, as temperatures after the start
hovered around 50F. While the aspens up at higher altitudes had pretty much turned, the cottonwoods and
shrubbery that line the Colorado river proved to be at their peak. The trip through Glenwood Canyon was a gorgeous
highlight at a perfect time of year. Upon reaching Glenwood Springs, riders stopped only briefly for a quick bite, as no
one wanted to take chances with the promise of rain in the forecast. The trip back through the canyon was even faster
than the first go, riding audax style and assisted by a light tailwind. A brief sprinkling in Eagle was the only precipitation
of the day, and the last leg of the route proved the day to be inspiring, as promised. Congratulations to Marc Rundle, for
completing his first brevet and his longest ride ever.
Thanks to Corinne Warren for suggesting using this route and leading the brevet!
Hanging Lake
John Mangin and Marc Rundle
Fall leaves on Glenwood Canyon Trail
400km --
15 September 2018
Poudre Canyon (Platteville)
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 17:42 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 18:09 | Foley, Paul
| 11847 | 16:53 | Howell, Jim
| 9094 | 18:09 | Ledru, Pascal
| 11257 | 21:23 | Miyazaki, Makoto
| 1842 | 18:09 | Smith, Vernon
| 9777 | 23:36 | Wolf, Richard
| ® Pre-Ride
First Ever Pre-Autumnal 400k!
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 400k! Riders enjoyed a nice sunny day, with temps grazing 90°.
We welcomed Richard Wolf from Seattle, and there was a fair amount of camaraderie
in the course of the day.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this one!
600km --
8 September 2018
Poudre Canyon (Rustic)
| Time
| Rider
| 12631 | 35:17 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 34:40 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 11847 | 30:54 | Howell, Jim
| 5714 | 37:45 | Kline, Greg
| 5715 | 37:45 | Kline, Stacy
| 11133 | 35:17 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 10216 | 34:20 | Nelson, David
Poudre Canyon the tunnel beyond Mishawaka Dustin Harding photo
First Ever Pre-Autumnal 600k!
starters and
finishers rode the inaugural pre-autumnal 600k! This and the 400k the next week were suggested
for folks who might need one or the other to finish their Super Randonneur series for the year,
or get in a longer brevet to up their PBP pre-registration status for 2019. But in fact, a number
of riders seemed to turn out just to ride a long brevet in nice weather!
We were especially pleased to be joined by veteran randos Greg and Stacy Kline, from Newport Beach, CA.
They've posted a gallery of great photos
from this brevet, from which some below are taken.
Thanks to Kieran Johnson for suggesting these late-season 400k and 600k, and leading this one!
Glade Road on the way to Masonville
Stacy and Greg at Vern's in LaPorte
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200km --
8 September 2018
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 9:30 | Anderson, Joe
| 12804 | 10:50 | Dreessen, Neal
| 153 | 8:31 | Ellis, John Lee
| 6026 | 6:23 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 8:31 | Mangin, John
| | 11:01 | Masterson, Tom *
| | 7:07 | Michel, Mark
| 11956 | 6:59 | Rosenthal, Harris
| 11941 | 6:59 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3112 | 8:20 | Rupel, Ray
| 3551 | 10:13 | Snavely, Henry
| 10173 | 8:31 | Turek, Michael
| 8660 | 8:31 | Ward, Don
| * First brevet!
John Mangin climbs "Heartbreak Hill" over Horsetooth.
A Special Pre-Autumnal Stove Prairie!
starters and
finishers rode the pre-autumnal Stove Prairie 200k on a splendid day. As we headed up Poudre Canyon,
we got to see a number of the Poudre Canyon 600k riders descending.
It was a Coulee Challenge 1200k reunion of sorts for some of the RMCC contingent, including Don Ward, Mike Turek, JLE, and John Mangin,
who rode the event in August.
We got a special treat at Vern's, as Lois Springsteen, RUSA #8, happened by while supporting her husband Bill Bryant
on a ride. Lois and Bill were visiting from Santa Cruz.
200km --
18 August 2018
James Canyon Jaunt - RUSA 20th Anniversary 200k
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 9:36 | Anderson, Joe
| 2401 | 9:32 | deRosset, William *
| 1471 | 9:32 | Foley, Paul
| 9603 | 10:54 | Fraser, Malcolm
| 5417 | 9:32 | Grainger, Michelle
| 1060 | 8:11 | Grealish, Chris
| 7751 | 9:32 | Griffith, Scott
| 12631 | 8:11 | Harding, Dustin
| 5418 | 9:32 | LeGoff, Steve
| | 7:24 | Michel, Mark
| 11863 | 6:59 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11956 | 7:58 | Rosenthal, Harris
| 3108 | 9:32 | Shenk, Catherine *
| 11228 | 8:15 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:32 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 9:11 | Snavely, Henry
| * Rode RUSA 10th Anniversary 200k
Catherine Shenk, Vernon Smith, Scott Griffith, Paul Foley, Steve Le Goff, Michelle Grainger
Catherine Shenk, JLE, Will deRosset, Tom Knoblauch, 10th Anniversary 200k
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Driest RUSA Decade Anniversary 200k Yet!
starters and
finishers rode the mainly dry RUSA 20th Anniversary 200k! There were a few gusty showers towards Masonville,
but a favorable contrast to the rain-soaked
Black Forest 200k we rode for the 10th Anniversary in 2008.
RUSA was founded on August 17, 1998, at the end of the Boston Montreal Boston 1200k. Finishers of this
200k earned a commemorative RUSA 20th Anniversary medal.
Thanks to Catherine Shenk for stepping in at the last minute to print up materials
and lead this ride, as scheduled leader Mike Turek was delayed getting back from the Coulee Challenge.
At the start in Louisville - a nice turnout! - C. Shenk photo
RUSA 20th Anniversary Medal
RUSA 10th Anniversary Medal
Scott, Paul, Vernon, Steve, Will deRosset, Catherine, JLE
A pause at the Cidery in Erie to celebrate!
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300km --
4 August 2018
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 14:07 | Foley, Paul
| 7751 | 14:26 | Griffith, Scott
| 12631 | 14:07 | Harding, Dustin
| 11863 | 14:07 | Ramos, Mateo
| 3112 | 14:18 | Rupel, Ray
| 4863 | 14:07 | Teich, Scott
Most Congenial Peak-to-Peak 300k Ever?
starters and
finishers rode a breezy Peak-to-Peak 300k, riders staying reasonably together the entire ride.
We welcomed visitor Scott Teich from Watertown, Mass. Scott joined us in the middle of a round trip bike ride from
Eastern Mass to Jackson Hole!
Mateo Ramos, Scott Teich, Paul Foley, and Dustin Harding at the finish
Scott at the start
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6 x 200k's --
12-17 July 2018
Haute Randonnée Six-Pack
— Day 1 — 216 km —
| Louisville - Trail Ridge - Kremmling
Rider | RUSA# | Time
| BEHRIN, Michael | 12741 | 10:49
| DICKSON, Barry J | 9823 | 10:49
| EDWARDS, Billy | 6379 | 9:25
| FELDMAN, Tim Foon | 4819 | 9:25
| HOWELL, Jim | 11847 | 10:38
| KAMINSKI, Jason | | 9:25
| MANGIN, L John | 1679 | 11:37
| MILLER, Peg | 6617 | 13:26
| MOSS, Kenneth Samuel | 10738 | 10:56
| PESKETT, Roger | 3726 | 10:47
| SCHUB, Nat | | 10:50
| TUREK, Michael Gerald | 10173 | 12:11
| VAN METER, Erika | 2248 | 10:56
| ZAVESTOSKI, Stephen | 6078 | 10:45
| — Day 2 — 207 km —
| Vail Pass - Tennessee Pass - Leadville
Rider | RUSA# | Time
| Behrin, Michael | 12741 | 9:38
| Dickson, Barry | 9823 | 9:27
| Edwards, Billy | 6379 | 9:16
| Feldman, Tim | 4819 | 10:30
| Kaminski, Jason | | 9:38
| Kovalenko, Oksana | 11133 | 11:40
| Moss, Kenneth | 10738 | 10:11
| Peskett, Roger | 3726 | 12:57
| Turek, Michael | 10173 | 11:40
| Zavestoski, Stephen | 6078 | 10:11
| — Day 3 — 234 km —
| Independence Pass - McClure Pass - Paonia
Rider | RUSA# | Time
| Behrin, Michael | 12741 | 10:23
| Dickson, Barry | 9823 | 9:00
| Edwards, Billy | 6379 | 8:45
| Howell, Jim | 11847 | 9:24
| Kaminski, Jason | | 9:16
| Kovalenko, Oksana | 11133 | 12:02
| Miller, Peg | 6617 | 14:00
| Moss, Kenneth | 10738 | 10:28
| Peskett, Roger | 3726 | 12:02
| Turek, Michael | 10173 | 12:02
| Zavestoski, Stephen | 6078 | 10:17
| — Day 4 — 208 km —
| Black Canyon of the Gunnison - Blue Mesa
Rider | RUSA# | Time |
Behrin, Michael | 12741 | 8:48
| Dickson, Barry | 9823 | 8:21
| Edwards, Billy | 6379 | 8:15
| Feldman, Tim | 4819 | 10:29
| Kaminski, Jason | | 8:43
| Kovalenko, Oksana | 11133 | 10:30
| Peskett, Roger | 3726 | 10:33
| Zavestoski, Stephen | 6078 | 9:12
| — Day 5 — 201 km —
| Monarch Pass - Trout Creek Pass - Fairplay
Rider | RUSA# | Time |
Behrin, Michael | 12741 | 9:38
| Dickson, Barry | 9823 | 9:59
| Edwards, Billy | 6379 | 7:59
| Feldman, Tim | 4819 | 9:14
| Howell, Jim | 11847 | 8:18
| Kaminski, Jason | | 8:03
| Kovalenko, Oksana | 11133 | 12:30
| Miller, Peg | 6617 | 12:30
| Moss, Kenneth | 10738 | 9:40
| Peskett, Roger | 3726 | 11:00
| Zavestoski, Stephen | 6078 | 9:14
| — Day 6 — 203 km —
| Hoosier Pass - Loveland Pass - Louisville
Rider | RUSA# | Time |
Behrin, Michael | 12741 | 7:58
| Dickson, Barry | 9823 | 9:32
| Edwards, Billy | 6379 | 7:58
| Feldman, Tim Foon | 4819 | 7:58
| Kaminski, Jason | | 8:45
| Kovalenko, Oksana | 11133 | 12:30
| Miller, Peg | 6617 | 13:15
| Moss, Ken | 10738 | 7:58
| Peskett, Roger | 3726 | 12:56
| Zavastoski, Stephen | 6078 | 9:45
| | | | | | |
First Haute Randonnée Six-Pack Ever!
riders experienced the inaugural Haute Randonnée Six-Pack.
This Six-Pack was six point-to-point 200 km or longer brevets,
roughly tracing the course of Foon Feldman's 1200km event route.
Organizer Catherine Shenk refined and verified all the routes,
including a pre-ride on motorcycle, researched lodging, and led the gaggle of 15 randonneurs.
You can find more details on the
Haute Randonnée Six-Pack main page.
Huge thanks to Catherine for proposing, organizing and leading,
and to Jim Howell for trading off bagdrop duties and supporting the riders!
Photos courtesy of Steve Zavestoski.
More here.
200km --
7 July 2018
Indy 200
| Time
| Rider
| 9481 | 12:20 | MOERK, Michael
| 10173 | 12:23 | TUREK, Michael
| 8660 | 12:23 | WARD, Donald F
| 7898 | 12:20 | WARREN, Corinne D
First Indy 200 Brevet Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the inaugural Indy 200. This new course is an out-and-back from Buena Vista over Independence Pass to Aspen.
Riders were concerned about smoke from the Lake Christine wildfire near El Jebel and Basalt, but the
winds were blowing the other way. They also got to have lunch in Aspen with our friend and fellow rider
Erika Van Meter, who at that point had been evacuated from the fire.
Thanks to Mike Moerk for submitting the route and leading the brevet!
Mike Turek, Don Ward, Corinne Warren, and Mike Moerk
Corinne Warren and Erika van Meter - lunch in Aspen
Don Ward and Mike Moerk on Independence Pass
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400km/600km/1000km --
23 June 2018
St. Vrain Canyon (+ Brevet Week)
— 1000k (2/2)—
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 63:54 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1679 | 64:51 | MANGIN, L John ®
— 600k (4/4)—
| Time
| Rider
| 356 | 37:00 | BILLINGSLEY, Ken
| 6379 | 25:44 | EDWARDS, Billy
| 1060 | 35:45 | GREALISH, Chris P
| 2145 | 35:11 | LONG, Beth
| 2129 | 35:11 | MYERS, Brent D
| 6276 | 35:22 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 8660 | 36:57 | WARD, Donald F
| — 400k (8/7)—
| Time
| Rider
| 4819 | 18:00 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 1471 | 20:59 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 17:59 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11377 | 17:59 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11133 | 18:00 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 1842 | 20:48 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 10173 | 20:48 | TUREK, Michael
| ® pre-ride
St. Vrain Canyon (+ Brevet Week)
starters and
finishers rode the St. Vrain Canyon 400k, 600k, and 1000k brevets.
(The 600k also formed the end of Brevet Week.)
The first day was summery and dry. The second was brooding and cooler, with a swath of hail in the afternoon
south of Kersey. The third day (for 1000k riders) was brilliantly sunny and clear!
Thanks to Foon Feldman for leading these brevets, and wrapping up Brevet Week!
Chris Grealish, Oksana Kovalenko, Foon Feldman above Peaceful Valley
Jeremy Shlachter, Nate Hartokolis approaching Johnstown
Nate Hartokolis, Foon Feldman, Oksana Kovalenko, Dustin Harding, Chris Grealish at Johnstown
300km, 200km, 400km --
17, 18, 20 June 2018
Brevet Week - Rawhide Ramble, James Canyon Jaunt, Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 300k (4/4)—
| Rawhide Ramble |
12434 | 13:14 | ANDERSON, Joe
| 1471 | 13:14 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 11377 | 13:14 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11663 | 17:15 | WHITE, Kelly R
| — 200k (2/2)—
| James Canyon Jaunt |
6379 | 7:52 | EDWARDS, Billy
| 1471 | 8:30 | FOLEY, Paul A
| — 400k (3/3)—
| Lefthand Canyon |
2145 | 18:05 | LONG, Beth ®
| 2129 | 18:05 | MYERS, Brent D ®
| 10610 | 18:41 | NELSON, David
| ® pre-ride
Brevet Week!
starters and
finishers rode the first three Brevet Week events. See above for the 600k on 6/23.
This was a kind of "prototype" Brevet Week, proposed and led by Foon Feldman.
The idea of a Brevet Week is to offer (and have riders hopefully finish) all four Super Randonneur distances
in one week. This would get such riders qualified for Paris-Brest-Paris (or the Gold Rush Randonnée, Last Chance, etc.)
in one go.
- jle
Foon Feldman on the Coulee Challenge 1200 - Deb Ford photo
400km/600km --
9 June 2018
Lefthand Canyon
— 400k (9/8)—
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 19:50 | ALBERSHARDT, Andy
| 1060 | 17:27 | GREALISH, Chris P
| 9094 | 17:06 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 14:33 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 19:49 | MANGIN, L John
| 11313 | 16:52 | PETER, Joshua R
| 8660 | 25:48 | WARD, Donald F
| 7898 | 19:49 | WARREN, Corinne D
— 600k (6/5)—
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 34:29 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 7751 | 37:47 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 11847 | 31:38 | HOWELL, Jim
| 10581 | 32:40 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| 3108 | 34:29 | SHENK, Catherine ®
| ® pre-ride
Lefthand Canyon
starters and
finishers rode the classic Lefthand Canyon 400k and 600k brevets.
- jle
Foon Feldman on the postponed Poudre Canyon
600k on 5/27 encounters Catherine Shenk
pre-riding the Lefthand Canyon 600k
300km --
2 June 2018
Most Spectacular Cripple Creek Weather Ever!
| Time
| Rider
| 12073 | 15:48 | FEY, Jonathan
| 12631 | 15:50 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 10610 | 17:10 | NELSON, David
| 6276 | 16:00 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
Cripple Creek
starters and
finishers rode the Cripple Creek 300k.
This is an iconic ride out of Colorado Springs, and many thanks to Vernon Smith for designing it
and leading it once again! The times are a bit longer than a typical 300k, but it's not just to stop
and enjoy the scenery. There's a huge volume of climbing involved.
Many thanks, also, to the riders for taking on this challenge!
Some pics from my Cripple Creek ride on a similar glorious day ...
Pikes Peak from US-24 at dawn
Burro parade in Cripple Creek
Pikes Peak from hilly Hwy. 67 heading back to Woodland Park
300km/400km/600km --
19 26 May 2018
Poudre Canyon
— 600k (11/10)—
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 34:50 | ALBERSHARDT, Andy
| 4819 | 34:19 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 5417 | 34:19 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 12631 | 37:45 | HARDING, Dustin ®
| 11133 | 37:45 | KOVALENKO, Oksana
| 9094 | 34:19 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 5418 | 34:19 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 6026 | 28:30 | LOWE, Mark ®
| 1679 | 30:49 | MANGIN, L John
| 10173 | 34:19 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 7898 | 28:30 | WARREN, Corinne D
| — 400k (10/9)—
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 19:01 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 9603 | 26:08 | FRASER, Malcolm R
| 7751 | 20:34 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 11847 | 19:22 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 16:23 | KOVALENKO, Oksana ®
| 11863 | 19:22 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 3112 | 16:23 | RUPEL, Ray T ®
| 3108 | 19:01 | SHENK, Catherine ®
| 11024 | 19:40 | TURNER, Jason
| — 300k (6/6)—
| Time
| Rider
| 1060 | 13:40 | GREALISH, Chris P ®
| 2145 | 14:30 | LONG, Beth
| 2129 | 14:30 | MYERS, Brent D
| 11228 | 13:46 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 3551 | 15:55 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 8660 | 13:50 | WARD, Donald F
National Weather Service Snowy Forecast for Rustic for May 19
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Biggest Weather Switch Ever for Poudre Canyon Brevets!
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k, 400k, and 600k brevets.
Wintry, snowy weather was forecast for the original date, May 19, so we postponed these brevets a week, by which
time the high grazed 90° under bright sun. This was a great turnout and fine finishing rate!
Poudre Canyon was scenic as usual, and the plains and foothills were unusually green from lots of
recent rain (and snow). So now 25 riders have their early-bird 400k or 600k, or 300k, in the bag.
Heading up Rd. 23 at Dawn - Brett Cook photo
Climbing Poudre Canyon - Brett Cook photo
The "Party Group" starting on the Kersey Kick loop! Mike Turek, Michelle Grainger, Tim Foon Feldman, Steve Le Goff, Pascal Ledru
300km --
12 May 2018
Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 14:34 | ALBERSHARDT, Andy
| 153 | 15:06 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 4819 | 12:54 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 1471 | 12:54 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 9603 | 15:59 | FRASER, Malcolm R
| 12631 | 11:52 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 12:29 | HOWELL, Jim
| | 11:53 | Jacobshagen, Eric
| 10581 | 12:54 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| | 11:52 | Kaminski, Jason
| 11133 | 15:27 | KOVALENKO, Oksana ®
| 9094 | 12:54 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 10:17 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 12:54 | MANGIN, L John
| 10610 | 13:26 | NELSON, David
| 11313 | 11:54 | PETER, Joshua R
| 11956 | 11:52 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 3112 | 13:10 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 3108 | 15:06 | SHENK, Catherine ®
| 1842 | 12:54 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 6738 | 11:54 | STOCKMAN, Andy
| 10173 | 12:54 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 15:27 | TURNER, Jason ®
| 2307 | 11:52 | WALSH, Bryce
| 7898 | 12:45 | WARREN, Corinne D
| ® pre-ride
Luckiest Black Forest in Years!
starters and
finishers rode the Black Forest 300k brevet. The route was midway between soggy weather up north,
and bright sun with wind in Pueblo. So not brilliant weather, but pretty much ok.
Paul reports, "Although it was foggy and wet through the Ken Caryl and Deer Creek Canyon sections to begin the day,
the Palmer Divide and Black Forest areas were dry and even gave us some sunshine.
We had favorable winds through the route to Elbert, mild head winds back to the Black Forest,
and a nasty headwind back to Larkspur and especially headed north to the finish.
"Unfortunately, we also had heavy traffic along CO105 back to Sedalia in addition to the head wind.
Fortunately, I was part of an Audax group of seven (Vernon, Kieren, Mike T, Pascal, Foon, and John M)
that worked together well to weather the storm, traffic, cramps, trains, and general fatigue,
from the Black Forest to the finish in Littleton.
"No course records for finishing time, but perhaps course records for camaraderie and fun
(given the lack of snow and cold from previous editions)."
A big thanks to Paul Foley for leading the BF 300k! (Photos below courtesy of Paul!)
Great turnout - resplendant in lights and reflective gear!
Flying up Spruce Mountain Road!
Flying down Perry Park Road!
The "Party Group" at the finish! Cheery Vernon Smith, Mike Turek, Kieran Johnson, L. John Mangin, Paul Foley, Foon Feldman
360km+ --
4 May 2018
Colorado Front Range Flèche
Team: Quartier Lanternes Rouges
| Distance: 374km
| Rider
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle
| 5418 | Le Goff, Steve
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal
| 10173 | Turek, Michael (captain)
Nicest Flèche Weather in Years!
One team of 5 riders started and finished this year's flèche.
Corinne Warren's team was to start on Thursday, but those plans had to be scrubbed because of wintry weather.
A reprise of last year's ride by team Quartier Lanternes Rouges, this year boasted less wind,
more nice temps, and better eating opportunities.
Congrats to Mike and his team on another successful flèche!
Steve Le Goff, Michelle Grainger, Paul Foley, Mike Turek, Mike's wife Grace, Pascal Ledru
Thanks to Sukmi Ledru for a splendid post-flèche repast!
200km --
21 22 April 2018
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 2401 | 8:04 | DEROSSET, William M
| 4819 | 7:33 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 1471 | 7:33 | FOLEY, Paul A
| | 8:33 | Furey, Laura
| 1060 | 8:49 | GREALISH, Chris P
| 12631 | 8:49 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 8:05 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 8:49 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 7:33 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 6:18 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 7:33 | MANGIN, L John
| 10610 | 8:05 | NELSON, David
| | 6:52 | Olsen, Kale
| 11313 | 7:16 | PETER, Joshua R
| 11863 | 6:52 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11956 | 7:16 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 11228 | 8:42 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 6738 | 7:16 | STOCKMAN, Andy
| 11024 | 8:47 | TURNER, Jason
| 12608 | 8:53 | VALIANI, Mario
| 2307 | 7:11 | WALSH, Bryce
| 8660 | 8:49 | WARD, Donald F
Stove Prairie
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie.
Just as a week before, for the On-A-Lark 200k, snow forced us to delay for a day,
especially as the route tops out, like On-A-Lark, above 7,000 ft. Sunday greeted riders
with splendid weather, after some ground fog burned off.
A big thanks to Paul Foley for leading the iconic Stove Prairie brevet!
200km --
14 15 April 2018
| Time
| Rider
| | 8:50 | Besser, Mike
| 7468 | 9:49 | DELNERO, Gary M
| 12438 | 9:15 | DELNERO, Peter
| 1471 | 9:18 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 1060 | 9:10 | GREALISH, Chris P
| 12631 | 9:10 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 8:30 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 9:10 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 2145 | 9:30 | LONG, Beth
| | 7:46 | Michel, Mark
| 2129 | 9:30 | MYERS, Brent D
| 11956 | 7:53 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 1842 | 9:18 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 10:28 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 11024 | 8:38 | TURNER, Jason
| 12608 | 9:10 | VALIANI, Mario
| 8660 | 9:10 | WARD, Donald F
starters and
finishers rode the On-A-Lark. A cold, snowy Saturday forced rescheduling for the next day,
which turned out to be sunny and pleasant!
Colorado High Country veteran Gary Delnero from Kansas and his son Peter joined us.
Thanks to Vernon Smith for leading his On-A-Lark brevet!
200km --
24 March 2018
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 8:48 | ALBERSHARDT, Andy
| 12434 | 8:21 | ANDERSON, Joe
| 11054 | 7:43 | BENOIT, Diane M
| | 7:04 | Bevan, Richard C
| | 7:10 | Blythe, Ian *
| 5967 | 8:00 | COOK, Brett A
| 4819 | 7:43 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 9603 | 9:40 | FRASER, Malcolm R
| 1060 | 8:00 | GREALISH, Chris P
| 12631 | 8:00 | HARDING, Dustin B *
| 11377 | 6:49 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 10581 | 6:50 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| | 8:12 | King, Sarah *
| 11133 | 7:42 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 9:23 | LEDRU, Pascal ®
| 1679 | 8:03 | MANGIN, L John
| 10610 | 8:03 | NELSON, David
| | 7:35 | Nourse, Geoffrey *
| 11863 | 6:38 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| | 8:15 | Rodgers, Rich
| 11956 | 7:35 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 11941 | 6:49 | RUDOLPH, Steve L
| 3112 | 8:03 | RUPEL, Ray T
| | 8:15 | Schmiedeskamp, Micah *
| 6276 | 8:48 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 11228 | 7:43 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:52 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 9:40 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 8:03 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 2307 | 6:38 | WALSH, Bryce
| 8660 | 8:33 | WARD, Donald F
| 5298 | 8:33 | WARD, Kenneth
| 12189 | 9:55 | WEAVER, Brent W
| | 7:35 | Will, Mike *
| * first brevet!
| ® pre-ride
Kersey Kick
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick. A great turnout for our traditional start to the 200k brevet season, now moved
to a bright, sunny day in March! It was windier out on the Plains, but some of that was tailwinds, after
riders were sufficiently worn out.
Thanks to Ben Sigmond again for leading!
Ben Sigmond starting riders off
Mike Turek with his 2017 Flèche cert and new RMCC jersey
200km --
10 17 February 2018
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 9:05 | ALBERSHARDT, Andy
| 11054 | 8:54 | BENOIT, Diane M
| 2716 | 9:45 | EDWARDS, Joe
| 153 | 9:45 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 11847 | 9:12 | HOWELL, Jim ®
| 10581 | 7:35 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| 11133 | 9:05 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 10:25 | LEDRU, Pascal
| | 9:08 | Rico, Stephen
| 3551 | 11:33 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 10:25 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 11024 | 8:25 | TURNER, Jason
| 8660 | 10:13 | WARD, Donald F
| ® pre-ride
Pascal Ledru with Jason Turner at the start
Earliest, Windiest Rawhide Ramble Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble. It was a brilliantly sunny day with highes in the 50's, but winds lurked in the
forecast, and in fact came up later, making some extra work for riders. We were pleased to have veteran randonneur
Joe Edwards drive out from Iowa to add Colorado to his RUSA states, and complete his third R-12!
The brevet had more adventure than at least one rider was counting on. Mike Turek lost his shifting, and figured
he'd need some for Horsetooth. So he returned to the start with Pascal, switched bikes, and started off again. Nothing like
making the most of a 200k!
This brevet was rescheduled from February 10, as snow was forecast (and did materialize).
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading this, his first-ever brevet to lead!
200km --
13 January 2018
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 7:39 | BAKER, Christopher L
| 11054 | 8:46 | BENOIT, Diane M
| 2844 | 7:48 | DODGE, Tim
| 1471 | 9:08 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 5417 | 9:08 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 10581 | 7:45 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| 11133 | 8:46 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 9:08 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:08 | MANGIN, L John
| 11941 | 7:58 | RUDOLPH, Steve L
| 3112 | 9:08 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 3108 | 9:08 | SHENK, Catherine
| 10173 | 9:08 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 11024 | 8:46 | TURNER, Jason
| 12393 | 8:40 | WANN, Peter
| 7898 | 8:10 | WARREN, Corinne D
| | 7:39 | Weaver, Kim
First and Chilliest January 200k Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer. What a great turnout for our first-ever January brevet!
With temps in low 20's to start, riders descended into freezing fog,
coating eyewear and making visibility tough. But after an hour or so, conditions improved,
leading to a great if brisk brevet.
This was a special 200k for Catherine Shenk, her 120th straight month (ten years) of riding a 200km or longer RUSA randonnée
earning her the prestigious RUSA Ultra R-12 award.
Congratulations, Catherine!
And thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
- John Lee Ellis
Freezing fog - Caleb Carl photo
John Mangin, Paul Foley, Mike Turek, Catherine Shenk, Michelle Grainger, Pascal Ledru, Ray Rupel at the finish
Catherine Shenk awarded her RUSA Ultra R-12 medal. - Paul Foley photo
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