Registrations/Results Tabulation
Full Registrants & Results Grid
2020 Randonnée Summaries
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
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Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
2020 - A Different Kind of Year
| Jan-Mar — Events but no Perms — 12 Events — RUSA Permanents were not available for insurance reasons,
so more brevets and populaires were added for people to ride.
| Apr-Aug — No Events — RUSA did not sanction any events, although Perms came back in August.
| Sep-Dec — Events (and Perms) except for Team Events — 5 Events —RUSA resumed sanctioning events except for
team events (including the Dart).
108km --
19 December 2020
Apple Cider Sally - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 5:52 | BUSH, Debbie
| 12631 | 5:52 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11133 | 5:52 | KOVALENKO, Oksana
| 1679 | 5:52 | MANGIN, L. John
| 10173 | 5:52 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 5:47 | TURNER, Jason
| 13565 | 5:47 | WEAVER, Kim
Windiest Apple Cider Sally Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Apple Cider Sally - Populaire 108k. Paul Foley - recuperating from a clavicle fracture
on the Roggen Roundabout - came out to greet riders at the start, and provide sustenance on the route.
Mike Turek, suitably attired for the season, brought cider and strudel bites.
Mike writes:
"The applest cider Sally ever! Paul met us out at Apple valley bridge providing Apple strudels
and 4 different Apple cider styles - including the now famous cidre de normande pascal introduced to us.
"Surprise - we saw Billy Edwards in Niwot out running. Talk about Joie de Vivre! Reminiscing PBP and planning for 2023....
"Despite some winds greeting us on 36 and a band of cold blowing through by those same winds, the sun emerged just in time for our
Erie Old Mine cidery compulsory control. we thoroughly enjoyed planning for next year post covid, discussing the 107F
Jamestown jaunt stop in august...and folks joining the Sally in years past."
Thanks to Mike Turek for suggesting and leading this populaire!
Photos by Paul Foley
A bright but chilly start!
Mike attired for the season
JLE handing out RUSA handbooks to newer members
Treats from Paul Foley at Apple Valley
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200km --
5 December 2020
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 8:55 | BUSH, Debbie
| 14034 | 8:24 | DOYLE, Michael
| 153 | 9:26 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 8:55 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 8:55 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 7:23 | HOWELL, Jim
| 9094 | 8:55 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 2145 | 9:21 | LONG, Beth
| 6026 | 6:42 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 8:55 | MANGIN, L. John
| 2129 | 9:21 | MYERS, Brent D
| 11228 | 8:47 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 8:55 | SMITH, Vernon
| 14035 | 8:24 | STENNES, Julia
| 10173 | 8:55 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 8:55 | TURNER, Jason
| 14059 | 7:21 | WITTER, Erin *
| ® pre-ride
| * First ride with us!
Largest Roggen Roundabout Turnout Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout 200k. Paul Foley writes:
"We had a gorgeous December day of riding for the Roggen Roundabout,
and a great turn out with a 100% finishing rate!
Light winds, pleasant temperatures and a beautiful blue sky belied the fact that we were riding in December.
However the snow on the fields in the eastern plains was a visually appealing reality check.
The seventeen riders maintained appropriate safety precautions during our COVID surge, yet also enjoyed friendly camaraderie.
All in all, another fabulous day for randonneuring !!"
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
A bright but chilly start!
Still snow cover on the Plains
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200km --
7 November 2020
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 14034 | 8:33 | DOYLE, Michael *
| 153 | 9:14 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 8:55 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 8:55 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 7:18 | HOWELL, Jim
| 9094 | 8:45 | LEDRU, Pascal ®
| 1679 | 8:55 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 6:37 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11228 | 9:36 | SIGMOND, Bennett ®
| 1842 | 8:55 | SMITH, Vernon
| 14035 | 8:33 | STENNES, Julia *
| 10173 | 8:55 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 8:55 | TURNER, Jason
| ® pre-ride
| * first ride with us!
Largest Platteville Poke-Along Turnout Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. The fairly overcast but mild November weather
made it a good day for riding.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading this PP!
The wide open plains on Rd 20 (jle)
Clouds plume over Green Ridge Glade Res. (jle)
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Vernon and Paul (Mike T)
Elk herd near Carter Lake (Mike T)
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Sandy's and Reflection of Dustin (Dustin)
200km --
3 October 2020
Vail Pass Volley
| Time
| Rider
| 4092 | 11:30 | CASTILLO, Justin
| 1471 | 7:44 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 8:32 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11847 | 8:18 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11228 | 10:06 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 7898 | 8:10 | WARREN, Corinne
Most splendid VPV Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Vail Pass Volley 200k. VGV (Vail - Glenwood Springs - Vail)
was the originally scheduled route, but the Glenwood Canyon Path is still closed
following the Grizzly Creek fire.
Paul Foley reports:
Saturday’s Vail Pass Volley occurred on a gorgeous Colorado fall day. Although the start in Frisco was just above freezing temperatures, the day warmed nicely and never got too hot. We seemed to have a break from the smokey air of the front range and enjoyed some blue sky, and bright fall foliage. Six riders started together, but we quickly separated as the climb from Frisco through Copper and up the east side of Vail pass took it’s devilish toll on warming up for a long day in the saddle.
Cresting Vail pass also lead to the thrilling descent down into Vail with a variety of speeds further separating the group. The more rational descenders got to appreciate the changing leaves, while those with less sense seemed to be hanging on for dear life around some of the twists and turns of the bike path.
There are now bicycle path segments between Eagle and Wolcott, and Eagle and Gypsum that kept us away from traffic and made those segments much more relaxing.
Winds were light heading west to Gypsum, and favorable returning east. However, the favorable winds did not seem to make the return climb back over the west side of Vail pass a breeze. That climb always seems to be rather challenging, but even more so when one already has over 100 miles in their legs.
All six starter finished successfully. Justin Castillo joined us from DC Randonneurs, and his successful ride qualified him for the American Explorer Award. Congrats to Justin !!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
-- Paul Foley photos --
Corinne Warren and Jim Howell crossing a frost-covered bridge
on the Vail Pass Path
Dustin Harding climbing the Vail Pass Path
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Justin Castillo on path in Eagle
Eagle River west of Wolcott
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Aspens at peak foliage colors!
More peak foliage colors!
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300/400/600km --
19 September 2020
Black Forest Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 13:38 | FOLEY, Paul
| 11847 | 12:13 | HOWELL, Jim
| 1679 | 13:38 | MANGIN, L John
| 1842 | 13:38 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 13:38 | TUREK, Michael
Latest Black Forest 300k Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Black Forest 300k.
The 400k and 600k were cancelled because RUSA was not sanctioning these distances in September.
The 300k was moved from Poudre Canyon to Black Forest because of the Cameron Peak wildfire.
This was our second event
since March, when RUSA stopped sanctioning events. And it is our longest event of the year.
It is the shortest longest event in our history (because we'd always offered an SR series).
Paul Foley reports:
"We had a 100% finish rate for five riders. Jim Howell finished first, as he decided to minimize his stoppage time. The rest of us rode together all day. We had a nice coffee/muffin/chocolate milk break in Palmer Lake to top off water bottles since the store in Larkspur was closed in the morning. There is fresh pavement and a new round about on Walker Rd just east of CO83, where the new high school is located, which is a nice change. Elbert HI-TEST store staff were extremely welcoming and supportive as always!
"The Black Forest Firehouse on the Run BBQ was busier than usual. A reflection of the delicious meals available, of which we took full advantage! They even have expanded outdoor seating on a new deck.
No snow nor rain, warm temperatures and moderately variable winds made for another great day for this band of frères to enjoy a ride full of camaraderie and merciless needling.
"The new leg along Moore Rd/Waterton Rd is perfect. Fresh clean pavement, large shoulder and only one vehicle passing us. None of us missed riding on US85, and all agreed this should be included in future rides.
We also took the new Eagle River St/Chatfield Lake Rd segment north of Titan Rd on our way back. Again, perfect shoulder, minimal traffic, smooth pavement, and much safer than Titan Rd."
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
200km --
12 September 2020
James Canyon Jaunt Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 13475 | 9:44 | DUNK, Angus
| 153 | 8:54 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1471 | 9:01 | FOLEY, Paul
| 11847 | 7:25 | HOWELL, Jim
| 9094 | 8:47 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:53 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 8:52 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11956 | 8:52 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 11228 | 9:07 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 8:52 | SMITH, Vernon
Nicest September 200k Weather Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k. Riders had near perfect weather, temps ranging from
the 60's to 70's under clear skies! This route was substituted for the traditional Stove Prairie route
because of the Cameron Peak wildfire.
This was our first event since RUSA resumed sanctioning events (in September).
Turnout was near normal for September. Virus precautionary procedures were in place, including:
photo or GPS proof of passage (no brevet cards or receipts), masks and distancing,
and waivers signed at home and brought to the ride start.
John Mangin, Paul Foley, Harris Rosenthal, Ben Sigmond, Pascal Ledru, Vernon Smith
distancing at the start
Green Ridge Glade Reservoir
200km --
21 March 2020
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 8:46 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| ® pre-ride
Smallest Kersey Kick Ever!
starter and
finisher rode the Kersey Kick 200k. I pre-rode the Kersey Kick on March 7.
Mainly very sunny, with variable breezes. Tailwind a fair amount of the way.
Lots of sand on roads, but now very little trace of snow. Bacon breakfast burrito at Kersey.
The populaire the next weekend was the last event before RUSA stopped sanctioning events,
so mine was the sole result for this 200k.
Burrito Selection at Kersey - reprise of Catherine Shenk photo
112km --
15 March 2020
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 4:47 | BUSH, Debbie
| 153 | 5:10 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 13709 | 4:41 | FIRNSCHILD, John
| 1471 | 4:47 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 4:45 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 9094 | 4:41 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 4:47 | MANGIN, L John
| 8421 | 4:45 | METZLER, Jason
| 11863 | 4:41 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 11228 | 4:45 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 5691 | 5:28 | SZMURLO, Len
| 10173 | 4:41 | TUREK, Michael
Second Carter Lake Populaire This Year!
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire 112k. It was another chilly
day with plenty of cloud and "atmosphere" but plenty of cheer, too! Paul and the riders
maintained good social distance, used hand sanitizer, and dealt with cards and waivers
in a hygienic way.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this fun ride!
An atmospheric Carter Lake
A brief stop at Carter Lake
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Plenty of elk in big herds near Carter Lake and Masonville
108km --
8 March 2020
Apple Cider Sally - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 13552 | 5:03 | BAGNALL, Z
| 13567 | 4:40 | BUSH, Debbie
| 8770 | 4:40 | EHLMAN II, Thomas
| 153 | 4:52 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 13709 | 4:34 | FIRNSCHILD, John
| 1471 | 4:21 | FOLEY, Paul ®
| 13677 | 5:23 | FORBES, Patrick
| 9603 | 4:47 | FRASER, Malcolm
| 5417 | 4:40 | GRAINGER, Michelle
| 11133 | 4:40 | KOVALENKO, Oksana
| 5418 | 4:40 | LEGOFF, Steve
| 11863 | 4:34 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 6234 | 4:40 | WARM, Ted
| ® pre-ride
International Women's Day Populaire!
starters and
finishers rode the Apple Cider Sally Populaire. This Populaire was added along with several
across the country as a
collection of rides in support of International Women's Day ... and to encourage everyone to
come do a randonnée.
Thanks to Oksana Kovalenko - who reported "a fantastic ride" - for leading this Populaire!
Photos except first three courtesy of Oksana.
A nice turnout!
Michelle Grainger
Steve LeGoff and John Firnschild
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Time for a break!
A great day to ride!
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200km --
7 March 2020
Lion Lookout
| Time
| Rider
| 6764 | 5:58 | BACHMAN, Greg
| 13567 | 10:39 | BUSH, Debbie ®
| 12918 | 7:57 | CONLEY, Chris
| 8770 | 12:21 | EHLMAN, Thomas ®
| 1471 | 10:39 | FOLEY, Paul ®
| 7751 | 10:23 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12631 | 9:17 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11847 | 8:13 | HOWELL, Jim
| 1133 | 12:21 | KOVALENKO, Oksana ®
| 13734 | 10:23 | SENO, Kazuki
| 11228 | 9:58 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:17 | SMITH, Vernon
| 5691 | 11:30 | SZMURLO, Len
| 7898 | 8:22 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® pre-ride
First Ever Lion Lookout!
starters and
finishers rode the Lion Lookout 200k. This is a new route, based on a Permanent route designed
by Paul Foley. Corinne writes,
"Fantastic March weather and a brand new brevet route brought out a dozen riders for the Lookout Lion 200k, a
challenging course that saves the best - a climb up Lookout Mountain and Mt. Vernon Canyon - for last. Wending it's way
through Golden, Arvada, and then the outskirts of Boulder, the route takes in rollers and views of the foothills and
delivers riders into Lyons, where most choose to stop and get a bite to eat. The trip back goes through Hygiene and
takes you right past our normal brevet terminus . . . but then up the McCaslin wall and back to Golden, for the final climb
to the finish. Even the stronger riders thought it a challenging - but scenic - ride, and kudos to Paul Foley for the route!"
Thanks to Corinne Warren for suggesting and leading this new brevet!
200km --
22 February 2020
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 8:42 | BUSH, Debbie
| 7751 | 9:25 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12631 | 8:42 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 7:45 | HOWELL, Jim
| 1679 | 8:42 | MANGIN, John
| 1842 | 8:42 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 13565 | 8:42 | WEAVER, Kim
Earliest Platteville Poke-Along Yet!
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. Many of these folks already had a 200k in
for the month, so this was just more winter fun (and possibly a Platteville burrito) for them.
Thanks to Scott Griffith for proposing this extra brevet and leading it!
112km --
15 16 February 2020
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 6:00 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 1471 | 6:00 | FOLEY, Paul
| 13677 | 6:00 | FORBES, Brock *
| 11847 | 6:00 | HOWELL, Jim
| * First randonnée!
Most Exclusive Carter Lake Populaire
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire 112k.
Weather was chilly but fine for riding. We welcome new rider Brock Forbes,
who lives nearby in Mead and could almost warm up biking from home.
JLE injected a surprising interlude on the Carter Lake climb when his chain snapped,
something that had never happened to him! Thanks to a chain tool and nitrile gloves,
we were underway a short time later.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this Populaire!
A chilly start!
... and finish! Notice how many layers folks did not peel off.
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JLE works on his chain
Thanks to Paul for the nitrile gloves!
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Carter Lake
Wild Turkeys
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200km --
8 15 February 2020
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 9710 | 10:05 | BEYER, Corinna
| 13567 | 9:45 | BUSH, Debbie
| 8770 | 9:45 | EHLMAN II, Thomas
| 153 | 9:42 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 7:50 | FEY, Jonathan
| 13709 | 8:34 | FIRNSCHILD, John
| 1471 | 8:34 | FOLEY, Paul
| 7751 | 9:29 | GRIFFITH, Scott
| 12631 | 8:34 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 8:07 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11133 | 9:45 | KOVALENKO, Oksana
| 9094 | 8:34 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 6026 | 7:42 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 8:34 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 7:43 | RAMOS, Meteo
| 11228 | 9:50 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 6738 | 7:41 | STOCKMAN, Andy
| 10173 | 8:34 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 8:34 | TURNER, Jason
| 13565 | 9:03 | WEAVER, Kim
| ® pre-ride
Biggest Rawhide Ramble Turnout Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 200k.
It had been rescheduled from the week before because of snow. Pascal reports,
"It turned out little bit chilly but overall a nice day.
Our group had head wind from Rawhide to Wellington to we worked well together and after that the wind died!"
What's more their stop at Burger King turned the ride into a royal event.
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading this popular brevet!
A frosty but sunny start!
HRH Pascal
All smiles at the finish!
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200km --
1 February 2020
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 9:28 | Benoit, Diane
| 11847 | 8:45 | Howell, Jim
| 1842 | 9:24 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 12:05 | Snavely, Henry
| 5691 | 11:12 | Szmurlo, Len
| 11024 | 8:04 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 8:04 | Warren, Corinne
Windiest Falcon-Limon-Kiowa Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Falcon-Limon-Kiowa 200k. Windiest, perhaps, but certainly the earliest brevet
held on this route. Riders "lucked out" because even when Vernon Smith used this route in April,
it tended to be beset by snow flurries, snowpack, and similar challenges. What riders did get was wind,
wind on the hilly, exposed stretch from Limon to Kiowa, complete with vigorous rollers to climb.
This is the wind that would bring downslope temps in the 70's to the Front Range the next day.
Thanks to Corinne Warren for proposing this brevet and leading it! And to the
good turnout from stalwart riders ... a bright move given the waves of snow that ensued in coming
days and weeks.
A colorful pre-dawn before a windy ride! Corinne Warren photo
104km --
26 January 2020
Lyons - Berthoud - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 4:47 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 5:05 | Foley, Paul
| 1679 | 5:05 | Mangin, John
| 11574 | 5:24 | Sterling, Amanda
| 5967 | 5:24 | Sterling, Brett
| ® pre-ride
Earliest Populaire Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Lyons - Berthoud - Populaire 104k.
As with the 1/18 and 1/4 Kersey Kicks, this event was added to help riders with their goals
in the absence of the RUSA Permanents program. But it attracted folks just wanting to ride, too!
A big thanks to Paul Foley for leading this populaire!
A colorful dawn herald's the prior week's Kersey Kick!
200km --
18 January 2020
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 8:30 | Bush, Debbie
| 8770 | 8:30 | Ehlman, Tom
| 153 | 8:40 | Ellis, John Lee
| 7751 | 9:10 | Griffith, Scott
| 12631 | 8:30 | Harding, Dustin
| 11847 | 7:35 | Howell, Jim
| 11133 | 8:30 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 11228 | 8:20 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 11024 | 8:20 | Turner, Jason
First Ever 2nd Kersey Kick in 1 Month!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. Despite the fact that most of these riders had already finished
a 200k this month (many of them on the Windsor Wanderer the prior weekend),
we had an enthusiastic turnout, and riders had a fine time, with some stiff headwinds toward Kersey,
but tailwinds by Hudson, which together with Kersey burritos aiding the riders on that home stretch!
Deb, Oksana, Dustin, Jason, and Tom at the finish!
200km --
11 January 2020
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 10:05 | BENOIT, Diane M
| 9710 | 11:00 | BEYER, Corinna S
| 8770 | 10:03 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 1471 | 9:46 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 10:05 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 13476 | 8:34 | HOFEDITZ, Joe
| 11133 | 10:03 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 9094 | 9:46 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:46 | MANGIN, L John
| 11228 | 9:00 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:13 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 10173 | 9:46 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 9:00 | TURNER, Jason
| 7898 | 8:34 | WARREN, Corinne
| 13565 | 9:40 | WEAVER, Kim
Largest January Brevet Turnout Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer 200k. A frigid start, at 10°, didn't discourage
the relatively large, and certainly enthusiastic turnout for our semi-traditional
January Windsor Wanderer 200k (actually 210 km) brevet.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading this one, and the photos below!
A cold but sunny ride!
Kim, Oksana, Tom, and Diane
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200km --
4 January 2020
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 9:05 | FOLEY, Paul A ®
| 12631 | 7:27 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 7:24 | HOWELL, Jim
| 3108 | 8:34 | SHENK, Catherine
| 3551 | 10:07 | SNAVELY, Henry J
| 5691 | 10:06 | SZMURLO, Len
| ® pre-ride
Earliest Brevet Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. A dry winter's day, but lots of downslope
headwind to fight on the way back!
Thanks to Catherine Shenk for suggesting and leading this brevet!
Burrito Selection at Kersey - Catherine Shenk photo