Registrations/Results Tabulation
Full Registrants & Results Grid
2021 Randonnée Summaries
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
200k --
4 December 2021
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 14095 | 6:27 | BORN, Erik
| 14871 | 7:22 | CHAPMAN, Justin (1)
| 14496 | 6:49 | COOPER, Trent
| 8770 | 10:14 | EHLMAN II, Thomas N
| 153 | 8:52 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 14895 | 6:49 | GALEOTTI, Pete (1)
| 12631 | 7:49 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11377 | 6:50 | HARTOKOLIS, N
| 11133 | 10:14 | KOVALENKO, Oksana I
| 14427 | 9:40 | LAGERLOF, Erik J
| 9094 | 7:49 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 8498 | 6:59 | LIEN, John K
| 6026 | 6:49 | LOWE, Mark
| 14727 | 8:37 | MOORE, Andrew (1)
| 10610 | 8:34 | NELSON, David
| 11863 | 6:58 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 13734 | 8:43 | SENO, Kazuki
| 11228 | 7:53 | SIGMOND, Bennett M
| 1842 | 7:49 | SMITH, Vernon M
| 10173 | 7:49 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 7:19 | TURNER, Jason
| 14088 | 7:49 | WEIGEL, David
| ® pre-ride
| (1) first brevet!
Fastest and Calmest Roggen Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout 200k. Mike Turek reports:
"Founded as a Winter Perm in 2006 and Brevet in 2013 to avoid icy hills, Roggen is usually a windy cold fest.
Not this year, as a cool start warmed to calm plains weather and amazing views of the snowy front range.
A fast start and faster pace led out a good group anciens and first timers several finishing under 7 hours.
We look forward to seeing Justin, Pete, Andrew, Erik, Trent again (at least at the start).
"Unfortunately, an early mechanical dropped the “party” group back so pictures of the
Charly Miller
aspirants are limited - hopefully others send in more pics."
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading, with his usual aplomb!
Mike Turek photos except for start photo (JLE)
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200km --
6 November 2021
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 13178 | 10:25 | Aston, David (1)
| 13567 | 9:13 | Bush, Debbie
| 14496 | 8:39 | Cooper, Trent (1)
| 14817 | 9:58 | Deger, Alan (1)
| 8770 | 9:35 | Elhman, Ton
| 153 | 8:50 | Ellis, John Lee
| 12631 | 8:39 | Harding, Dustin
| 11847 | 8:23 | Howell, Jim
| 11754 | 8:39 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 9:35 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14427 | 10:14 | Lagerlöf, Erik
| 9094 | 8:46 | Ledru, Pascal ®
| 11755 | 8:39 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11863 | 7:01 | Ramos, Mateo
| 13734 | 8:43 | Seno, Kazuki (1)
| 1842 | 8:36 | Smith, Vernon
| ® pre-ride
| (1) first brevet!
Biggest, Balmiest November 200k Yet!
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. After a chilly start around the freezing mark, and a cloud bank
blocking the sun, the day warmed into the balmy 70's, with light breezes, a delightful day for a ride!
Thanks to four new riders for joining us on their first brevet!
And thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
Kazuki Seno, Dustin, Trent Cooper, Jenn Moore, Rashid Khan, Debbie Bush
at Sandy's
Nice cottonwood colors!
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Rashid Khan, Jenn Moore, Kazuki Seno, Trent Cooper, Dustin, and Vernon
at finish
Vernon cheery at finish
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200km --
2 October 2021
Vail Pass Volley
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 10:05 | BUSH, Debbie
| 14427 | 12:42 | LAGERLOF, Erik (1)
| 1679 | 9:42 | MANGIN, John
| 11228 | 10:20 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| (1) First brevet!
Most stunning VPV yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Vail Pass Volley 200k.
Once again, we changed the route from the VGV (Vail - Glenwood Springs - Vail)
because of concerns of closure and damage from the summer's mudslides.
After a chilly start, riders enjoyed peak fall foliage under brilliant sun. John Mangin reports,
"We had a spectacular day. Temps were cool to start, but warmed up nicely.
had a slight headwind on the way to Gypsum, and enjoyed a tailwind for the rest of the day.
The fall colors were in full bloom, with the Vail valley being particularly spectacular."
Thanks to John Mangin for leading!
— John Mangin photos —
200km --
25 September 2021
Colorado Front Range Dart
| Rider
| Team Wild Cat Ptarmigans (205 km)
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin (captain)
| 13567 | Bush, Debbie
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
Brightest, Sunniest Dart Ever!
starters and
finishers on one veteran team rode the Colorado Front Range Dart. Weather was bright and sunny,
matching the mood of the team!
Thanks to captain Dustin Harding for leading his team (as traditional captain
Vernon Smith was away after riding the Crater Lake 1200)!
The Wild Cat Ptarmigans head out!
300/400/600km --
18 September 2021
Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 300k — |
12631 | 14:44 | HARDING, Dustin
| 10173 | 14:44 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 13:39 | TURNER, Jason
— 400k — |
No starters
— 600k — |
11377 | 29:59 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 11847 | 31:18 | HOWELL, Jim
| 11754 | 35:33 | KHAN, Rashid
Toastiest September Poudre Canyon Brevets Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k and 600k. Beautiful days, with some nice pre-fall colors in the canyon.
But a big temperature range, from about 43º to 90º, making for a challenging experience!
Nate Hartokolis, for one, welcomed this chance to complete his Super Randonneur series for the year.
This was a big reason why these events were scheduled in the first place!
Thanks to Michael Turek for leading!
— Rashid Khan photos —
— Nate Hartokolis photos —
200km --
11 September 2021
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 14437 | 9:25 | ANDRE, Mark
| 13567 | 9:55 | BUSH, Debbie
| 14151 | 8:58 | DOSSETT, Bill
| 153 | 9:52 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 9:53 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 9:53 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11377 | 7:35 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 11847 | 9:01 | HOWELL, Jim
| 5692 | 7:28 | JONES, Lloyd
| 11754 | 9:53 | KHAN, Rashid
| 14314 | 11:15 | KHUBLAL, Jamie
| 1679 | 9:43 | MANGIN, John
| 8421 | 10:22 | METZLER, Jason
| 11755 | 9:53 | MOORE, Jennifer
| 11863 | 7:02 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 11956 | 7:57 | ROSENTHAL, Harris
| 11941 | 7:55 | RUDOLPH, Steve
| 14704 | 8:36 | SCHUB, Nathanial
| 6276 | 10:00 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 10173 | 9:53 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 8:22 | TURNER, Jason
| 7898 | 7:53 | WARREN, Corinne
| 14059 | 7:55 | WITTER, Erin
| ® pre-ride
ACP Centenary Medal
First Centenary Stove Prairie Ever!
And Hottest September SP Ever! And Biggest Turnout!
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k. So that makes this, in addition to being the toastest September SP,
by far the largest turnout, thanks perhaps in part to celebrating the Audax Club Parisien's first 200km brevet,
100 years ago on this date! This established randonneuring allure libre (riding at your own pace, with others or alone),
which the ACP espoused. Finishers for this event were able to order a replica of their original brevet medal.
How hot was it? Jim Howell reported, "Hoo-wee this was a toasty one...
I was definitely suffering on the climb up Stove Prairie and on the return leg from Sandy's because of the heat.
Seemed no amount of fluids or food helped increase my pace- hot is hot I guess."
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
Nate Hartokolis photos except as noted
Great turnout! - jle photo
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"The Group is the Group"
-jle photo
Poudre Canyon - jle photo
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1000km --
21 August 2021
Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 65:12 | ELLIS, John Lee
| 11243 | 66:27 | STOLZ, Sarah
First August 1000k!
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch 1000k.
Sarah Stolz from Seattle and JLE benefited from good weather - temps in the 80's the
first day, and into the toastier low 90's the second and third, dry except for two showers
around Windsor, and fair to good air quality - particularly appreciated!
We were able to add this ACP 1000k mid-summer because of the ACP's flexible
scheduling policy because of the special circumstances of 2021.
First day was our traditional Lefthand Canyon 400k loop, cool but with brilliant weather.
Second day was a foray north of Kersey towards the Pawnee Grasslands.
There were some new miles for both riders!
Final day was Big Thompson Canyon under sunny, blue skies (and a headwind),
and cinnamon rolls at the Masonville General Store for those who got there early enough.
All in all, a fine, congenial way to ride 1000 km.
Sarah had completed the Colorado High Country 1200 just six weeks before, and we were
glad to see her again.
This 1000k completes her ACP
Randonneur 5000 award. She's now two rides away from an R-10000. For JLE, this completes
the R-10000.
Twilight Home Stretch
More Scenic Photos - Courtesy Sarah Stolz
200km --
14 August 2021
James Canyon Jaunt
| Time
| Rider
| 12631 | 8:06 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11754 | 9:30 | KHAN, Rashid
| 11755 | 9:30 | MOORE, Jenn
| 1842 | 8:06 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 9:01 | TUREK, Mike ®
| ® pre-ride
Best Air Quality in a While!
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k. A nice day, much better smoke and haze conditions
than we've seen lately!
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
- jle
300km --
7 August 2021
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 15:19 | Bush, Debbie
| 1471 | 14:12 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 14:12 | Harding, Dustin
| 1679 | 14:12 | Mangin, John
| 4386 | 15:20 | Michels, Chris
| 11863 | 11:28 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11228 | 15:24 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 14:12 | Smith, Vernon
| 11024 | 14:12 | Turner, Jason
| 13565 | 13:15 | Weaver, Kim
Smokiest Peak-to-Peak (or Any Brevet) Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Peak-to-Peak 300k.
This was an heroic feat, given the smoky air quality.
Mateo Ramos said he had to throttle back to pace himself ... and then got stung by a bee!
(Unrelated to air quality.)
This is a return to our classic route, all the way to Estes Park and down through
Glen Haven, not used since the 2013 floods. Now, reconstructed roads and smooth pavement
greet our riders ... and cinnamon rolls!
Big welcome to Chris Michels who came all the way from Houston to join us on this challenging 300k.
And thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
Jason pointing out where the Indian Peaks should be
John working on upper body strength
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Paul powering along
Paul, Jason, Vernon, John, Dustin at finish
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1000/1200km --
12 July 2021
Colorado High Country
| Time
| Rider
| 11199 | 87:14 | Anderson, Randy
| 11707 | dnf | Argo, Chris
| 3359 | 86:47 | Atkins, Stephen
| 3483 | 84:50 | Batek, Jon
| 11547 | dnf | Bell, Matthew
| 10133 | 87:21 | Bernhardt, Luis
| 9661 | dnf | Billing, Michael
| 9030 | 86:38 | Clayton, J. Andrew
| 5808 | 83:46 | Dorobek, Russell
| 137 | dnf | Dussler, Bill
| 4600 | 80:15 | Fichialos, Benjamin
| 1471 | 85:01 | Foley, Paul ®
| 12470 | dnf | Goebel, Gregory
| 6176 | 83:46 | Hands, Ian Page
| 12631 | 86:47 | Harding, Dustin B
| 11377 | 85:01 | Hartokolis, Nate ®
| 11847 | 85:01 | Howell, Jim ®
| 9700 | 86:47 | Ishihara, Mitch
| 11376 | 83:46 | Kenny, Stephen
| 13641 | 83:49 | Klem, John L
| 11882 | 86:17 | Kreger, Matt
| 9094 | 86:47 | Ledru, Pascal
| 12815 | 83:46 | Martin, Charlie
| 9343 | 84:50 | McAlister, Grant
| 10738 | 87:01 | Moss, Ken
| 4574 | 87:21 | Newberry, Jeff
| 12290 | dnf | Ngo, Christopher
| 12193 | 86:47 | Nguyen, John D
| 3097 | 85:39 | Nguyen, Thai
| 7203 | dnf | Nicholson, Jack
| 3726 | dnf | Peskett, Roger
| 2812 | 87:03 | Peterson, Eric
| 8415 | 87:14 | Ross, Graham
| 7533 | 87:14 | Sapuntzakis, Andrew
| 1842 | 85:01 | Smith, Vernon ®
| 11243 | 87:14 | Stolz, Sarah
| 1847 | 83:49 | Sturgill, Mike
| 64 | 85:01 | Thomas, Mark ®
| 8777 | 87:21 | Tulloh, Rob
| 10173 | 86:47 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 78:25 | Turner, Jason
| 7383 | 84:50 | Uz, Metin
| 8154 | dnf | Walker, Kirsten
| 5365 | dnf | Watts, William H
| 6377 | 83:35 | Welch, Byron
| 5917 | 86:47 | Whitlock, Ray
| 3319 | dnf | Winkert, George
| 14059 | 84:50 | Witter, Erin
| ® pre-ride
Luckiest Colorado High Country Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Colorado High Country 1200k, including five pre-riders.
The finishing rate was 75%, higher than the previous edition in 2016 with
its wildfires,winds, and blowing ash. So, yes, we were lucky. Also that the next week flood
and mudslides closed Poudre Canyon.
A great group of riders from all over, though fewer foreigners because of travel restrictions.
And after we had to cancel CHC'20 because of COVID, a marvelous comeback!
Riders liked three overnights in Walden, and the event support.
Big thanks to volunteers Tim "Foon" Feldman, Paul Foley, Jim Howell, Kerin Huber, Beth Long, Brent Myers,
Vernon Smith, Brett Sterling,
and rider spouse Kyrsten Bell!
You can find lots of info on the
CHC Main Page, and photos and stories on
the CHC Blog.
Enthusiastic start in Louisville!
A good-sized peloton up Poudre Canyon!
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4:00 am start down Main St. in Walden
Conferring at Snowy Range Pass
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High point of the route!
Some of our dauntless volunteers: Paul Foley,
Lane Parker, Kerin Huber, Brent Myers, Vernon Smith, Jim Howell!
| |
200km --
10 July 2021
Indy 200
| Time
| Rider
| 2060 | 11:27 | HUBER, Kerin
Most Exclusive Indy 200 Ever!
starter and
finisher rode the Indy 200 200k.
After Mike Moerk reported he couldn't lead because of an injury,
our friend Kerin Huber from Pasadena, CA graciously
agreed to lead this challenging high-season 200k, and she turned out to be the only rider!
Kerin points out that the lowest point on this ride is about the same as the highest
point on the Angeles Crest Highway, one of her favorite climbs near home.
Kerin went on to volunteer for 4½ days on the Colorado High Country.
Now that's an endurance experience! Thanks, Kerin.
Kerin on Independence Pass
600km --
19 June 2021
South Park
| Time
| Rider
| No riders.
Sparsest turnout ever!
A stormy weather forecast diminished the ridership to 0, on
a challenging route in the mountains that really calls for good weather.
All the same, thanks to Vernon Smith for organizing!
400/600/1000km --
19 June 2021
St. Vrain Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| — 400k — |
11377 | 18:22 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 1679 | 18:22 | MANGIN, John
| 11228 | 21:13 | SIGMOND, Ben (1)
| 11024 | 18:22 | TURNER, Jason
| — 600k — |
153 | 37:19 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 11755 | 36:11 | MOORE, Jennifer
| — 1000k — |
No riders.
| ® pre-ride
| (1) First 400k!
First St. Vrain Canyon - Glen Haven Since Floods!
starters and
finishers rode the St. Vrain Canyon 400k and 600k brevets. We rode the St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch - Glen Haven route for
the first time since the 2013 flood. Since then, the Glen Haven Road has been reengineered and reconstructed, and a years-long
project to resurface and widen Hwy. 7 from Hwy. 72 to Lily Lake finally completed. (Sections of Hwy. 7 had been narrow and in bad shape
for years, then further damaged by the flood and post-flood traffic.)
Congrats to Ben Sigmond on his first 400k! And to Jennifer Moore, completing an SR series
that began in her erstwhile home of Arizona.
John Mangin reports:
"The ride went well overall. We had pleasant conditions most of the day with some cloudiness to keep the heat at bay.
A tactfully planned stop for lunch in La Porte kept us from getting caught in the afternoon storms.
We enjoyed a tailwind from Rawhide to Wellington, but then dealt with a headwind from Wellington to the finish.
All in all it was a great ride!"
Thanks to John Mangin for leading!
-- John Mangin photos --
St. Malo near Meeker Peak
Above Devil's Gulch looking into RMNP
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300km --
12 June 2021
Cripple Creek
| Time
| Rider
| 1842 | 16:06 | SMITH, Vernon
Lightest-Attended Cripple Creek 300k!
starter and
finisher rode the Cripple Creek 300k. Ride leader and route designer report:
"The weather for the first 100 miles was picture perfect - all the way to Deckers.
Then it was HOT all the way to Pine Junction with three big low altitude (6,000-8,000 ft) climbs,
and continued hot back through Deckers and halfway back to Woodland Park.
No matter that I was alone - I certainly had a good time. It's a great course."
Thanks to Vernon Smith for organizing this iconic brevet!
Pikes Peak near Woodland Park
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Florissant Natural Area?
Above Cripple Creek
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400/600km --
5 June 2021
Lefthand Canyon
— 400k — |
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 19:43 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 19:29 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 19:29 | HARDING, Dustin
| 9094 | 19:29 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1842 | 19:29 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 19:29 | TUREK, Michael
| 7898 | 17:56 | WARREN, Corinne
| 14059 | 19:29 | WITTER, Erin
| — 600k — |
11847 | 28:51 | HOWELL, Jim
| 6026 | 34:26 | LOWE, Mark
| ® pre-ride
Most Brilliant Lefthand Canyon Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon 400k and 600k brevets. Paul Foley reports:
"The day started smoothly with a gorgeous sunrise as we headed to Platteville.
A group of six left Platteville together and would spend the rest of the day together,
nursing each other thru our individual low points. Climbing Nelson Road, we had fun cheering on triathletes speeding down the road.
Lefthand Canyon was very lush and sunny, and gave us the opportunity to see many other riders climbing also.
Several that we visited with were aware of brevets, and expressed feigned interest.
The snow was still deep on the peaks in Rocky Mountain National Park as we rolled across the Peak to Peak highway.
"We decided to take a break in Lyons at Oscar Blues to cool down and rehydrate.
Just as the temperatures were getting into the nineties near Masonville, a cloud cover rolled in to provide much appreciated relief.
Turning back south after a sandwich in Wellington, we were blessed by a tailwind that took us all the way to Millikan.
Although we were treated by a stunning lightening display south and west of us as we left Milliken,
the front from that storm produced headwinds that made the final leg home more work
than we were looking for after getting over 200 miles in our legs.
However, the storm did skirt around us, so we avoided any rain as we finally returned to Louisville."
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
Indian Peaks overlook
Indian Peaks overlook
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200km --
29 May 2021
James Canyon Jaunt
| Time
| Rider
| 14151 | 10:01 | DOSSETT, William
| 153 | 9:44 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 11377 | 8:10 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 9094 | 8:12 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:10 | MANGIN, John
| 11755 | 8:10 | MOORE, Jennifer
| 10610 | 8:10 | NELSON, David
| 6276 | 8:08 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 11228 | 8:28 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 11229 | 7:25 | TASAN, Murat (1)
| (1) First brevet!
| ® pre-ride
First May 200k in a Decade!
starters and
finishers rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k. On a bright sunny day, the majority of riders
with fendered bikes assured flawless weather. The Jamestown park's water sources are now
open for the season, a good thing on this balmy day.
Thanks to Ben Sigmond and John Mangin for helping out at the ride start!
Fendered bikes in the majority at the start!
600km --
22 May 2021
North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne
| Time
| Rider
| 12073 | 25:14 | Fey, Jonathan
| 1471 | 39:07 | Foley, Paul
| 1679 | 39:07 | Mangin, John
| 11863 | 24:39 | Ramos, Mateo
| 1842 | 39:07 | Smith, Vernon
| 11024 | 39:07 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 39:07 | Warren, Corinne
No Hail on this North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne 600k!
starters and
finishers rode the second edition of the North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne 600k. Brilliant sun to start,
But then rain heading into Laramie turned Laramie into the preferred spot for an overnight break.
"Most time I've ever slept on a 600k!" The main story, though, was the wind, with stiff headwinds
from Wood's Landing (heading to Laramie) all the way back to the finish. For Mateo and Jonathan,
who rode straight through, the timing of winds and rain were just different.
A big thanks to John Mangin for leading, and for designing the route!
Early clouds and chill
Tunnel in Poudre Canyon
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Glen Echo Store in Rustic
Cameron Pass
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Cameron Pass
CO state line on US-85 south of Cheyenne
| |
Big Sky country on US-85
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300/400/600km --
15 May 2021
Poudre Canyon
— 600k — |
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 36:05 | BUSH, Debbie
| 1471 | 36:05 | FOLEY, Paul
| 9094 | 36:05 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1842 | 36:05 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 36:05 | TUREK, Mike
| 14059 | 36:05 | WITTER, Erin
— 400k — |
12631 | 18:15 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11847 | 17:06 | HOWELL, Jim
| 6026 | 16:40 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 18:15 | MANGIN, John
| 11863 | 14:04 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 11024 | 16:29 | TURNER, Jason
— 300k — |
153 | 14:40 | ELLIS, John Lee ®
| 11755 | 12:47 | MOORE, Jennifer
| 7898 | 11:06 | WARREN, Corinne
| ® Pre-Ride
Driest Cloudy Poudre Canyon Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k, 400k, and 600k. Despite moist air, overcast skies, and
forecast for afternoon storms, it turned out to be a pretty dry ride! Thanks to all who rode with us,
and to Mike Turek for supplying the photos!
Miluna the Dog helping at the start
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Paul Foley, Erin Witter, Debbie Bush
Pascal Ledru, Vernon Smith, Mike Turek
| |
300km --
8 May 2021
Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 15:17 | BUSH, Debbie
| 12073 | 12:28 | FEY, Jonathan
| 12631 | 13:48 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11377 | 12:58 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 11847 | 13:24 | HOWELL, Jim
| 9094 | 13:48 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 12884 | 12:58 | LEONI, Chris
< | 6026 | 11:36 | LOWE, Mark ®
| 1679 | 13:48 | MANGIN, John
| 1842 | 12:20 | SMITH, Vernon
| 14401 | 12:36 | TERRANA, Gaspar
| 10173 | 13:48 | TUREK, Michael
| 14088 | 13:43 | WEIGEL, Davis
| 14059 | 13:21 | WITTER, Erin
| ® pre-ride
A Fine Black Forest 300k!
starters and
finishers rode the Black Forest 300k. Reasonable weather, which is always something
to cheer about on this ride. And folks enjoyed riding back through Chatfield Reservoir,
after a couple years of construction which closed the through roads.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
Pikes Peak - Debbie Bush photo
Flèche --
1 May 2019
Colorado Front Range Flèche
| Rider
| Wild Cats - Ptarmigans (367 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14088 | Weigel, David ♦
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (365 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Mike (captain)
| 13567 | Bush, Debbie ♦
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 1679 | Mangin, John
| 11024 | Turner, Jason
| ♦ first Flèche!
Even Better Flèche Weather!
starters and
finishers spread across two teams completed another successful and fun Colorado Front Range Flèche.
Weather was ideal - balmy and sunny during the day - a bit chilly at night. Routes spanned
as far north as the Rawhide Plant near Wyoming and as far east as the Pawnee Grasslands.
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges enjoyed the most gravel (60 miles) of any Flèche team ever.
Thanks to our team captains, Vernon Smith and Mike Turek
for organizing, designing their route, and leading their teams,
and to team members for having as much fun as possible!
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges
John Mangin, Debbie Bush, Mike Turek, Paul Foley, Jason Turner
Team Wild Cat - Ptarmigan
Ted Ehlman, Oksana Kovalenko, David Weigel, Vernon Smith, Dustin Harding
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Pteam Wild Cat - Ptarmigan finishing
Debbie Bush and Jason Turner, plus Lisa and Mike.
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More from Team Wild Cats - Ptarmigan!
In Poudre Canyon
Snowy Indian Peaks
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200km --
17 24 April 2021
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 14095 | 6:46 | BORN, Erik
| 13567 | 9:24 | BUSH, Debbie
| 12631 | 9:24 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11377 | 8:40 | HARTOKOLIS, Nate
| 11847 | 8:44 | HOWELL, Jim ®
| 11754 | 8:40 | KHAN, Rashid
| 1679 | 9:24 | MANGIN, John
| 11755 | 8:40 | MOORE, Jennifer
| 11863 | 6:34 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 14311 | 7:22 | ROMAN, Bob (1)
| 6276 | 8:41 | SHLACHTER, Jeremy
| 1842 | 9:24 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 8:48 | TUREK, Mike
| 11024 | 8:41 | TURNER, Jason
| 14088 | 9:24 | WEIGEL, David
| 14059 | 6:53 | WITTER, Erin
| (1) First brevet!
| ® Pre-ride
Chilliest Stove Prairie Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k. It may not have been the chilliest ever, but the chill, fog, and haze
persisted way longer than riders expected, eventually giving way to a milder, sunnier afternoon. Still, preferable to the
originally scheduled date, April 17, where we were concerned about icy roads and snow runoff.
Welcome to yet more first-time riders, and some returning for the first event of the season! RMCC paid the entry fees for this
brevet to encourage riders to come out, so thanks for that! For Nate Hartokolis, it was his first randonnée since PBP'19.
Welcome back!
Thanks to Vernon Smith for leading!
Photos courtesy of Nate Hartokolis, from checkpoint validation photos.
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200km --
10 April 2021
| Time
| Rider
| 14301 | 8:19 | DAWOOD, Jon(1)
| 12631 | 8:42 | HARDING, Dustin
| 14350 | 12:05 | HESCHELES, C.J.(1)
| 11847 | 8:19 | HOWELL, Jim
| 14341 | 8:42 | JACOBSHAGEN, Eric
| 10610 | 9:54 | NELSON, David
| 1471 | 8:42 | FOLEY, Foley
| 13734 | 9:33 | SENO, Kazuki(1)
| 14287 | 7:58 | SILGER, Mickey(1)
| 1842 | 8:42 | SMITH, Vernon
| 3551 | 11:29 | SNAVELY, Henry
| 5691 | 12:00 | SZMURLO, Len
| 10173 | 8:42 | TUREK, Mike
| 14352 | 9:07 | WESTPHAL, Andrew(1)
| (1) First brevet!
Most New On-A-Lark Riders Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the On-A-Lark 200k. Most brevet first timers riding On-A-Lark ever - impressive!
A big welcome to the new randos you see flagged in our results. We hope we will see you come back for more!
Mild temps and mild breezes made for an enjoyable day, with a little excitement.
The route had been changed at the end to climb Wolfensburger Road and avoid the I-25 South Gap construction.
But a vehicle accident closed Wolfensburger for a time, and affected riders got a Highway Patrol escort
down the frontage road instead.
A big thanks to Vernon Smith for leading this route he designed!
Photos courtesy of Paul Foley except for those flagged as Mike's
At the Start - Mike Turek
Granite Anvil 1200k Jersey!
Highway Patrol escort - Mike Turek
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Pikes Peak - Mike Turek
122km --
4 April 2021
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 14329 | 4:13 | BURR, Ryan(1)
| 13567 | 5:27 | BUSH, Debbie ®
| 13475 | 6:02 | DUNK, Angus
| 1471 | 4:39 | FOLEY, Paul
| 12631 | 4:40 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 1679 | 4:39 | MANGIN, L John
| 11863 | 3:44 | RAMOS, Mateo P
| 5967 | 4:30 | STERLING, Brett
| 14256 | 5:08 | KOLBECK, Frank(1)
| 11024 | 4:38 | TURNER, Jason
| (1) First brevet!
| ® pre-ride
First Horsetooth Hop in Years!
starters and
finishers rode the Horsetooth Hop 122k Populaire. It was a nice day to ride, and
a good visit to Horsetooth after the Rawhide Ramble 200k earlier this year.
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
200km --
20 March 2021
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 8:14 | BUSH, Debbie
| 4092 | 8:38 | CASTILLO, Justin
| 14264 | 7:45 | DENTON, Sam
| 12073 | 6:26 | FEY, Jonathan
| 1471 | 8:19 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 8:19 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 9094 | 8:19 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:19 | MANGIN, John
| 7066 | 10:21 | MCDONALD, Dan
| 12251 | 10:23 | PIERCE, Tom 1
11863 | 6:02 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 11228 | 8:22 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 8:19 | SMITH, Vernon
| 3551 | 10:24 | SNAVELY, Henry
| 10173 | 8:19 | TUREK, Michael
| 14268 | 6:26 | VAN EKEREN, Clayton 1
13565 | 7:19 | WEAVER, Kim
| 14088 | 8:19 | WEIGEL, David
| 14059 | 6:18 | WITTER, Erin
| (1)First brevet!
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Most Gustatory Kersey Kick Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. A good turnout, and three new riders (welcome!).
We also welcomed back Justin Costillo from the DC area, who had joined us for the Vail Pass Volley last fall,
and is now on a mission to ride each of his R-12 rides in a different state.
Paul Foley reports: "We had a glorious day.
The warm weather and sun was a pleasant change after our prior weekends blizzard.
It always amazes me how quickly the weather and conditions can change in Colorado.
We had a group of seven heading out to Kersey (including Kim), picked up Sam on the way, and were welcomed with free meat!
The local ranchers were celebrating “Meat IN” day in opposition to our Governor’s MeatOut proclamation.
Pulled pork, hot dogs, and burgers were offered for free.
Many of us took advantage of this, but also celebrated the traditional Kersey burritos.
After a stop in Erie for cider on the way home, I guess you could call this a calorie positive ride.
Kim and Sam soldiered on, heading home, as the rest of us faded from too many calories, to finish ahead of us."
112km --
14 28 March 2021
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 14151 | 5:18 | DOSSETT, William (1)
| 1471 | 4:18 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 4:18 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 12884 | 4:18 | LEONI, Chris
| 1679 | 4:18 | MANGIN, John
| 11863 | 3:37 | RAMOS, Mateo ®
| 1842 | 4:11 | SMITH, Vernon
| 11574 | 5:57 | STERLING, Amanda
| 5967 | 5:57 | STERLING, Brett
| 10173 | 4:13 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 4:15 | TURNER, Jason
| (1) First brevet!
| ® pre-ride
Most relatively nice weather expectations ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire 112k. Our gallant ride leader Paul Foley reports:
"We had a successful ride with eleven starters and finishers on a beautiful Colorado spring day.
Thankfully the snow had melted, the wind was light, the company outstanding, and the jokes atrocious (as usual).
The temperatures were pleasant, but not quite as warm as forecast.
Two areas of construction added some flexibility in the routing and adventure to our navigation.
We had the pleasure of welcoming Bill Dossett, who has returned to randonneuring, after previously doing his riding in England."
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this traditionally delightful ride, and for the cheery pictures below!
200km --
6 February 2021
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 9:13 | BUSH, Debbie
| 1471 | 9:13 | FOLEY, Paul A
| 12631 | 9:13 | HARDING, Dustin B
| 11847 | 8:49 | HOWELL, Jim
| 13500 | 7:45 | KAMINSKI, Jason
| 12884 | 8:29 | LEONI, Chris
| 6026 | 7:59 | LOWE, Mark
| 1679 | 9:13 | MANGIN, John
| 11863 | 7:47 | RAMOS, Mateo
| 1842 | 9:13 | SMITH, Vernon
| 10173 | 9:13 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 7:45 | TURNER, Jason
| 13565 | 8:29 | WEAVER, Kim
Frostiest Rawhide Ramble Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 200k. How frosty was it? Well, it didn't warm up from the 20's
for quite some time, which got the better of some, and was uncomfortable for all.
But camaraderie and the rando spirit came to the rescue!
Our friend Paul Foley was back in the saddle after recovering from his clavicle fracture,
his R-12 and P-12 series intact!
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Mike orienting the riders
200km --
9 16 January 2021
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| 11761 | 8:13 | ALSTRIN, Chris L
| 11760 | 8:13 | ANDERSON, Laura L
| 14095 | 7:15 | BORN, Erik(1)
| 12918 | 8:13 | CONLEY, Christopher
| 14034 | 10:00 | DOYLE, Michael
| 12631 | 9:39 | HARDING, Dustin
| 11847 | 8:32 | HOWELL, Jim
| 13500 | 8:02 | KAMINSKI, Jason
| 9094 | 9:39 | LEDRU, Pascal
| 2145 | 11:12 | LONG, Beth
| 1679 | 9:39 | MANGIN, L John
| 2129 | 11:12 | MYERS, Brent D
| 11228 | 11:12 | SIGMOND, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:39 | SMITH, Vernon
| 14035 | 10:00 | STENNES, Julia
| 10173 | 9:39 | TUREK, Michael
| 11024 | 8:18 | TURNER, Jason
| 14088 | 9:39 | WEIGEL, David(1)
| (1)First brevet!
Windiest Windsor Wanderer?
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer 200k. Originally scheduled for the 9th but postponed a
week because of chance of snow.
A brisk ride, but sunnier than predicted.
This bringing with it ... wind!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading, and helping us start off the rando year
while recuperating from a clavicle fracture suffered last month!
Paul orienting the riders
And their off!
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