Registrations/Results Tabulation
Full Registrants & Results Grid
2022 Randonnée Summaries
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
200k --
3 December 2022
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| — 204k - fully paved — |
13567 | 9:13 | Bush, Debbie
| 14496 | 9:08 | Cooper, Trent
| 1471 | 9:13 | Foley, Paul
| 11754 | 9:13 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 9:13 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:13 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 9:13 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10173 | 9:13 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 8:30 | Turner, Jason
| — 203k - 30km unpaved — |
7898 | 9:13 | Warren, Corinne
| 12189 | 9:13 | Weaver, Brent (1)
| 14088 | 9:13 | Weigel, David
| (1) first brevet!
First Roggen Roundabout Dirt Option!
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout 204k or the Roggen Roundabout Roughened Up 203k brevet
(with 30 km unpaved). Mike Turek reports:
"Least wind and most gravel of any roggen. 17°F at the start, a typical roggen chill.
Folks all hung together until the gravelers pressed east instead of turning south on CR7.
We didn’t see them again until we were leaving Roggen.
It’s always fun stopping in roggen; the owners look forward to seeing us every year. S
he asked where our cards were even! I said post Covid we are electronic now.
"We all had an emergency detour coming into platteville due to a train blocking CR32
just before 85. We rode up front street far enough to hike a bike over the tracks.
South on 85, back on route.
Team gravel said they saw us leaving platteville as they finished their detour,
but they didn’t close the gap until after we took our mandatory refreshment detour
at old mine cidery.
"At the Isabelle and 287 light, the catch was made, and except for Jason who missed the
secret cidery control…the peloton was all together.
Stories of dirt and cider were exchanged. Gravelers said the dirt was all hard pack,
so they had a blast. However, us roadies, rolling on smooth pavement at 20mph was at
least as much fun! More dirt on calendar was requested!
"It was the perfect brevet day!!!"
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
| |
200k --
5 November 2022
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 15726 | 10:19 | Bell, Lindsay (1)
| 15792 | 10:57 | Center, Jack D (1)
| 14496 | 8:40 | Cooper, Trent
| 153 | 8:58 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 8:51 | Fey, Jonathan
| 11754 | 8:41 | Khan, Rashid
| 15791 | 9:25 | Kohen, Max (1)
| 14427 | 11:57 | Lagerlöf, Erik J
| 9094 | 8:40 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:41 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 8:41 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11228 | 9:18 | Sigmond, Bennett M
| 1842 | 9:50 | Smith, Vernon M
| 11024 | 8:43 | Turner, Jason
| 15730 | 11:45 | Turnley, Geoff (1)
| 15768 | 8:51 | Vacek, Veronika (1)
| 7898 | 8:41 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 8:43 | Weigel, David
| 15727 | 10:57 | Weller, Mitchell (1)
| (1) first brevet!
| ® pre-ride
Windiest Platteville Poke-Along Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. This was not only the windiest PP ever
but likely the largest turnout, including five first-time riders (welcome!). The fierce
wind led to record fast times getting to Platteville, according to Ben Sigmond, then a painful crawl the rest of
the ride up to Masonville and back to the Louisville finish.
Pascal Ledru reported that power lines had blown down in Hygiene, flanked
by emergency vehicles. Randos had to walk around them. A tough way to get in your
November 200k!
The large and determined start group!
Corinne Warren and John Mangin leaning windward - David Weigel photo
200k --
8 October 2022
James Canyon Jaunt
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 9:49 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 10504 | 7:16 | Jurczynski, Ann
| 2190 | 7:16 | Jurczynski, John
| 11754 | 8:09 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 8:16 | Ledru, Pascal ®
| 1679 | 8:09 | Mangin, John
| 11755 | 8:09 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11228 | 8:32 | Sigmond, Ben
| 1842 | 8:09 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 8:09 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 7:59 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 8:09 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 7:59 | Weigel, David
| ® pre-ride
James Canyon Jaunt "Support Ukraine" Brevet
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt "Support Ukraine" 200k.
It was a glorious, sunny fall day to ride the James Canyon Jaunt.
The "Support Ukraine" initiative came from the organizer of the Lviv/Mariupol randonneuring
region in Ukraine, and was adopted by the Audax Club Parisien.
We raised $324 in donations for Ukraine, plus the $65 in RUSA rider fees which RUSA will also donate.
This will be combined with similar events from other RUSA regions,
and randonneuring regions around the world.
The cheerful start group!
200k --
1 October 2022
Carter Lake Cakewalk
| Time
| Rider
| 14496 | 8:25 | Cooper, Trent
| 14817 | 10:15 | Deger, Alan
| 10504 | 7:54 | Jurczynski, Ann
| 2190 | 7:54 | Jurczynski, John
| 9094 | 9:41 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:33 | Mangin, L John
First Ever Carter Lake Cakewalk Brevet!
starters and
finishers rode the inaugural Carter Lake Cakewalk 200k.
Originally scheduled to use the VGV (Vail - Glenwood Springs - Vail) route,
we felt it was not dependable to determine whether the Glenwood Canyon path was actually open.
So we opted for a nice Front Range fall route.
The Carter Lake Cakewalk is a long-time Permanent, just cloned as a brevet route
for this event.
Riders had good conditions for most of the ride, despite an 80% rain chance in the forecast.
Things turned, though, late afternoon as a rain/hail mix moved through. As Trent Cooper
remarked, marble-sized hail can hurt!
A big welcome to our friends John & Ann Jurczynski who visit the Boulder area from time to time
and have sampled our Permanents when here. This is their first Colorado brevet!
John and Ann Jurczynski
Alan Deger
The cheerful start group!
Pascal and John
Pascal looking skyward at Carter Lake Marina John Mangin photo
Hail on 95th St. John Mangin photo
200km --
24 September 2021
Colorado Front Range Dart
| Rider
| Wild Cat Ptarmigans (201 km)
| 12631 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 153 | Ellis, John Lee
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14088 | Weigel, David
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (204 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Michael (captain)
| 1679 | Mangin, John
| 15668 | Milroy, Paul
| 11228 | Sigmond, Bennett
An even Brighter, Sunnier Dart?
starters and
finishers on two veteran teams - but with a first-time member or two - rode the Colorado Front Range Dart.
Weather was once again bright and sunny,
matching the mood of the teams!
Thanks to captains Mike Turek and Vernon Smith for coming up with good routes
and leading their teams!
Mike writes: "Team DarTrek set off from Sam's Club in Thornton to make it easier for our newest
randonneur to ride to start….we headed along South Platte, Clear Creek and
36 bike paths encountering murals and people along the way…
A gentle loop through Lyons stopping for great bbq sandwiches at Dave’s led us to Apple Valley.
Up to Carter lake we went…and of course we stopped to visit friend of Flèches and Darts Britt!
Watched the Aggies beat Texas in overtime!
My house continued a tradition of ramen and G&Ts ... then a race to the end!
So good to see Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans at the end!"
Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans stopped for scones and breakfast burritos a the Winot Cafe in Niwot,
burgers and sodas at the A&W store in Berthoud, Cokes in Masonville, and quiche and potato chips
at the Mtn Ftn in Hygiene. They also got treated to a vintage car parade around Carter Lake.
Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans
At the Start ...
... at Dawn
Vernon Resting at Hygiene
| |
Pascal Visits in Niwot
11½-hr Checkpoint on Coot Lake
Before heading to Finish
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges
| |
300k/400k/600k --
17 September 2022
Poudre Canyon
200k --
17 September 2022
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 14437 | 9:52 | Andre, Mark
| 14496 | 9:34 | Cooper, Trent
| 153 | 9:18 | Ellis, John Lee
| 11228 | 9:18 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:34 | Smith, Vernon
| 14088 | 9:34 | Weigel, David
Brightest, Sunniest Stove Prairie Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k. A small turnout, but a wonderful day to
enjoy Horsetooth, Poudre Canyon, and Stove Prairie!
We were able to see and wave to the Poudre Canyon 400k/600k riders as they
descended Poudre Canyon.
- jle
The Front Range from Rd. 1
1000k/1200k --
3 September 2022
Last Chance
| Time
| Rider
| Town
— 1200k — |
6151 | 81:39 | Anderson, Carl | Woodside, CA
| 7245 | 81:39 | Anderson, Gabrielle | Woodside, CA
| 5624 | dnf | Colavin, Osvaldo | San Diego, CA
| 12230 | dnf | Kazi, Abrar | Dublin, CA
| 12815 | 83:38 | Martin, Charlie | Sunnyvale, CA
| 5855 | 88:30 | Newcomer, Robert | Atlanta, GA
| 3726 | dnf | Peskett, Roger | Tucson, AZ
| 13438 | 86:53 | Polyak, Stephen | Coralville, IA
| 12218 | 79:26 | Strauss, Bryson | St. Petersburg, FL
| 10237 | dnf | Tam, Man-Fai | San Ramon, CA
| 11946 | 88:02 | Tanjuatco, Francis | Castro Valley, CA
| 11024 | dnf | Turner, Jason | Loveland, CO
| — 1000k — |
8935 | dnf | Dang, Dzung | San Jose, CA
| 8770 | 73:27 | Ehlman, Thomas ® | Broomfield, CO
| 1425 | 74:41 | Holzworth, Ray | San Jose, CA
| 11133 | 73:27 | Kovalenko, Oksana ® | Westminster, CO
| ® pre-ride
Roughest Last Chance in Years!
starters and
finishers rode the Last Chance 1200k grand randonnée, while
starters and
finishers rode the Last Chance 1000k brevet.
Some of the roughest conditions in years, with windy 100° weather the first day,
windy cool weather the second, blustery thunderstorms that night, and near-freezing temps
the final morning. A tribute to every rider, with congratulations to our stalwart finishers.
Huge thanks to Brent Myers, Beth Long, and Debbie Bush
for extraordinary support at the overnight locales, transporting food, drink, and drop bags, and
rescuing riders -- Debbie for third and fourth day, Brent and Beth for all four days.
4:00 am start at Quality Inn in Louisville
The expansive, rolling landscape of US-36
200k --
20 August 2022
James Canyon Jaunt
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 8:50 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 10610 | 8:34 | Nelson, David
| 14568 | 9:19 | Reddy, Silpa
| 11228 | 8:39 | Sigmond, Bennett
| ® pre-ride
A Small but Jaunty James Canyon Jaunt
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k. Conditions were mild for August,
highs near 80°, making for pleasant riding.
A big thanks to Bennett Sigmond for leading!
Jamestown Mercantile
1000k --
13 August 2022
Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch
| Time
| Rider
| 6379 | 62:58 | Edwards, Billy ®
| ® pre-ride
Another Solitary 1000k!
rider finished the Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch 1000k.
Billy Edwards portrayed a good, scenic ride, but with lots of solitude. Congrats, Billy!
Part of the Plains mileage on the 1000k.
300k --
6 August 2022
| Time
| Rider
| 11847 | 14:38 | Howell, Jim ®
| ® pre-ride
Tiniest Peak-to-Peak Yet!
starters and
finisher rode the Peak-to-Peak 300k. We welcome new rider Silpa Reddy, joining us after her recent move
to California, who did not finish officially but will be back for more!
Thanks to Dustin Harding for generously leading, even though he was doing another ride instead!
Silpa Reddy at start
Joined by Mike Turek, Tom Ehlman, Oksana Kovalenko, and Debbie Bush on the Coal Creek Conundrum 200k perm
200k --
23 July 2022
Kersey Kick Audax 200
| Time
| Rider
| 14496 | 11:36 | Cooper, Trent
| 8770 | 11:36 | Ehlman, Thomas
| 12631 | 11:36 | Harding, Dustin ©
| 14350 | 11:36 | Hescheles, C. J.
| 11133 | 11:36 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 2145 | 11:36 | Long, Beth
| 2129 | 11:36 | Myers, Brent
| 14088 | 11:36 | Weigel, David
| © Captain
C. J., Beth, David, Trent, Oksana, Brent, Dustin
First Audax Brevet Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick Audax 200k.
Dustin Harding reports: "After a 5 to 10 minute briefing on how the day was going to be planned out,
the eight of us departed Louisville at 8 am, with our first goal being Milliken at 67.4 km
(this is where we would take our first 20 minute planned break).
After some needed refreshments in Milliken, we headed to our lunch destination of Kersey,
where we would have 1.5 hours to relax and enjoy ourselves.
Typically, the food of choice at the Kersey stop is the variety of burritos that are available at the convenience store.
We elected to try something different this time. Brent suggested the pizza place across the street from the convenience store,
so we all headed over to Kersey Pizza to enjoy a couple of pies as a group.
This also allowed time to catch up, get more acquainted with some of the newer members,
and to get out of the sun. I really enjoyed this time. With full bellies, we departed Kersey and made our way south.
I knew this was going to be a challenging section to our next stop in Hudson as we had a 10 to 15 mile an hour tailwind out of the north.
I just had to watch the speed and soft pedal. We arrived at our last scheduled stop of the day in Hudson, and just at the right time,
I might add, the weather was definitely on the move. After gathering some snacks, the rain started to come down at a steady clip,
we just enjoyed our snacks inside/on the east side of the store where there is shelter from the rain.
After 20 minutes, we all decided to wait a touch longer as the rain was getting a bit lighter.
We left Hudson in light rain as we rode to our final destination of Louisville. We were now on the home stretch of the brevet,
with about 40 or so miles to go. And then we all arrived where we started 11 hours and 36 minutes ago in the Conoco parking lot.
The arrival timing was perfect as the weather was really moving in, it allowed us all just enough time to get our bikes loaded,
take a group photo, and to say our goodbyes before the skies opened up with a crazy downpour.
Thank you Brent, Beth, Trent, CJ, Tom, David, and Oksana for a great day on the ramble!"
A big welcome back to Beth and Brent after an absence during which they were missed.
And thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
For more on Audax, have a look at RUSA's Intro to Audax.
Sheltering from rain in Hudson
200k --
9 July 2022
Indy 200
| Time
| Rider
| 11847 | 9:45 | Howell, Jim
| 10610 | 12:02 | Nelson, David
| 3112 | 9:48 | Rupel, Ray
Bigger Indy 200 Turnout!
starters and
finishers rode the Indy 200. This was a trebling of last year's turnout! Jim Howell called this the
"toughest 200k I've done, but also one of the prettiest."
Welcome back to Ray Rupel from his "rando hiatus" the past year!
Dave Nelson reports: "It was a great day to ride Independence Pass
in the morning. A bit more difficult in the afternoon as things heated up in Aspen and up-Valley back to BV.
Good roads, less than good traffic. Near the bottom of the roll-out at the base of the pass Dave Nelson managed to catch the edge of big pot hole camouflaged in the shade and pretty much ruined his rear wheel. A quick 1.5 hour finding a shop and repairing the wheel to less-than-true and he was able to ride back up to BV, tire scraping the frame all the way home. No Prob, this means I get a new tire AND a new hoop.
At the start we had clear skies, crisp air, and moderate wind out of the northwest. We started out cool and casual until Ray took off like Bolt, soon followed by Jim Howell. These PBP vets rode well, beating me into Aspen by 15-30 minutes. Howell is a machine and Ray is, well, Ray-The-Beast-Rupel. On the return we picked up a quartering tail wind which made the blast back to BV a joy.
This is the best 200 KM I’ve seen/ridden."
Thanks to David Nelson for leading!
400k/600k/1000k --
18 June 2022
St. Vrain Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 400k — |
12631 | 20:09 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 20:09 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 20:09 | Ledru, Pascal
| 11755 | 20:09 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10173 | 20:09 | Turek, Michael
— 600k — |
15534 | 35:44 | Morrissey, Patrick
| 6276 | 36:00 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 7898 | 30:32 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 36:05 | Weigel, David
— 1000k — |
No results
First Lefthand - Glen Haven Solstice Brevets!
starters and
finishers rode the St. Vrain Canyon 400k/600k/1000k "Solstice" brevets. This new route climbs Lefthand Canyon
rather than St. Vrain Canyon, and descends via Glen Haven, because road work has closed St. Vrain Canyon
to cyclists. The result was more time on the Peak-to-Peak Highway, enjoyed by all, and
delicious cinnamon rolls at the Glen Haven Store.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
— Rashid Khan photos —
a crisp, but not cold, start to the day
High spirits climbing Lefthand
Sweeping views of the snow capped mountains on the peak to peak
| |
A fast descent from Glen Haven
Winding roads on the slow roll from Masonville toward Horsetooth
Day fades, but we’re sticking together and maintaining a consistent effort in the face of strong headwinds
— David Weigel photos —
— Rashid Khan photo —
The home stretch coming back into Louisville. Seven of the nine who started arrived in Louisville together.
A challenging but really fun day!
| |
— Jeremy Shlachter photos —
| |
300k --
11 June 2022
Lefthand - Glen Haven - ACP 300k Centenary
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 17:07 | Ehlman II, Thomas
| 1471 | 16:04 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 17:07 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 11:55 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11754 | 15:30 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 17:07 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 9094 | 14:39 | Ledru, Pascal
| 11755 | 15:30 | Moore, Jennifer
| 6276 | 15:30 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 1842 | 14:39 | Smith, Vernon
| 11229 | 11:50 | Tasan, Murat
| 10173 | 16:04 | Turek, Michael
| 14088 | 14:39 | Weigel, David
ACP 300k Centenary Medal
Hottest Brevet Ever??
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand - Glen Haven 300k. This 300k was added to commemorate the centenary of the ACP's first 300k brevet,
on June 11, 1922.
With temperatures reaching 100°, Dustin Harding reports: "That heat was really tough, we all just had to stay on top of the fluids and salts to keep going.
There were two DNF, Jason Turner and Andy Stockman." Jason and Andy were suffering from dehydration.
Jason received IV fluids. Both Jason and Andy
reported they had recovered.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
Photos courtesy of Paul Foley
Already light at the start!
Jeremy Shlachter + Jenn Moore
Rashid Khan
| |
Vernon Smith
Big Thompson Canyon
Photos courtesy of Rashid Khan
Big Thompson
Road 22H - unpaved segment
| |
Photos courtesy of David Weigel
Big Thompson Canyon
Glen Haven Climb
Horsetooth Climb
| |
400k/600k --
4 June 2022
Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 400k — |
153 | 18:58 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 18:19 | Foley, Paul
| 8421 | 20:25 | Metzler, Jason
| 1842 | 18:19 | Smith, Vernon
| ® pre-ride
— 600k — |
11377 | 27:34 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11754 | 36:06 | Khan, Rashid
| 11755 | 36:06 | Moore, Jennifer
JLE at MP15
Lefthand Canyon
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon 400k and 600k brevets.
This year, instead of descending St. Vrain Canyon, we turned around at MP 15 of Lefthand Canyon, this
because a section of post-flood roadwork in St. Vrain Canyon is closed to cyclists until November.
Paul Foley reports: "We had four starters for each ride and three finishers for each ride
(not including JLE on the pre-ride).
"The day started mildly chilly, but warmed up quickly after our first visit to Platteville,
as the sun rose and we headed west for the climb up Lefthand Canyon. A glorious Colorado summer day,
with a chilly morning, warm sunny afternoon, isolated rain, moderate swirling winds, and a crescent moon gave us the full gamut
of a long brevet. Working together, especially after the climb, a group of five supported each other thru the ever changing day.
After enduring a northerly wind out of Fort Collins, we rolled thru Wellington enjoying the tailwind that took us to Windsor.
We could track the moving afternoon weather fronts with their dark clouds, that brought joy from tailwinds and curses for head winds,
as we made our way to the vortex of Platteville for our second visit and finally back to Louisville.
"Reports from the 600k riders indicated 'Mostly favorable with light wind and clouds til Kersey,
then headwinds most the way home' on their second leg."
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
Photos courtesy of Paul Foley
Rashid and Jenn
Nyssa, Rasheed, Jenn, Vernon, John, Jason
| |
Photos courtesy of Nyssa Hartokolis
| |
600k --
21 28 May 2022
North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne
| Time
| Rider
| 14095 | 21:26 | Born, Erik
| 12073 | 27:02 | Fey, Jonathan
| 1679 | 38:26 | Mangin, John
| 10610 | 38:43 | Nelson, David
| 3726 | 38:57 | Peskett, Roger
| 11024 | 32:00 | Turner, Jason
North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne
starters and
finishers rode the North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne 600k. Half the riders rode straight through while
the other half stopped for a break in Laramie or Cheyenne. This ride was postponed a week because of snow.
John Mangin reports:
"Experienced a healthy dose of wind, but most of it was favorable.
Temps were pleasant at the start of the ride, with light tailwinds.
The afternoon featured heavy winds from the southwest.
Depending on where riders were on the route, this was beneficial, especially after Walden.
Riders going through the night got some helpful tailwinds into Cheyenne, and then mainly calm through the early hours of Sunday.
Riders who stayed in Laramie on Saturday night experienced southwest winds to start the day on Sunday,
and then sporadic storms with heavy rain and high winds.
Overall, conditions were good, and it was a successful ride."
Thanks to John Mangin for leading!
300k/400k/600k --
14 May 2022
Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 300k — |
14496 | 13:12 | Cooper, Trent (3)
| 153 | 14:30 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 12:37 | Foley, Paul A
| 8498 | 13:51 | Lien, John (3)
| 8421 | 14:18 | Metzler, Jason
| 13734 | 13:35 | Seno, Kazuki (3)
| 1842 | 12:37 | Smith, Vernon
| 15140 | 14:24 | VanSistine, Paco (3)
— 400k — |
14895 | 17:50 | Galeotti, Pete (4)
| 12631 | 18:15 | Harding, Dustin
| 1679 | 18:15 | Mangin, L John
| 11863 | 14:35 | Ramos, Mateo P
| 7898 | 18:58 | Warren, Corinne ®
| 14088 | 18:15 | Weigel, David (4)
— 600k — |
13567 | 36:20 | Bush, Debbie
| 153 | 36:24 | Ellis, John Lee
| 9094 | 36:20 | Ledru, Pascal
| 10173 | 36:20 | Turek, Michael
| (3) First 300k brevet!
| (4) First 400k brevet!
| ® pre-ride
Nicest Poudre Canyon Brevet Weather Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k, 400k, and 600k brevets. Pretty much ideal weather, dry and sunny,
highs in the low 80's, with some overcast and light NE breeze to make the Saturday afternoon segment comfortable.
This after a windy few weeks (including the days of the pre-rides)!
Rafting and kayaking have started up in Poudre Canyon, and the Mishiwaka is in full swing. But traffic
light to moderate and not a lot of vacation traffic yet. The rest of the routes went nominally, except for
the stiff headwind to Kersey which sharpened the burrito appetites for the 600k riders.
Sunset - Mike Turek photo
At Ted's Place - Pascal Ledru photo
Poudre Canyon - Pascal Ledru photo
Hwy. 52 near County Line Rd. - Mateo Ramos photo
On the way to Kersey - Mike Turek photo
300k --
7 May 2022
Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 14095 | 10:16 | Born, Erik
| 15412 | 12:45 | Collins, Chris (1)
| 12073 | 12:15 | Fey, Jonathan
| 1471 | 14:45 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 14:45 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 12:53 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 14341 | 13:11 | Jacobshagen, Eric
| 9094 | 14:45 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 14:45 | Mangin, L John
| 10610 | 16:53 | Nelson, David
| 11313 | 12:19 | Peter, Joshua
| 1842 | 14:45 | Smith, Vernon
| 11024 | 14:45 | Turner, Jason
| (1) First brevet!
Another Snow-Free Black Forest!
starters and
finishers rode the Black Forest 300k. A repeat of the windy conditions we've been having this spring,
but no snow, as in some Black Forests past.
Thanks to Vernon Smith for leading!
Courtesy of Paco VanSistine
Courtesy of Nyssa Hartokolis
Flèche --
30 Apr 2022
Colorado Front Range Flèche
| Rider
| Wild Cats - Ptarmigans (360 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14088 | Weigel, David
| Roadkill (372 km)
| 7898 | Warren, Corinne (captain)
| 6287 | Franz, Ryan ♦
| 11863 | Ramos, Mateo ♦
| Dirty Francing (371 km)
| 11754 | Khan, Rashid (captain) ♦
| 12073 | Fey, Jonathan ♦
| 11377 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11755 | Moore, Jennifer ♦
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (372 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Mike (captain)
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | Mangin, John
| 11024 | Turner, Jason *
| ♦ first Flèche!
| * DNF
Chilliest, Windiest, Most Ambitious Flèche Ever?
starters and
finishers spread across four teams - we almost had five -
completed another successful and fun Colorado Front Range Flèche.
Weather was dry and clear, but chilly and windy, especially telling for the three teams that chose higher
elevations for parts of their routes - Poudre Canyon, Rampart Range Trail, and Peak-to-Peak Highway.
And the most unpaved distance of any Flèche so far, including the Rampart Range Trail, the Darma road
out of Poudre Canyon, Pawnee Grassland (with a nice crop of goathead thorns), and Overland Trail (Super James).
Temps topped out in the 60's, plunging to the mid-30's for a crisp overnight experience.
In the photos below, remember you can click to enlarge!
Team Wild Cat - Ptarmigans
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges
200k --
16 April 2022
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 10:04 | Bush, Debbie
| 15412 | 8:05 | Collins, Chris (1)
| 14496 | 7:18 | Cooper, Trent
| 12073 | 7:41 | Fey, Jonathan
| 15404 | 8:17 | Greif, Jeremiah (1)
| 11377 | 8:17 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11754 | 9:15 | Khan, Rashid
| 14427 | 10:31 | Lagerlöf, Erik
| 9094 | 8:45 | Ledru, Pascal ®
| 1679 | 8:42 | Mangin, L John
| 8421 | 10:06 | Metzler, Jason
| 11755 | 9:15 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11313 | 8:17 | Peter, Joshua
| 11863 | 6:49 | Ramos, Mateo
| 1842 | 8:42 | Smith, Vernon
| 6738 | 8:17 | Stockman, Andy
| 11024 | 8:42 | Turner, Jason
| 14352 | 8:29 | Westphal, Andrew
| 14059 | 8:23 | Witter, Erin
| (1) First brevet!
| ® pre-ride
Chilliest Stove Prairie Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k. A great turnout for a chilly ride! Riders faced a 28° start
with a stiff NE wind. That may have been a help later, as the course turned south, but temps
never really got warm. Still, what a wonderful course, and riders reported enjoying the day.
Extra credit: Nyssa Hartokolis, Jeremiah Greif, Andy Stockman, Jonathan Fey, and Josh Peter warmed up
by riding to the start from Denver. You can see their photolog below.
A chilly start!
| |
Photos below courtesy of Nyssa Hartokolis
| |
200k --
9 April 2022
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 10:34 | Ehlman II, Thomas
| 12631 | 10:34 | Harding, Dustin
| 14341 | 9:05 | Jacobshagen, Eric
| 11754 | 10:34 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 10:34 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 9094 | 9:12 | Ledru, Pascal
| 8498 | 9:04 | Lien, John K
| 11755 | 10:34 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10610 | 8:58 | Nelson, David
| 1842 | 10:34 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 9:12 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 8:58 | Turner, Jason
| 14088 | 10:34 | Weigel, David
Windiest On-A-Lark Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the On-A-Lark 200k. Vernon reports: "At 5 miles into the ride Dustin had a huge staple in his tire.
We ended up fixing the tire three times so our 10:34 group was behind all day. Was windy all day."
Thanks to Vernon Smith for leading!
at the start - Pascal Ledru photo
125k --
3 April 2022
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 5:51 | Anderson, Joe
| 13567 | 5:51 | Bush, Debbie
| 8770 | 5:51 | Ehlman, Thomas
| 15306 | 4:49 | Goguely, Emile (1)
| 12631 | 5:51 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 5:51 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 5:51 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 9094 | 5:51 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 5:51 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 5:51 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11863 | 4:43 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11024 | 5:51 | Turner, Jason
| (1) First randonnée - welcome!
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
starters and
finishers rode the Horsetooth Hop 125km Populaire. A chilly day, as Dustin pointed out, and you can see
from the photos below, but plenty of fun to be had! This year's course has been refined in a number of ways,
and in the process, 3 km have been added so that it qualifies for the second tier of the
RUSA Rouleur Award.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
photo above: Dustin -- photos below: Debbie Bush
200k --
19 March 2022
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 8:53 | Anderson, Joe
| 14496 | 7:02 | Cooper, Trent
| 15308 | 7:59 | Creighton, Sam (1)
| 14264 | 8:00 | Denton, Samuel
| 8770 | 8:47 | Ehlman II, Thomas
| 1471 | 8:53 | Foley, Paul
| 14895 | 6:43 | Galeotti, Pete
| 12073 | 6:48 | Fey, Jonathan
| 12631 | 8:47 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 6:48 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11754 | 8:53 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 8:50 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14427 | 10:22 | Lagerlof, Erik
| 9094 | 8:53 | Ledru, Pascal
| 8498 | 8:11 | Lien, John
| 1679 | 8:53 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 8:53 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10610 | 7:57 | Nelson, David
| 6738 | 6:48 | Stockman, Andy
| 10173 | 8:53 | Turek, Michael
| 15140 | 10:40 | VanSistine, Paco (1)
| 14088 | 7:05 | Weigel, David
| 14352 | 8:35 | Westphal, Andrew
| (1) First brevet!
Largest Kersey Kick in a While!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. Mike writes:
"This was our most Numerous Kersey Kick in many years.
While we didn’t record Burrito consumption at the mandatory burrito control in Kersey,
all reports indicate that we made a run on the store.
We had a few new riders, including Paco VanSistine who joins us from Bike Touring fame and Sam Creighton. Welcome!
"We split up into groups - the fast group who had first choice on burritos, a large mid group,
and a party group (who made a detour to Erie for some much needed refreshment).
Based on pictures, we noticed that 4 of the 5 top finishers had fenders.
While certainly not needed yesterday, we “fender folks” welcome the company and note that they don’t reduce your speed.
"The weather, chilly at the start, warmed to a nice cool mid 50’s - for the Middle group, the winds favored us on the ride out
and shifted to easterly on the way back helping on the westerly legs.….
"All feedback was positive - we hope to have even more riders on our April Rides - On a Lark and Stove Prairie."
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
112k --
13 March 2022
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 12434 | 4:46 | Anderson, Joe
| 14871 | 4:43 | Chapman, Justin
| 8770 | 5:22 | Ehlman II, Thomas
| 153 | 5:10 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1471 | 4:46 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 4:46 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 4:46 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 5:22 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 9094 | 4:43 | Ledru, Pascal ®
| 8498 | 4:43 | Lien, John
| 1679 | 4:46 | Mangin, John
| 11755 | 4:46 | Moore, Jennifer
| 13090 | 4:09 | Nejezchleb, Henrik
| 11863 | 3:30 | Ramos, Mateo
| 10173 | 4:46 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 4:46 | Turner, Jason
| 14352 | 4:46 | Westphal, Andrew
| ® pre-ride
Mildest Randonnée This Season!
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire 112k.
After a crisp start, things warmed up nicely, roads still sandy after snow a few days ago,
but shorts weather by the end of the ride. Those final miles were graced by the longstanding two-mile detour
from Rd. 13 for pipeline repair. A nice day to do extra miles, at least!
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
A sunny start!
Frozen waterfall!
John, Mike, Jen, Rashid, Dustin, Joe, and Paul
Oksana and Tom
200k --
5 12 February 2022
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 10:18 | Bush, Debbie
| 1471 | 10:18 | Foley, Paul A
| 12631 | 10:18 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 10:18 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 10:18 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 10:18 | Mangin, L John
| 8421 | 11:19 | Metzler, Jason
| 11755 | 10:18 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10173 | 10:18 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 10:18 | Turner, Jason
| 14088 | 10:18 | Weigel, David
Coldest Rawhide Ramble Ever??
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 200k. This brevet had already been postponed a week
due to snowfall leading up to the original date. Friday the 11th brought more snow, but
thanks to good reporting that Pascal gathered, plus Jason Turner's pre-ride scouting - he drove parts
of the course he thought might be icy - it was determined it would be safe to ride.
Temps were 13° at the start hovering in the 20's for most of the ride, under a sunny sky.
Pascal started the main group at 9am to allow temps to warm and icy spots to melt.
He reports: "There were few spots to be a little bit careful between Mead and Berthoud,
then just wet in few places to La Porte, then totally dry after that.
Slight tail wind on the way back from Rawhide, so actually a good ride!"
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading, and for the photos!
200k --
8 15 January 2022
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 9:36 | Bush, Debbie
| 14496 | 9:05 | Cooper, Trent
| 12073 | 7:18 | Fey, Jonathan M
| 15079 | 8:08 | Gridley, Jonathon (1)
| 12631 | 9:05 | Harding, Dustin B
| 9094 | 9:05 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:05 | Mangin, L John
| 11863 | 6:45 | Ramos, Mateo P
| 10173 | 9:05 | Turek, Michael
| 14268 | 7:23 | Van Ekeren, Clayton
| 7898 | 8:08 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 9:05 | Weigel, David
| (1) first brevet!
Most Unexpectedly Pleasant Windsor Wanderer!
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer 200k. We postponed this ride from January 8 because of snow chances. This is
why we schedule the winter ones early in the month! Also, we started from South Boulder Rd. and Hwy. 42 so as to
stay out of the way of Marshall Fire cleanup near our normal start.
Corinne Warren reports:
"A chilly start offset by sunny skies greeted riders on this
mid-January day, the first brevet of the year. With Mateo off the front, the riders broke into two loose groups at the start,
only to fracture slightly a little later. A light tail wind made short work of the first half of the ride and on into the Windsor
turn around, but the headwind on the return slowed everyone down a bit as the temperatures dropped into the late
afternoon. Riders came in in ones and twos until the 'party group' arrived en masse, to finish out an unexpectedly
pleasant winter ride."
Thanks to Corinne Warren for braving half a foot of snow at home in Monument to lead our ride!
Corinne Warren, our ride leader!
Mike Turek, prepared rando!
Deb Bush signs in