Registrations/Results Tabulation
Full Registrants & Results Grid
2019 Randonnée Summaries
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
108km --
28 December 2019
Lyons-Berthoud - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | DNS | FOLEY, Paul A
| 10173 | DNS | TUREK, Michael
Latest Calendared Event Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Lyons-Berthoud 104k Populaire. We had already rescheduled for Sunday the 29th,
to give the roads time to clear up after a snow, but it was not to be.
Paul cancelled the ride at the start after evaluating road conditions.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading, and for his good judgment in cancelling the ride!
Also, kudos to Mike Turek for showing up.
- Paul Foley photos -
Mike tries out the road surface
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108km --
21 December 2019
Apple Cider Sally - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 11761 | 6:17 | ALSTRIN, Chris L
| 11760 | 6:17 | ANDERSON, Laura L
| 153 | 4:37 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1471 | 6:17 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 9603 | 5:18 | FRASER, Malcolm R
| 13476 | 6:17 | HOFEDITZ, Joe
| 11732 | 6:17 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 11228 | 6:17 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 3551 | 5:18 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 6:17 | TUREK, Michael
Apple Valley Bridge jle photo
First Winter Solstice Populaire Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Apple Cider Sally 108k. Overcast skies in the 30's gave way to balmy sun in the 50's
for this welcome to winter. Apple Valley Road was navigable as long as you took a nimble line
past the ice floes from earlier snows. Riders made a couple of nice stops, including at the Old Mine cidery in Erie.
Oh, and this ride put Paul Foley over 10,000 km in RUSA rides in a calendar year for his second,
consecutive K-Hound award. Congrats, Paul!
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading, and for bringing both apples and cider to the
ride start, plus adorning the event with special extra rules!
Old Mine cidery in Erie
Laura, Chris, Paul, Ben, Mike, Joe and Karl at the sunny finish!
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200km --
7 December 2019
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 11761 | 7:30 | ALSTRIN, Chris L
| 11760 | 7:30 | ANDERSON, Laura L
| 13475 | 8:55 | DUNK, Angus
| 8770 | 8:55 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 153 | 9:56 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 8:15 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 7751 | 8:55 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12631 | 8:52 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 13476 | 7:39 | Hofeditz, Joe
| 11847 | 7:57 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 8:55 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 11732 | 8:39 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 3108 | 9:56 | SHENK, Catherine ®
| 11228 | 10:16 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 8:15 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 9:59 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 8:15 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 7898 | 7:39 | WARREN, Corinne Downs
| ® pre-ride
Heading out across new Erie bridge - Mike Turek photo
Largest Roggen Roundabout Turnout Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout 200k. Paul Foley reports:
"We had great weather, with a chilly start to remind us this was a December brevet. Seventeen hearty souls started together, and we slowly broke into smaller groups. Despite the storms of the proceeding week, the roads themselves were in great shape, and the snow was confined to the sidewalks and surrounding fields. A light tailwind carried us to Roggen, after which we had a mere nuisance headwind on the way back as the day
gradually warmed to a very enjoyable riding temperature."
Thanks to Paul for leading!
The group at Hudson checkpoint - Paul Foley photo
Mike, Vernon, and Paul
Mike Turek photo
Karl Sanchez's Rando Bike
Mike Turek photo
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200km --
2 3 November 2019
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| | 9:41 | Bagnall, Zach
| 153 | 9:30 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 9:10 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 11847 | 8:07 | HOWELL, Jim
| 6026 | 7:31 | LOWE, Mark
| 11228 | 9:10 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 3551 | 10:03 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 5691 | 9:22 | SZMURLO, Len
| 10173 | 9:10 | TUREK, Michael
| ® pre-ride
Mildest Platteville Poke-Along Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. Our event leader Paul Foley writes:
"After the blizzards of the preceding days, we were treated to relatively balmy weather, beautiful sunshine, and dry roads.
The daylight saving change blessed us with a warmer start and breath taking sunset.
Fortunately the gales of November took a day off, thus yielding an ideal start to the winter riding season."
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading with his usual aplomb!
A chilly but cheerful start!
Paul Foley photo
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Paul Foley photo
Paul Foley photo
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200km --
5 October 2019
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 8:48 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 7751 | 9:01 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 1679 | 8:48 | MANGIN, L John
| 9481 | 8:10 | MOERK, Michael
| 3108 | 8:48 | SHENK, Catherine
| 3551 | 9:26 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 7898 | 7:52 | WARREN, Corinne
Most Colorful VGV Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the VGV 200k. Paul Foley writes:
"We had seven riders who started, and finished, the Vail-Glenwood Springs-Vail brevet
in sub-freezing temperatures in the beautiful town of Vail.
As we descended the valley west bound, the temperatures slowly increased and the remainder of the day was very comfortable. We had a blue-bird sky, with wonderful fall colors contrasting with the ever changing colors of the surrounding rocks and trees that one rider (John) kept confusing with his favorite NFL team. Entering Glenwood Canyon an aura of awe seemed to overwhelm the group, with the towering rock walls gently guiding us along the wonderful bike path. We could not help but marvel at the magnificent views of the river, canyon, fall leaves, and clear skies.
"Turning around from our lunch stop in Glenwood Springs, we had a nice tailwind to gently
encourage us back to Vail.
John Mangin won the award for the most golf balls collected along the brevet course.
All in all, a wonderful day on a fantastic route through gorgeous scenery with good friends!
We were all very grateful that Catherine had designed and shared this enticing course with us."
Thanks to Paul for leading this splendid autumnal 200k!
Paul Foley photos
Clockwise: Paul, John, Catherine, Mike, Corinne
John and Catherine on the Road
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200km --
21 September 2019
Colorado Front Range Dart
| Rider
| Team DarTrek (204 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Michael (captain) Lt. Cdr. Geordi La Forge
| 1471 | Foley, Paul Cdr. Data
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle Dr. Beverly Crusher
| 9096 | Ledru, Pascal Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
| 5418 | Le Goff, Steve Cdr. Wm. Riker
| Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans (205 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 153 | Ellis, John Lee
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
Most Social Dart Ever!
starters and
finishers on two teams rode the Colorado Front Range Dart. Both teams' routes were similar to last year,
but with a twist. While the teams never rode together, toward the 22-hour mark, both routes converged on
a domicile in Longmont, Maison Turek, with hot dogs and beverages and stories to share.
They also managed to encounter each other a ¼ mile from the finish on the shadowy porch of the Starbucks.
This only whet their appetite for more conversation and conviviality at Murphy's at the Louisville finish.
Team DarTrek's members were assigned roles, by tradition, from Star Trek - Next Generation.
Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans reflects their flèche team name (Ptarmigan) plus their dart team name
last year (Wild Cats). The resulting creature's characteristics were discussed during the ride.
Thanks to captains Mike Turek and Vernon Smith for organizing splendid teams!
400km --
14 September 2019
Poudre Canyon (Rustic)
| Time
| Rider
| 12631 | 17:55 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 1842 | 17:55 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 22:15 | SNAVELY, Henry J
First time to Rustic on a September 400k!
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon (Rustic) 400k.
Conditions were reasonable, and the riders were motivated.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading his first brevet.
600km --
7 September 2019
Poudre Canyon (Rustic)
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 33:22 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 1842 | 33:22 | SMITH, Vernon M
Nicest September 600k Yet!
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon (Rustic) 600k.
It shared the toasty Saturday weather of the Stove Prairie 200k riders,
who saw them descending Poudre Canyon as the 200k riders climbed.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this brevet!
200km --
7 September 2019
Toastiest September Stove Prairie Yet?
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 8:48 | BENOIT, Diane M
| | 9:58 | Bush, Debbie
| 8770 | 10:00 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 153 | 8:46 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 12631 | 9:58 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11133 | 10:00 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 1679 | 7:56 | MANGIN, L John
| 13090 | 7:43 | NEJEZCHLEB, Henrik
| 6276 | 8:47 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 11228 | 8:49 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 10173 | 7:56 | TUREK, Michael
Stove Prairie
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k.
Among the riders were six who'd returned from Paris-Brest-Paris a couple weeks before,
and had shown up in their ACP PBP'19 jerseys (except for Mike, who wore PBP'15's).
A mild start turned into a summery ride, with many riders underestimating the need
for hydration and salinization, whether in the form of Cheetos, potato chips, or
other salty snacks.
A good turnout, with a smattering of PBP jerseys!
200km --
17 August 2019
James Canyon Jaunt
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 8:05 | BENOIT, Diane M
| 13090 | 7:15 | NEJEZCHLEB, Henrik
| 3551 | 9:44 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 5691 | 10:50 | SZMURLO, Len
Smallest James Canyon Jaunt Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k.
Nice weather made for a good day of riding. The small turnout was largely a factor
of the 17 brevet regulars' already being in Paris for PBP (which started August 18).
A big thanks to Catherine Shenk for leading this ride!
300km --
3 Aug 2019
Coffee Cup Classic
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 17:43 | Foley, Paul
| 3112 | 17:43 | Rupel, Ray
| 6276 | 17:43 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 1842 | 17:43 | Smith, Vernon
Biggest Coffee Cup Turnout Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Coffee Cup Classic.
The Peak-to-Peak 300k route was originally slated for this brevet,
but post-flood roadwork in Coal Creek Canyon closed that stretch to cyclists.
It was a bright, sunny rain-free day to enjoy! This route has over 17,700 ft. of
climbing, according to RideWithGPS,
so as Paul pointed out, more of an "SR 300" brevet experience.
Since this route was originally designed, paths have been added between
Genessee and Evergreen on I-70, and at Bakerville. And Hwy. 93 now has a full shoulder.
So the route was modified accordingly.
Thanks to Paul Foley for suggesting this route and for leading!
Thanks also to Catherine Shenk for designing the route, and updating it
to reflect road changes!
600km --
20 July 2019
Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 7751 | 36:45 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 11847 | 27:48 | HOWELL, Jim
| ® pre-ride
First July 600k Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the inaugural July 600k. Temps were toasty and the weather not entirely dry.
Thanks to Chris Grealish for suggesting this tune-up for PBP, and for leading
the brevet, his first time leading!
200km --
13 July 2019
Indy 200
| Time
| Rider
| | 9:01 | Alarcon, Elena
| 4819 | 8:55 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 1471 | 10:40 | FOLEY, Paul A ®
| | 9:35 | Henderson, Justin
| 9094 | 9:36 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 9481 | 9:49 | MOERK, Michael
| 11732 | 9:01 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 1842 | 9:01 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 7898 | 8:55 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® pre-ride
Biggest Indy 200 Turnout Yet!
starters and
finishers rode this summer's Indy 200 ride. Brevet leader and route designer Mike Moerk reports:
"A strong group of riders helped us make short work of the approach to Twin Lakes.
Great scenery and great weather made the first climb enjoyable, and the descent into Aspen was
exhilarating as always. After a short stop at City Market, we headed back up.
The sound of the Roaring Fork River was ever-present for our 2nd ascent,
as the abundant snow-melt came tumbling down, and we witnessed stunning evidence of the
many avalanches that slid this winter.
The heat of the climb was broken up by some welcome sprinkles,
and the group finished the climb without any thunderstorms chasing us.
Another great ride of the Indy 200!"
As you can see from Twin Peaks and Independence Pass photos, lots more snow
than you'd expect to see in July! (This after our big snow season.)
Many thanks to you, Mike!
Mike Moerk (MM) and Paul Foley (PF) photos
Climbing Independence Pass - MM
Independence Pass - PF
View down the pass - PF
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400km/600k/1000k --
22 June 2019
St. Vrain Solstice Brevets
| Time
| Rider
| — 400k —
no starters
| — 600k —
no finishers
| — 1000k —
11863 | 60:50 | RAMOS, Mateo
| | | | | |
Coldest, Wettest Solstice Brevets Ever!
starters and
finisher rode our solstice brevet offerings. Traditionally our "early bird" longer brevets in May
and early June have been cool if not downright frigid, making way for scorching brevets mere weeks later
at the solstice.
Not so this year! Despite some concern about snowfall and snow accumulation (!) on the Peak-to-Peak Highway,
in the end there was only fog, showers, snow flurries, and chilly temps at altitude, and then an even chillier descent.
Effervescent ride leader Billy Edwards greeted his rando colleagues
on a rainy, chilling, 4:00 am start. Our visitor Eileen Lloyd from the Bay Area, though extremely well prepared,
succumbed to a lack of time on the second day of her 600k. It was a pleasure to meet Eileen
and share restorative coffee with her that next morning.
Mateo was riding the 1000k for other reasons, and in the end did fine, though he said that
the blustery weather meant that he only found his rhythm again on the afternoon of the second day.
(Weather the third day was brilliant, as it was for last year's 1000k day 3.)
Given the conditions, good thing most of our PBP aspirants were able to go for
our "early bird" brevets. Many thanks to Billy for leading!
Pawnee Grasslands (Day 2) - MR
Estes Park (Day 3)- MR
Devil's Gulch (Day 3) - MR
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600km/400km --
8 June 2019
Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| — 400k —
153 | 19:08 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 7751 | 20:35 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12838 | 24:00 | JADHAV, Vikramsinh *
| 11863 | 15:30 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 3112 | 17:30 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 11732 | 21:10 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| — 600k —
1679 | 32:42 | MANGIN, L John ®
| 6276 | 33:30 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| ® pre-ride
| * first brevet with us
| | |
Best Lefthand Canyon Brevets This Year!
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon 600k,
while 7 starters and 6 finishers rode the 400k.
Riders included two visitors from California and one from Texas.
With temps ranging from the 50's to 70's,
it was ideal weather for a long randonnée.
Jeremy Shlachter photos
Dawn near Platteville
Cars on Rd. 24
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300km --
1 June 2019
Cripple Creek Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 13:20 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 3108 | 13:35 | SHENK, Catherine
| 3551 | 16:04 | SNAVELY, Henry J
Kindest and Gentlist Cripple Creek Substitute!
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 300k, on a day with very nice weather and a small ridership but high spirits!
After Vernon Smith said he couldn't lead his Cripple Creek 300k because of travel,
that 300k slot was up for grabs, and Paul Foley grabbed it, selecting Rawhide
as a pleasant route that would still be good conditioning.
Our riders met an unsuspected surprise as a movie was being shown in the Louisville-perm-ride parking lot
complete with food trucks. A festive end for tired randos!
Big thanks to Paul Foley for leading, riding, and enjoying!
At water-plentiful "Great Falls" on Rd. 29 and Rd. 22H Catherine Shenk photo
600km --
25 May 2019
North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne
| Time
| Rider
| 12073 | 27:30 | FEY, Jonathan M
| 11377 | 27:30 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11847 | 33:18 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 39:15 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 36:36 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 34:20 | LOWE, Mark
| 10610 | 37:52 | NELSON, David
| 11863 | 29:22 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 10173 | 36:36 | TUREK, Michael
| 7898 | 29:22 | WARREN, Corinne
First Ever North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne 600k!
starters and
finishers rode the North Park - Loveland Pass 600k. Event organizer and ride leader Corinne Warren reports:
"All ten riders who started were able to finish this new and adventuresome brevet up into Wyoming, designed by John
Mangin. John took riders up the most direct route to Poudre Canyon to save their legs for the long, gradual 58 mile climb
to the top of Cameron Pass, where there is still a considerable amount of snow. After a lunch stop in Walden, riders left
in roughly two groups of five to head north into Wyoming, where they were greeted with rocks and rollers and an
awesome descent into Woods Landing. From that point, the famous Wyoming wind picked up and it was a bit of a battle
into Laramie. Then a short leg on the interstate made everyone appreciate the scenic Happy Jack Road, a long and
gradual descent into Cheyenne. The smart riders got a hotel room in Cheyenne for a couple hours of sleep.
The brave
(and foolish) proceeded to cross back into Colorado and were rewarded with a pelting hailstorm in the middle of the
night. The riders trickled into Louisville in ones and twos over the course of the next day. It wasn't easy, but everyone
agreed it was a nice change of pace and somewhat of an adventure to do the whole 600k in one big loop."
Thanks to Corinne for organizing, and John Mangin for designing the route!
Cameron Pass - but with less snow
North Park - on High Country Pre-Ride
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600km/400km/300km --
18 May 2019
Poudre Canyon
— 600k — |
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 36:06 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 3112 | 35:18 | RUPEL, Ray T
— 400k — |
| Time
| Rider
| 4819 | 15:19 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 12073 | 15:37 | FEY, Jonathan M
| 11377 | 16:19 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11847 | 16:36 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 20:10 | KOVALENKO, Oksana
| 6026 | 14:40 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 16:19 | MANGIN, L John
| 10610 | 16:10 | NELSON, David
| 6276 | 19:35 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 1842 | 16:19 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 20:48 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 18:08 | TUREK, Michael
| 7898 | 15:19 | WARREN, Corinne
— 300k — |
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 15:47 | ANDERSON, Joe
| | 14:06 | Bush, Debbie
| 5417 | 13:40 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 7751 | 15:12 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 5418 | 13:40 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 2145 | 16:25 | LONG, Beth
| | 15:56 | Meertens, Marika ®*
| 2129 | 16:25 | MYERS, Brent D
| 13090 | 11:58 | NEJEZCHLEB, Henrik
| 11863 | 12:26 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11228 | 13:30 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| ® pre-ride
* first 300k brevet!
Luckiest Poudre Canyon Brevets Weather in Years!
finished the Poudre Canyon 300k, 400k, or 600k. Recent "Early Bird" Poudre Canyon brevets have
run afoul of snow, chilling rain, and rescheduling, but we lucked out this time!
A big thanks to Oksana Kovalenko for leading these brevets while I was
out of town!
Paceline with aerobars - Ray Rupel photo
Oksana K. and Tom Ehlman at Rustic
Debbie Bush, Oksana, and Tom Ehlman
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400km/300km --
18 May 2019
Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 4819 | 15:19 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 12073 | 17:37 | FEY, Jonathan M
| 11377 | 16:19 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11847 | 16:36 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 20:10 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 6026 | 14:40 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 16:19 | MANGIN, L John
| 10610 | 16:10 | NELSON, David Lawrence
| 6276 | 19:35 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 1842 | 16:19 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 20:48 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 10173 | 18:08 | TUREK, Michael Gerald
| 7898 | 15:19 | WARREN, Corinne Downs
Poudre Canyon
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k.
300km --
18 May 2019
Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 15:47 | ANDERSON, Joe
| | 14:06 | Bush, Debbie
| 5417 | 13:40 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 7751 | 15:12 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 5418 | 13:40 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 2145 | 16:25 | LONG, Beth
| | 15:56 | Meertens, Marika
| 2129 | 16:25 | MYERS, Brent D
| 13090 | 11:58 | NEJEZCHLEB, Henrik
| 11863 | 12:26 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11228 | 13:30 | SIGMOND, Bennett
Poudre Canyon
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k.
300km --
11 May 2019
Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 11265 | 9:00 | CARL, Caleb J
| 6379 | 11:18 | EDWARDS, Billy
| 153 | 13:51 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 4819 | 12:00 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 12073 | 12:04 | FEY, Jonathan M
| 1471 | 13:56 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 13:56 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11377 | 13:13 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| | 13:56 | Hofetlz, Joe
| 11847 | 13:13 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 13:56 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 13:56 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 2145 | 15:15 | LONG, Beth ®
| 6026 | 11:57 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 13:14 | MANGIN, L John
| | 11:18 | Morrissey, Patrick
| 2129 | 15:15 | MYERS, Brent D ®
| 10610 | 13:13 | NELSON, David
| 3112 | 12:13 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 11732 | 13:56 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 1842 | 13:56 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 16:26 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 6738 | 12:04 | STOCKMAN, Andy
| 11024 | 11:45 | TURNER, Jason
| 7898 | 12:13 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® pre-ride
Chilliest Dry Black Forest Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Black Forest 300k. It was chilly but dry, a switch from hot and windy, or cold and
drenching, or colder and snowpacked as in years past. A great turnout, thank you, fellow riders!
We are back to our classic Ken Caryl outbound + Black Forest on the way back route.
But not quite classic in an important way,
because the Chatfield Reallocation Project
means we again couldn't transit beautiful Chatfield Reservoir for that home stretch.
Special thanks to Foon Feldman for leading this BF 300k!
Ominous upslope clouds on the way to Sedalia on a pre-ride.
And the nice tulip mélange on Pearl Street heralding spring!
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Flèche --
4 May 2019
Colorado Front Range Flèche
| Rider
| Deer With Headlights (360 km)
| 3108 | Shenk, Catherine (captain)
| 153 | Ellis, John Lee
| 844 | McLerran, Doug ♣
| 3112 | Rupel, Ray
| Just a Flèche Wound (365 km)
| 7898 | Warren, Corrinne (captain)
| 11377 | Hartokolis, Nate ♦
| 1679 | Mangin, L. John
| 10610 | Nelson, David
| 2307 | Walsh, Bryce ♦
| Ptarmigan (361 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain) ♦
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin ♦
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana ♦
| 12884 | Leoni, Chris ♦
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (374 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Mike (captain)
| 9096 | Ledru, Pascal
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle
| 5418 | Le Goff, Steve
| 6234 | Warm, Ted ♦ ♠
| ♦ first Flèche
| ♣ visitor
| ♠ dnf
Most Perfect Flèche Weather yet!
starters and
finishers spread across four teams completed a highly successful Colorado Front Range Flèche.
Weather was ideal - mild and sunny during the day - although a bit chilly at night. Routes spanned
as far north as the Rawhide Plant near Wyoming and as far south as Colorado Springs.
7 team members were flèche rookies.
And we welcomed one visitor, Doug McLerran, from Aurora, IL.
Thanks to our team captains for organizing, designing their route, and leading their teams,
and to team members for having as much fun as possible!
Post-Ride Brunch at the
Sweet Spot Café -- Dustin Harding, Oksana Kovalenko, JLE, Chris Leoni,
Corinne Warren, David Nelson, L. John Mangin, Nate Hartokolis, Steve Le Goff,
Catherine Shenk, Vernon Smith, Ray Rupel, Doug McLerran -- Michelle Grainger photo
Deer With Headlights
Doug McLerran, JLE, Ray Rupel, Catherine Shenk
Quartier Lanternes Rouges
Ted Warm, Pascal Ledru, Michelle Grainger, Mike Turek, Steve Le Goff
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Pteam Ptarmigan
Dustin Harding, Vernon Smith, Chris Leoni, Oksana Kovalenko
Garden of the Gods as seen by Just a Flèche Wound
Corinne Warren, Nate Hartokolis, John Mangin, David Nelson, Bryce Walsh
| |
200km --
20 April 2019
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| | 7:48 | Barnes, Graham
| 11054 | 8:05 | BENOIT, Diane M
| | 9:20 | Beyer, Corinna
| | 6:25 | Bockard, Cliff
| | 9:30 | Bush, Debbie
| 2401 | 8:25 | DEROSSET, William M
| | 9:10 | Dunk, Angus
| 6379 | 6:38 | EDWARDS, Billy
| 8770 | 9:02 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 153 | 8:54 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 4819 | 8:32 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon ®
| 12073 | 7:29 | FEY, Jonathan M
| 1471 | 8:32 | FOLEY, Paul ®
| 12631 | 8:35 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11377 | 7:31 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| | 10:35 | Kojevnikov, Alexandr
| 11133 | 9:02 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 5418 | 8:35 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 6026 | 7:02 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 7:30 | MANGIN, L John
| | 10:10 | Meertens, Marika
| | 6:40 | Morrissey, Patrick
| 13090 | 7:17 | NEJEZCHLEB, Henrik
| | 7:17 | Peter, Joshua
| 11863 | 6:35 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11732 | 7:30 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| | 9:25 | Scheff, Scott
| 11228 | 8:30 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 7:31 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 9:52 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 12013 | 8:10 | STEPHEN, Ricardo
| 6738 | 7:17 | STOCKMAN, Andy
| ® pre-ride
Comfiest Stove Prairie Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k under comfy, mild conditions, temps ranging from the 50's
to the 70's, with some overcast to start, becoming sunnier in time for the big climb to Stove Prairie.
And a great turnout, too. Thanks to Paul and Foon for pre-riding and scouting out
construction and the sandy descent from Stove Prairie.
Oksana Kovalenko and Tom Ehlman summit Stove Prairie
New Stove Prairie School sign
| |
200km --
13 April 2019
14 April 2019
| Time
| Rider
| | 10:38 | Brink, Scott
| 11842 | 8:59 | DAVIS, Lee
| 11847 | 9:23 | HOWELL, Jim
| 9094 | 10:11 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 8:21 | LOWE, Mark
| | 8:21 | Miller, Tom
| 11257 | 12:13 | MIYAZAKI, Makoto
| 10610 | 8:48 | NELSON, David
| 3112 | 8:48 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 1842 | 10:11 | SMITH, Vernon M
| | 10:38 | Summerhill, Frances
| 5691 | 12:13 | SZMURLO, Len
| 7898 | 8:35 | WARREN, Corinne
Best Ever Post-Snow On-A-Lark Bounce Back!
starters and
finishers rode the On-A-Lark 200k. With temps into the 60's at the lower elevations,
it was a welcome turnaround from late-week snow that delayed the On-A-Lark by a day.
Good turnout, too!
Thanks very much to Vernon Smith for designing the route and leading this brevet!
JLE and Vernon identify Pikes Peak and a windmill as
landmarks on the route. Paul Foley photo
Vernon and Paul Foley exuberant at almost the top of Palmer Divide Road.
| |
122km --
7 April 2019
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 5:32 | ANDERSON, Joe
| 5967 | 5:52 | COOK, Brett A
| 4819 | 5:00 | FELDMAN, Tim Foon
| 1471 | 5:00 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 11847 | 4:33 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11940 | 5:00 | HUSTVEDT, Anders O
| 1679 | 5:00 | MANGIN, L John
| 11574 | 6:28 | MCKEE, Amanda R ®
| 11863 | 4:23 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11732 | 5:21 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 5691 | 6:11 | SZMURLO, Len
| 8660 | 5:16 | WARD, Donald F
| ® pre-ride
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
starters and
finishers rode the Horsetooth Hop on a bright, windy day. High spirits
abounded despite the windy buffeting!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
On the road!
200km --
23 March 2019
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 8:25 | ANDERSON, Joe
| | 8:48 | Bagnall, Zach
| 11054 | 7:35 | BENOIT, Diane M
| 1471 | 6:51 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 11377 | 7:39 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11847 | 7:30 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11940 | 7:31 | HUSTVEDT, Anders O
| 10581 | 8:06 | JOHNSON, Kieran J ®
| 11133 | 7:45 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 7:51 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 12884 | 6:51 | LEONI, C J
| 1679 | 6:51 | MANGIN, L John
| 6142 | 7:39 | NELSON, David J
| 11863 | 6:13 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11956 | 6:59 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 3112 | 7:51 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 11732 | 8:24 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 11228 | 7:29 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 6:51 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 8:44 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 12013 | 7:25 | STEPHEN, Ricardo
| 5691 | 9:00 | SZMURLO, Len ®
| 10173 | 7:51 | TUREK, Michael
| 2307 | 6:30 | WALSH, Bryce
| 7898 | 6:51 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® Pre-Ride
Wettest Kersey Kick Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. Some forecasts called for precip on the
eastern part of the route, and those forecasts turned out to be correct: 40 miles of chilly rain
and gritty roads greeted randos, buoyed up hopefully by enjoying a tasty burrito in Kersey.
A big thanks to Corinne Warren for leading this brevet!
At least not hail on Kersey Road like last June!
112km --
17 March 2019
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| | 5:07 | Bagnall, Zach
| | 4:30 | Beyer, Corinna
| 153 | 5:41 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1471 | 5:41 | FOLEY, Paul A
| | 5:30 | Fredman, Jane
| 11847 | 4:30 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11940 | 4:25 | HUSTVEDT, Anders O
| | 4:25 | Kaufman, Larry
| 11133 | 4:46 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 1679 | 4:20 | MANGIN, L John
| 11257 | 5:50 | MIYAZAKI, Makoto
| 11863 | 3:42 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 3112 | 5:03 | RUPEL, Ray T
| 11732 | 4:46 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 11228 | 4:35 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| | 5:30 | Summerhill, Frances
| 5691 | 5:30 | SZMURLO, Len
| 2307 | 4:20 | WALSH, Bryce
| 8660 | 4:37 | WARD, Donald F
| 7898 | 4:20 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® pre-ride
Quietest Carter Lake Populaire Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion Populaire.
It is our first event this year to be held on schedule (that is, not delayed by snow).
Riders had sunny, quiet weather, and we had a good group of new and veteran riders!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
Paul Foley signs riders in at the start
Makoto Miyazaki, Paul, Len Szmurlo, and Jane Feldman at the finish
| |
Ice retreats from Carter Lake
200km --
9 February 2019
16 February 2019
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| | 10:45 | Bush, Debbie
| 153 | 9:46 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 9:35 | FEY, Jonathan M ®
| 11377 | 9:07 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11847 | 8:35 | HOWELL, Jim
| 10581 | 8:40 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| 9094 | 9:07 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:07 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 9:36 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11732 | 10:53 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 1842 | 9:07 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 8660 | 10:45 | WARD, Donald F
| 7898 | 9:35 | WARREN, Corinne ®
| ® pre-ride
Windiest Rawhide Ramble Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 200k. This was another scheduling challenge,
as snow moved in on the originally calendared date. By the time the events
actually took place, it had been three weeks since the first pre-rider (Corinne).
Wind was the salient feature of this ride, as is often the case on our Rawhide
excursions, but the sturdy randos persisted and finished in good form.
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading!
200km --
12 20 January 2019
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| | 9:16 | Bush, Debbie
| 5897 | 10:12 | CRAMER, Cathy ®
| 1471 | 9:16 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 5417 | 9:22 | GRAINGER, Michelle ®
| 12631 | 8:40 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 8:22 | HOWELL, Jim
| 10581 | 8:24 | JOHNSON, Kieran J
| 11133 | 8:40 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 8:43 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 7:14 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 8:30 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 8:20 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11732 | 9:14 | SANCHEZ, Karl
| 3108 | 9:22 | SHENK, Catherine ®
| 6276 | 8:50 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 11228 | 11:13 | SIGMOND, Bennett ®
| 1842 | 9:16 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 3551 | 9:29 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 12013 | 7:43 | STEPHEN, Ricardo
| 5691 | 10:18 | SZMURLO, Len ®
| 10173 | 8:43 | TUREK, Michael
| 8660 | 9:14 | WARD, Donald F
| 7898 | 7:43 | WARREN, Corinne
| 12649 | 12:50 | WOODHAM, Dave
| 12650 | 12:50 | WOODHAM, Elisa
| ® Pre-Ride
Most Postponed Windsor Wanderer Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer 200k. This brevet was originally scheduled for January 12, rescheduled
for 1/19 because of snow and icemelt, and then rescheduled again because of more snow!
In the end, it went off smoothly and sunnily, with an enthusiastic crowd,
despite crisp weather with highs in the 40's.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this kickoff 200k for 2019!
Paul Foley addresses an attentive crowd at the Louisville start