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Registrations/Results Tabulation
Full Registrants & Results Grid
2023 Randonnée Summaries
Brevets · Populaires · Team Events
Results Certification
For events sanctioned by Audax Club Parisien (all brevets except as noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary until certified by the ACP. Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at
RUSA Results Search.
Thanks to our 2023 Volunteers!
Debbie Bush
Paul Foley
Dustin Harding
Peter Hoff
Jim Howell
Rashid Khan
Pascal Ledru
Beth Long
Jenn Moore
Brent Myers
Dave Nelson
Ben Sigmond
Vernon Smith
Brett Sterling
Mike Turek
Jason Turner
Corinne Warren
David Weigel
200k --
9 December 2023 (rescheduled from 12/2)
Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 7:22 | Allen, Colin
| 13567 | 10:23 | Bush, Debbie
| 14496 | 7:55 | Cooper, Trent
| 153 | 9:34 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12631 | 9:37 | Harding, Dustin
| 11847 | 7:20 | Howell, Jim ®
| 11754 | 9:37 | Khan, Rashid
| 1679 | 9:37 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 9:37 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11228 | 10:12 | Sigmond, Bennett ®
| 10173 | 9:37 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 7:55 | Turner, Jason
| ® pre-ride
A Windy End to the RR!
starters and
finishers rode the Roggen Roundabout 200k.
Mike Turek reports:
"Cool at the start with a strong tailwind turned to no winds and colder…found ourselves stripping, redressing all day.
Wore 3 different gloves. The Roggen Gas station owners lit up at our entrance.
They remember us visiting from Boulder every year. She asked why we no longer sign cards?
She loved signing cards. With a frown, I said, 'We’ve gone electronic.'
"Picture below in Hudson. John was trying to adjust his seat and needed a full length
Allen key…the mechanics among us had none, but for some reason Debbie possessed
the magic ... so we can say she helped John with a mechanical today!
"Two more interesting scenes - a railroad QuadCycle and the house with a 1000 lawn figurines!
We saw Emus, Doves, Big Bird of Prey - probably golden eagle, lots of Turkeys and Big Fat Goat -
it looked Half Goat / Half Sheep. Couple comments from the fast guys:
-- Colin, 'Better than 7 hours on the trainer.'
-- Trent and Jason, 'A little chilly at the start but ended up being a nice day,
and no snow out east so the roads were dry. The last 10 miles were pretty rough.
Thanks to Jason for the pulls!! Beast mode!'"
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos by Mike unless noted.
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200k --
4 November 2023
Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 7:02 | Allen, Colin
| 16210 | 7:45 | Corson‑Rikert, Tyler (1)
| 153 | 9:29 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12631 | 7:54 | Harding, Dustin
| 3230 | 9:10 | Hoff, Peter
| 11847 | 7:02 | Howell, Jim
| 5692 | 7:09 | Jones, Lloyd
| 11754 | 7:54 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 7:54 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 7:54 | Mangin, John
| 11755 | 7:54 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11228 | 8:14 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 7:54 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 7:54 | Turek, Michael
| 7898 | 7:44 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 7:44 | Weigel, David
| (1) first brevet - welcome!
| ® pre-ride
Pleasantest Platteville Poke-Along This Year?
starters and
finishers rode the Platteville Poke-Along 200k. A pleasant, mild day for November, with plenty of sun.
Randos had their choice of regular-size (huge) or more diminutive burritos in Platteville.
My pre-ride turned out to be especially useful, as our usual course, crossing I-25 on Hwy. 60
was totally blocked, and may not be hospitable when it reopens. Instead, riders headed up to Rd.50,
which is now paved.
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading!
Photos by Pascal unless noted.
Photo at start by Peter Hoff
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200k --
7 October 2023
Carter Lake Cakewalk
| Time
| Rider
| 11847 | 6:51 | Howell, Jim
| 3230 | 10:37 | Hoff, Peter
| 16452 | 8:43 | Hurst, Christie (1)
| 5692 | 7:34 | Jones, Lloyd
| 11754 | 8:43 | Khan, Rashid
| 11755 | 8:43 | Moore, Jennifer
| 16534 | 7:34 | Ploransky, Jonathan
| 1842 | 9:05 | Smith, Vernon
| 14088 | 8:43 | Weigel, David
| (1) first brevet - welcome!
Nicest Cakewalk Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake Cakewalk 200k. After a crisp start - our chilliest morning since
last spring - temps quickly zoomed into the 70's under bright sun.
Thanks to David Weigel for leading!
A colorful array of starters ...
... including Jim Howell in his velomobile.
200km --
23 September 2021
Colorado Front Range Dart
| Rider
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (204 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Michael (captain)
| 13567 | Bush, Debbie
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | Mangin, John
| 10610 | Nelson, David
| Wild Cat Ptarmigans (203 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
An even Brighter, Sunnier Dart?
starters and
finishers on two veteran teams - but with a first-time member or two - rode the Colorado Front Range Dart.
Weather was once again bright and sunny,
matching the mood of the teams!
Thanks to captains Mike Turek and Vernon Smith for coming up with good routes
and leading their teams!
Mike writes: "Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges set off promptly to boulder to ride
through CU campus in honor of our local boy vuelta champion Sepp “GC” Kuss.
We regaled in stories of how he had to beat his knucklehead teammates to win!
A nice stop for tea and espresso followed by a beautiful climb over stage and up to Jamestown.
Easy does it the order of the day.
"Instead of battling traffic to Chez Turek, we followed boulder roubaix routes coming
in the back way with plenty of time for lunch. Salami cheese and PB&J were accompanied by
cheese, Portuguese chocolate and 20 year tawny port wine.
"Next heading to Carter lake - enjoying the views of the lake under perfect blue skies.
Heading to our next control, Wild Cider, in Firestone, I planned ride to avoid our usual routes,
instead opting for dirt if possible; that made all the difference.
CR17 in particular - an isolated dirt road was super quiet. However, surrounded by farms
was a cidery with band, bar and wood fired cooking. Wonderful.
"Again, choosing dirt roads into Erie was order of the day, followed by riding the coal creek trail in the dark back to Louisville - sublime meandering on gravel path.
"Familiar region, unfamiliar roads…perfect for a DART!
(And provides roads for our gravel rouler next year)"
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges
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200k --
16 September 2023
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 10:09 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 7:02 | Fey, Jonathan
| 12631 | 8:23 | Harding, Dustin
| 11847 | 7:31 | Howell, Jim
| 11754 | 8:23 | Khan, Rashid
| 11755 | 8:23 | Moore, Jennifer
| 10610 | 8:23 | Nelson, David
| 6738 | 7:02 | Stockman, Andy
| ® - pre-ride
Stove Prairie
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k, under brilliant sun with ideal temps in the 70's.
This was Jim Howell's first attempt at this course, and the punishing Stove Prairie climbed
in his velomobile. He reported bottoming out at a speed of 2.7 mph on that climb,
and sweltering on this sunny day ... but clocked a very zippy 7:31 for the 200k!
Thanks to Dustin Harding for leading!
300k/400k/600k --
9 September 2023
Poudre Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 300k — |
12631 | 12:34 | Harding, Dustin
| 11863 | 9:47 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11024 | 11:24 | Turner, Jason
— 600k — |
3230 | 33:39 | Hoff, Peter
| 574 | 37:19 | Truesdell, Doug
Nicest September Poudre Canyon Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k and 600k brevets. (No starters for the 400k.)
Thanks to Peter Hoff for leading!
And congratulations on earning his ACP Super Randonneur
on his return to riding with us
after a decade-long hiatus!
200k --
19 August 2023
Glen Haven Gallivant
| Time
| Rider
| 3230 | 9:41 | Hoff, Peter
| 10610 | 9:42 | Nelson, David
| 14088 | 8:17 | Weigel, David
Glen Haven Gallivant
starters and
finishers rode the Glen Haven Gallivant 200k. Many of those who might have signed up for this
popular brevet were at Paris-Brest-Paris instead.
Dave Nelson reports:
"The roads were clean and traffic light on the outbound.
It was hot going up the canyon but beautiful on P2P with blue sky and scattered clouds on the mid-70’s,
which felt close to heaven for me.
I passed Peter who stopped in Glen Haven to find amazing regeneration
and a new pair of legs in the form of a $3 scoop remote/high-altitude ice cream that brought him back to life.
The rest of the ride featured a threatening thunderstorm, and toasty temps back on the plains.
Dave adds, "Everyone has likely ridden this 200K. I think it is by far the most challenging 200K in our catalogue.
For those who haven’t ridden, please do so - it is concentrated hard work and fun."
Thanks to Dave Nelson for leading!
Ride start
Dave Nelson photo
Meeker Park Lodge
Dave Nelson photo
St. Vrain Canyon
David Weigel photo
St. Vrain Canyon
David Weigel photo
Glen Haven Store
Peter Hoff photo
Meeker Park Lodge
Peter Hoff photo
1000k --
12 August 2023
Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch
| Time
| Rider
No riders
Lefthand Canyon - Pawnee Grasslands - Devil's Gulch
This event was added in the middle of the 2021 season as a back-up 1000k
in case someone needed. That first year, there were two riders, one local and one from
Seattle, with a 100% finishing rate.
300k --
5 August 2023
| Time
| Rider
| 14437 | 19:23 | Andre, Mark
| 3230 | 15:32 | Hoff, Peter
| 10610 | 15:32 | Nelson, David
| 11863 | 10:42 | Ramos, Mateo
| 1842 | 13:07 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 15:32 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 13:07 | Turner, Jason
Jolliest Peak-to-Peak Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Peak-to-Peak 300k. Mike reports:
"Pleasant temperatures greeted riders at the start to this epic 300k,
where we sang Happy 70th Birthday to Dave Nelson and looked forward to the perfect weather day.
"Coal Creek was considerably cooler which made the climbing quicker.
A couple of us could not resist the wonderful cafe smells at Canyon Coffee…no worries we’ll catch ‘em after. We caught Pete…but never saw anyone else again :-)
"The weather was cool and sunny along P2P until Meeker Lodge where some sprinkles came in…
It was short lasting so we had dry roads all the way down to Glen Haven. Ah, the Cinnamon Buns today…wow!
"We saw two RMCC folks - first John Lee at the Dam Store and then Dustin riding his “Dustin’s Dally” 100k (aka Reservoir Cruise). The rest of ride we noted wet roads from earlier thunderstorms, but we were dry and warm. No burritos left in Platteville, so we sat down for a proper dinner of sandwiches, for a wonderful ride in.
"Pete and Dave wished us all Bonne Route in Paris. Especially L. John (for some reason,
Pete seems to have pleasant memories of him)."
Pete seems to have pleasant memories of him)."
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
P2P glory
Longs Peak…never gets old
Meeker Peak Lodge Store
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Chatting with a our RBA legendary JLE at the
Dam Store. Note matching RMCC Jersey’s, from 2008
After some wonderful sandwiches in Platteville
Rain storms around but never on us :-)
400k --
22 July 2023
St. Vrain Canyon - Glen Haven (ACP Centenary 400k)
| Time
| Rider
| 3230 | 21:52 | Hoff, Peter
| 10610 | 21:52 | Nelson, David
First ACP Centenary 400k Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the ACP Centenary 400k. Excerpts from David's colorful report:
"I ask myself, 'How did I get here and how will I get home?'
This was the hottest point of the ride, which overall had cooler temps, better breeze,
and partly clouds over the mountains than forecast.
Peak-to-Peak had little traffic and provided a wonderful experience….
without all you other yahoos along to clutter our precision pace line [of two riders]!
"The Subway in Wellington was closed, yes CLOSED! Out of options I tried McDonalds (Paul loves it),
and a bag of large fries and 6-packets of “suck and save” ketchup packets fueled me home."
Recovering from shoulder surgery, David adds, "A difficult 400 being out of shape at any distance above 60-80 miles."
"At the end 1:52 AM. Da, how did we get here?"
Thanks to David Nelson for leading!
Photos courtesy of Peter Hoff
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600k --
15 July 2023
Colorado Climby 600k #2
| Time
| Rider
| 12631 | 38:45 | Harding, Dustin
| 1679 | 38:45 | Mangin, John
| 11863 | 33:35 | Ramos, Mateo
| 1842 | 38:45 | Smith, Vernon
Perfect Weather for Colorado Climby 600k #2
starters and
finishers rode Colorado Climby 600k #2. Mike Turek reports:
"Riders braved >26,000 ft of climbing over P2P, Trail Ridge, Willow Creek pass and Cameron…with a
kicker over horsetooth just for good measure!
'This was the hardest ride I’ve ever done.' - Dustin and John (others said variations)
Perfect weather, spectacular scenery, plenty of green and many burritos gave the best odds of success."
Mike provided tireless en route support, from the 4:00 am start to midnight of the first day,
at the overnight in Walden.
A huge thanks to Mike!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
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200k --
8 July 2023
Vail Pass Volley
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 10:33 | Bush, Debbie
| 8770 | 11:03 | Ehlman, Thomas
| 12631 | 11:03 | Harding, Dustin
| 3230 | 10:40 | Hoff, Peter
| 11847 | 9:59 | Howell, Jim
| 11133 | 11:03 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 11228 | 10:35 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 10173 | 10:06 | Turek, Michael
| 14088 | 9:08 | Weigel, David
Super Scenic but Tougher Than Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Vail Pass Volley 200k. Brilliant weather for riding!
And an enjoyable time had by all. But the I-70 West Vail Pass Widening Project, while progressing,
and relocating the bike path away from I-70, has revealed that the new bike path segment is,
in one rider's estimation "brutal." There is a small gravel segment to traverse, but that's not the issue.
It's the sudden stiff climbs, perfect for tired legs who've climbed over Vail Pass, descended to Gypsum,
and are now returning for a triumphal return summit of the pass.
We congratulate all the riders on exploiting this splendid day to maximum effect!
Thanks to Debbie Bush for leading!
Photos courtesy of Debbie Bush
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Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
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1000k/1200k --
24 June 2023
Colorado Front Range 1200
| Time
| Rider
— 1200k — |
5941 | 81:55 | Achilli, Andrea | Tucson, AZ
| 5844 | 82:18 | Auriemma, Philip | Newark, CA
| 12711 | 82:35 | DeMarco, Mimo | Arlington, VA
| 8770 | 88:06 | Ehlman, Tom ® | Broomfield, CO
| 153 | DNF | Ellis, John Lee ® | Lafayette, CO
| 1471 | DNF | Foley, Paul ® | Golden, CO
| 12559 | 81:51 | Gardes, Yonnel | Bellevue, WA
| 16357 | 84:15 | Gravesen, Jens | Virum, Denmark
| 12631 | 85:36 | Harding, Dustin ® | Loveland, CO
| 13425 | 81:55 | Hartwick, Thomas | Tucson, AZ
| 16371 | DNF | Katzir, Tal | Tel Aviv, Israel
| 11133 | 88:06 | Kovalenko, Oksana ® | Broomfield, CO
| 9094 | 84:15 | Ledru, Pascal | Boulder, CO
| 1679 | 85:36 | Mangin, John ® | Loveland, CO
| 12815 | 85:36 | Martin, Charlie ® | Sunnyvale, CO
| 7406 | 83:09 | McGuire, Brian | Phoenix, AZ
| 3097 | 82:35 | Nguyen, Thai | Bothell, WA
| 3726 | DNF | Peskett, Roger | Tucson, AZ
| 15330 | 81:51 | Schauland, Ben | Seattle WA
| 1842 | 82:35 | Smith, Vernon | Monument, CO
| 4476 | 83:32 | Stroethoff, Karel | Missoula, MT
| 1847 | DNF | Sturgill, Mike | Phoenix, AZ
| 64 | 84:15 | Thomas, Mark | Kirkland, WA
| 8154 | 78:23 | Walker, Kirsten | Tres Pinos, CA
| 14088 | 85:36 | Weigel, David ® | Wheat Ridge, CO
— 1000k — |
696 | DNF | Astrue, Elaine | Trinidad, CA
| 3359 | DNF | Atkins, Stephen | Tempe, AZ
| 7183 | DNF | Boykins, Terri | Los Angeles, CA
| 13567 | 67:20 | Bush, Debbie | Fort Collins, CO
| 6365 | 66:04 | Chin-Hong, Patrick | Amherst, MA
| 11754 | 65:11 | Khan, Rashid ® | Boulder, CO
| 11755 | 65:11 | Moore, Jennifer ® | Boulder, CO
| 4947 | 60:24 | Roy, Matt | Arlington, MA
| 10173 | 67:20 | Turek, Michael | Longmont, CO
| 7898 | 64:10 | Warren, Corinne | Monument, CO
| ® - pre-ride (June 17)
First Ever Colorado Front Range 1200/1000!
starters and
finishers rode the inaugural Colorado Front Range 1200 Grand Randonnée and 1000k brevet.
The 1200k route consisted of four loops of 400k, 300k, 300k, and 200k from Louisville.
The 1000k route took the first three loops. This made it easier to support and easier for the riders.
It also showcased local canyons and roads that the High Country and Last Chance does not, including
Lefthand Canyon, James Canyon, Big Thompson Canyon, Carter Lake, and, if not for a last-minute
rockslide, St. Vrain Canyon.
Weather was dry and sunny, into the low 90's later in the ride. The pre-ride was a bit cooler,
with some showers on the first day, but overall fine weather!
43% | local riders (quite high - usually 10%-15%)
| 26% | pre-riders (high, but helpful for the event)
| 28% | 1000k riders (quite high - usually only 2 or fewer)
| 77% | finishing rate (good)
A huge thanks to our volunteers: Paul Foley, Brent Myers, Beth Long,
John Mangin, Dustin Harding, Jenn Moore, and Rashid Khan.
Photos courtesy of Charlie Martin, Rashid Khan, John Mangin, Patrick Chin-Hong, JLE
Foggy to Platteville
on pre-ride
Climbing Poudre Canyon
Vernon in Glen Haven
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Pascal, Mark, Mike, Patrick
at Sawmill Rd. in Lefthand
David, Dustin, John M., Charlie
at finish!
Pascal, John M., Patrick
600k --
24 June 2023
Colorado Climby 600k #1
400k/600k/1000k --
17 June 2023
Lefthand Canyon St. Vrain Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 400k — |
11024 | 19:00 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 20:55 | Warren, Corinne ®
| 14088 | 20:55 | Weigel, David ®
— 600k — |
14437 | 36:56 | Andre, Mark
| 16205 | 25:25 | van den Boogaart, Monique
| ® - pre-ride
Rockslide in St. Vrain Canyon
Once Again, Non-St.-Vrain-Canyon Solstice Brevets!
starters and
finishers rode the St. Vrain Canyon 400k and 600k.
For at least one rider, this was the final event to qualify for PBP.
Once again, the brevets headed up (and descended) Lefthand Canyon rather than climbing
St. Vrain Canyon on the way to Estes Park and Glen Haven. Three days before the brevets,
a giant rockslide closed Hwy. 7. The rockslide also changed the route similarly for the Colorado Front Range 1200.
This after years of various post-flood closures and reconstructions.
So riders will have to enjoy the wonderful, pristine pavement through St. Vrain Canyon another time.
Conditions were good early and then later, but riders got doused in Lefthand Canyon by rain,
with temps in the 30's as they descended.
This also coincided with the Colorado Front Range pre-ride, so Jason and company got to ride
with others at least for parts of the first day. This was Monique's first 600k brevet, so congrats to her!
Thanks to Jason Turner for leading!
Photos courtesy of Jason except for rockslide
With Colorado Front Range 1200
Monique v/d Boogaart
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200k --
10 June 2023
Kersey Kick Audax
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 11:30 | Ehlman, Thomas (v)
| 1471 | 11:30 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 11:30 | Harding, Justin (v)
| 3230 | 11:30 | Hoff, Peter
| 2060 | 11:30 | Huber, Kerin
| 11133 | 11:30 | Kovalenko, Oksana (v)
| 2145 | 11:30 | Long, Beth (v)
| 2129 | 11:30 | Myers, Brent (v)
| 10173 | 11:30 | Turek, Michael ©
| © - captain
| (v) - veteran of 2022 Audax 200k
Kersey Kick Audax Another Success!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick Audax 200k. Folks had the pleasure of riding with our friend Kerin Huber,
Los Angeles RBA and veteran Audax captain, who is on a road trip snagging states for the
RUSA American Explorer award.
We also welcome Peter Hoff back to rando-riding with us. Peter rode with us for many years,
up through 2013, so welcome back, Peter!
Captain Mike Turek reports:
"Well I really like Audax. The formula drives us to ride like as a group,
with a good lunch stop - but without excessive stops
and very long (for the distance) finish times…could still make it home for dinner.
The rules drive a camaraderie that other rides don’t, even the team rides.
Butter My Biscuit in Kersey was a great lunch, highly recommended if you have time for more than a burrito.
Of course, the captain decided to have a secret control in Erie :-).
I do hope we run more Audax rides!"
Thanks to Mike Turek for captaining!
Riding expeditiously past feed lot
400k/600k --
3 June 2023
Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
— 400k — |
13567 | 21:20 | Bush, Debbie ®
| 12073 | 14:38 | Fey, Jonathan
| 12631 | 21:20 | Harding, Dustin
| 1679 | 21:20 | Mangin, John ®
| 10173 | 21:20 | Turek, Michael ®
| 11024 | 18:59 | Turner, Jason
— 600k — |
8770 | 38:28 | Ehlman, Thomas ®
| 153 | 35:49 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 11133 | 38:28 | Kovalenko, Oksana ®
| 11863 | 21:42 | Ramos, Mateo
| ® - pre-ride
Back in St. Vrain Canyon!
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon 400k and 600k. There was some moisture to dodge,
especially on the second day for 600k riders, but at least temps are slowly warming.
It was our return to St. Vrain Canyon, after more than a year when bikes were prohibitive
because of post-flood road work.
Thanks to Jason Turner for leading!
Photos courtesy of JLE
Indian Peaks above Peaceful Valley
Heading to Raymond
Plenty of water in St. Vrain Creek!
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St. Vrain Canyon
Plenty of greenery!
Quarry being rehabilitated
by Boulder County Open Space
600k --
20 May 2023
North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 22:38 | Allen, Colin
| 12073 | 23:45 | Fey, Jonathan
| 6287 | 36:08 | Franz, Ryan
| 11024 | 34:33 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 32:54 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 36:49 | Weigel, David
Smokiest Wyoming 600k Start!
starters and
finishers rode the North Park - Laramie - Cheyenne 600k. Corinne reports:
"After a last-minute call to postpone the Laramie-Cheyenne 600k due to poor air quality
with AQI readings from the 160's, six people decided to technically pre-ride and one person
made the call to safeguard their health. Rolling out Saturday morning,
there was a mixture of fog and smoke settled into the valleys of the Front Range.
One wise rider wore an N-95 mask for the first 80 miles. As we climbed Poudre Canyon though,
the air improved and so did our spirits, as we even got a bit of sunshine as we climbed.
There were a few raindrops in North Park and a charateristic headwind,
but the surprise of the day was manageable and at times even favorable cross winds heading into Laramie.
By the time the slower riders were pulling into Laramie, the fast riders were departing Cheyenne.
Those of us at the back climbed 80 in the dark, and discovered the scenic descent on Happy Jack is downright frigid at night.
The back split up with the guys grabbing a hotel room and me riding through.
Colin and Jonathan soon after finished their rides, both coming in under 24 hours."
Thanks to Corinne Warren for leading!
Photos courtesy of Corinne Warren
David Weigel
Cameron Pass
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Never Summer Mountains
Medicine Bow Range
300k/400k/600k --
13 May 2023
Poudre Canyon (300k/400k/600k)
| Time
| Rider
— 300k — |
574 | 15:17 | Truesdell, Doug
| 7898 | 12:42 | Warren, Corinne
— 400k — |
15866 | 13:27 | Allen, Colin
| 14437 | 19:04 | Andre, Mark
| 8770 | 21:25 | Ehlman, Thomas ®
| 153 | 25:44 | Ellis, John Lee
| 11133 | 21:25 | Kovalenko, Oksana ®
| 6026 | 15:00 | Lowe, Mark
| 11863 | 12:58 | Ramos, Mateo
— 600k — |
5324 | 39:37 | Bratkowski, Michael (v)
| 13567 | 38:03 | Bush, Debbie
| 6365 | 36:15 | Chin-Hong, Patrick (v)
| 1471 | 36:15 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 36:15 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 36:15 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 36:15 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 36:15 | Mangin, John
| 11755 | 36:15 | Moore, Jennifer
| 1842 | 36:15 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 36:15 | Turek, Michael
| (v) visitor - welcome!
| ® - pre-ride
Quite Tolerable Early-Bird Brevets!
starters and
finishers rode the Poudre Canyon 300k/400k/600k.
Mild weather graced the first day of riding, with a stiff northeast wind keeping clouds at bay,
banked up against the foothills. A few riders got wet that first evening. For the 600k riders,
it was a soggier start on Sunday, but there was no dampening the rando spirit!
The 600k was also the final brevet of this year's Brevet Week.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
Patrick Chin-Hong's Photo Gallery
Photos courtesy of JLE
Heading towards Horsetooth on Glade Road
At the base of Poudre Canyon
Visitor Patrick Chin-Hong w/ friends
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Brooding clouds seen from Severance
600k riders start the second loop
200k --
11 May 2023
James Canyon Jaunt - Brevet Week 200k
| Time
| Rider
| 13090 | 8:26 | Nejezchleb, Henrik
Smallest JJ 200k Turnout Ever!
starter and
finisher rode the James Canyon Jaunt 200k.
Henrik had rain essentially the entire solitary ride, varying only in intensity. Kudos!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
300k --
10 May 2023
Glen Haven - Brevet Week 300k
| Time
| Rider
| 11547 | 19:13 | Bell, Matthew (v)
| 16273 | 17:55 | Haynes, Stephen (v)
| 14088 | 14:51 | Weigel, David
| (v) visitor - welcome!
Wettest Glen Haven 300k Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Glen Haven 300k. David Weigel reports:
"We got fully soaked in the morning, mostly dried off, and
then fully soaked again in the evening.
Throw in a couple of flats for a few of the riders, and it was a challenging ride to say the least.
There were still plenty of stretches of comfortable temperatures, great views,
and critter sightings to keep a healthy ratio of type 1 and type 2 fun.
Luckily we weren't hit with any of the lightning, hail, and tornadoes
that were either further south or the night before.
"Huge thanks to Paul for providing support in Glen Haven since the general store is closed on weekdays.
He provided a much needed boost in morale, calories, electrolytes, and caffeine."
Thanks to David Weigel for leading!
Photos courtesy of David Weigel
First views of the mtns
James Canyon
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Steve heading to Glen Haven
Matt heading to Drake
Jineesh in Big Thompson Canyon
Heading south to the finish
400k --
8 May 2023
Lefthand Canyon - Brevet Week 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 11547 | 23:40 | Bell, Matthew (v)
| 1471 | 17:46 | Foley, Paul
| 16225 | 20:25 | Henry, Derek
| 2145 | 22:00 | Long, Beth
| 2129 | 22:00 | Myers, Brent
| 1842 | 17:46 | Smith, Vernon
| 16216 | 20:25 | St Germain, David
| 574 | 26:26 | Truesdell, Doug
| 13516 | 26:26 | Truesdell, Nicole (v)
| 16205 | 16:00 | van den Boogaart, Monique (1)
| 7898 | 17:46 | Warren, Corinne
| (v) visitor - welcome!
| (1) first brevet - welcome!
Good Turnout to Start Brevet Week!
starters and
finishers rode the Lefthand Canyon 400k.
Mainly dry weather, but a stiff, onerous headwind on the way back from Wellington!
Our first foray into St. Vrain Canyon since post-flood reconstruction
put if off limits all of last year.
A big thanks to Beth Long and Brent Myers for providing grilled item,
snacks and hospitality to welcome both visitors and local riders alike!
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading!
300k --
6 May 2023
Glen Haven
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 10:21 | Allen, Colin
| 14437 | 15:20 | Andre, Mark
| 13567 | 16:44 | Bush, Debbie ®
| 8770 | 18:19 | Ehlman, Thomas ®
| 153 | 15:14 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 12:31 | Fey, Jonathan
| 1471 | 14:22 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 14:22 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 11:48 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 11847 | 13:50 | Howell, Jim
| 11754 | 14:22 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 18:19 | Kovalenko, Oksana ®
| 9094 | 14:22 | Ledru, Pascal
| 6026 | 10:57 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 14:22 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 14:22 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11863 | 10:08 | Ramos, Mateo
| 1842 | 14:22 | Smith, Vernon
| 6738 | 12:03 | Stockman, Andy
| 10173 | 14:22 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 13:23 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 12:55 | Warren, Corinne
| ® pre-ride
Coolest Glen Haven Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Glen Haven 300k. Riders enjoyed dry, spring-like conditions
for their climbs up to Jamestown and Glen Haven. This route was created for the
ACP's 300k Centenary on June 11, 2022. This year we used it for our main spring 300k in place of Black Forest.
Special kudos to Debbie Bush, Tom Ehlman, and Oksana Kovalenko: on
their pre-ride, the weather was not so cooperative, with temps dipping down to 23° before
ever so slowly warming in the course of the day.
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading!
Photos courtesy of Pascal except as noted
Climb to Glen Haven
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Glen Haven Store - jle photo
Fritz Family Brewers in Niwot
Flèche --
29 Apr 2023
Colorado Front Range Flèche
| Rider
| Dirty Francing (365 km)
| 11754 | Khan, Rashid (captain)
| 11755 | Moore, Jennifer
| 7898 | Warren, Corinne
| Quartier Lanternes Rouges (368 km)
| 10173 | Turek, Mike (captain)
| 13567 | Bush, Debbie
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | Mangin, John
| Wild Cats - Ptarmigans (370 km)
| 1842 | Smith, Vernon (captain)
| 8770 | Ehlman, Tom
| 12631 | Harding, Dustin
| 11133 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 14088 | Weigel, David
Nicest Flèche Weather in a While!
starters and
finishers spread across three teams
completed another successful and fun Colorado Front Range Flèche.
Weather was dry and mild. The routes were challenging, but at least not beset
by goathead thorns and other hazards as in 2022.
We returned to the Coal Creek Golf Course Grill
for a delicious post-flèche brunch,
a venue we also used in 2019.
▶ Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges story and photos
▶ Team Dirty Francing story and photos
All Three Teams at Finish
Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges
200k --
16 15 April 2023
Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 6:41 | Allen, Colin
| 14437 | 8:08 | Andre, Mark
| 14095 | 6:29 | Born, Erik
| 16210 | 9:12 | Corson‑Rikert, Tyler (1)
| 16184 | 8:47 | DuPont, Aimee
| 153 | 9:36 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 9:41 | Foley, Paul A
| 16220 | 8:47 | Fulmer, Madeline
| 16097 | 8:47 | Geiger, Steve (1)
| 12631 | 9:12 | Harding, Dustin
| 16225 | 9:12 | Henry, Derek (1)
| 11754 | 9:12 | Khan, Rashid
| 2145 | 10:51 | Long, Beth
| 6026 | 6:37 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 9:41 | Mangin, John
| 11755 | 9:12 | Moore, Jennifer
| 2129 | 10:51 | Myers, Brent
| 11863 | 6:19 | Ramos, Mateo
| 16216 | 8:09 | St Germain, David (1)
| 16221 | 8:47 | Sunset, Timothy (1)
| 574 | 11:13 | Truesdell, Doug
| 10173 | 9:12 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 7:50 | Turner, Jason
| 15768 | 8:47 | Vacek, Veronika
| 2307 | 10:09 | Walsh, Bryce
| 7898 | 7:50 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 7:50 | Weigel, David
| (1) first brevet - welcome!
| ® pre-ride
Biggest Stove Prairie in Years!
starters and
finishers rode the Stove Prairie 200k. Mike Turek reports:
"The youngsters (+Mark Lowe still riding strong!) headed out at warp 3 …
Corinne quickly realized subwarp with party team was more fun!
We had a very large group in the middle heading thru berthoud …
we broke up a bit heading up to Laporte, but regrouped at Ted’s.
"Horsetooth Centennial Road was in fact closed for the marathon. Good call to detour at the first dam …
and save our legs for Poudre / Stove Prairie.
"Due to tailwind on Poudre, I believe almost everyone set a PR on the route today.
After a celebratory beer in Berthoud the party group headed in.
We celebrated Mike's seventh RUSA R-12 (7) with a 7 Up!
All the new kids (8) we talked to will be back! A couple want to flèche and PBP too!"
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek except as noted
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Stove Prairie on pre-ride JLE photo
200k --
8 April 2023
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 11:10 | Bush, Debbie
| 15921 | 8:26 | Charton, Robert (1)
| 14496 | 8:21 | Cooper, Trent
| 16184 | 9:08 | DuPont, Aimee (1)
| 8770 | 11:10 | Ehlman, Thomas
| 16097 | 9:08 | Geiger, Steve (1)
| 12631 | 11:10 | Harding, Dustin
| 11847 | 8:16 | Howell, Jim
| 11133 | 11:10 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 6026 | 7:12 | Lowe, Mark
| 15768 | 9:08 | Vacek, Veronika
| (1) First brevet!
Most New Riders Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the On-A-Lark 200k. A chilly but nice enough day made for good riding.
We especially welcome five new first-time riders on this brevet!
Thanks to Brent Myers for stepping up and leading!
JLE & Vernon pointing at a windmill, a street sign, or Pikes Peak
(on an earlier On-a-Lark)
125k --
2 April 2023
Horsetooth Hop - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 5:51 | Bush, Debbie ®
| 8770 | 6:36 | Ehlman, Thomas ®
| 12631 | 5:45 | Harding, Dustin ®
| 11754 | 5:45 | Khan, Rashid ®
| 11133 | 6:36 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 1679 | 4:57 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 5:45 | Moore, Jennifer ®
| 11863 | 4:07 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11228 | 5:52 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 574 | 6:12 | Truesdell, Doug
| 10173 | 5:45 | Turek, Michael ®
| 11024 | 5:42 | Turner, Jason ®
| 2307 | 6:40 | Walsh, Bryce
| 14088 | 4:57 | Weigel, David
| ® pre-ride
Most Pre-Ridden Horsetooth Hop!
starters and
finishers rode the Horsetooth Hop Populaire. It was a nice weekend for our
second Populaire of the season.
A big thanks to Ben Sigmond for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
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200k --
18 March 2023
Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 8770 | 10:00 | Ehlman II, Thomas
| 153 | 9:20 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 12073 | 6:45 | Fey, Jonathan
| 11754 | 8:13 | Khan, Rashid
| 11133 | 10:00 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 2145 | 10:00 | Long, Beth
| 11755 | 8:13 | Moore, Jennifer
| 15534 | 7:17 | Morrissey, Patrick
| 2129 | 10:00 | Myers, Brent
| 11863 | 6:41 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11228 | 8:13 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 7:17 | Smith, Vernon
| 6738 | 7:12 | Stockman, Andy
| 574 | 9:03 | Truesdell, Doug
| 14088 | 8:13 | Weigel, David
| ® pre-ride
Coldest Kersey Kick Ever!
starters and
finishers rode the Kersey Kick 200k. Winter just keeps on giving.
Riders were treated to a temperature range of 16° to low 40's. At least under sunny skies.
Great turnout, and kudos to our hardy randos!
Brent + Beth
Tom + Oksana
Kersey Burrito
Lost Keeshond Ranch
No longer on the brevet route.
112k --
12 March 2023
Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire
| Time
| Rider
| 13567 | 5:16 | Bush, Debbie
| 1679 | 5:16 | Mangin, John
| 11863 | 3:39 | Ramos, Mateo
| 10173 | 5:16 | Turek, Michael
| 7898 | 5:16 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 5:16 | Weigel, David
Coldest Carter Lake Populaire Yet!
starters and
finishers rode the Carter Lake - Campion - Populaire.
Mike Turek reports: "Small showing made for smooth riding and good fun.
While Mateo started his Charly Miller training, the rest of us were nursing colds,
hip injuries and lack of riding during winter. With a luxurious 7h 20m time limit,
we stopped at Sandy’s and Johnstown warming up on hot chocolate,
burritos and a good voodoo ranger paired with 7/11 hot dog."
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
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200k --
4 February 2023
Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 6:59 | Allen, Colin
| 13567 | 9:44 | Bush, Debbie
| 14496 | 9:17 | Cooper, Trent
| 8274 | 7:34 | Davies, Mark -1-
| 1471 | 9:17 | Foley, Paul
| 12631 | 9:17 | Harding, Dustin
| 11754 | 9:17 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 9:17 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:17 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 9:17 | Moore, Jennifer
| 11863 | 6:54 | Ramos, Mateo
| 11228 | 9:17 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 9:17 | Smith, Vernon
| 11024 | 9:17 | Turner, Jason
| 14088 | 9:17 | Weigel, David
| -1- First ride with us!
Breeziest Rawhide Ramble Ever?
starters and
finishers rode the Rawhide Ramble 200k. Showing remarkable cohesiveness in the brisk winds,
especially heading across the open plains to Rawhide, 11 riders finished together.
Thanks to Pascal Ledru for leading!
Photos courtesy of Pascal Ledru
Start - notice flag being blown by stiff westerly breeze
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200k --
7 January 2023
Windsor Wanderer
| Time
| Rider
| 15866 | 7:57 | Allen, Colin
| 12631 | 9:17 | Harding, Dustin
| 11377 | 7:57 | Hartokolis, Nyssa
| 13476 | 8:35 | Hofeditz, Joe
| 11754 | 9:17 | Khan, Rashid
| 9094 | 9:17 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 9:17 | Mangin, L John
| 11755 | 9:17 | Moore, Jennifer
| 1842 | 9:17 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 9:17 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 8:51 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 8:13 | Warren, Corinne
| 14088 | 8:25 | Weigel, David
Wintriest Windsor Wanderer Yet?
starters and
finishers rode the Windsor Wanderer 200k. Mike Turek reports:
"While mostly ice-free, our group was extremely vigilant,
the peloton leader calling "Ice right" anywhere snow infringed on the route.
Most of the ride provided magnificent views of snow covered fields and Front Range glory.
"Late in the ride, one solo rider suffered a glancing blow from a car, with fortunately
only very minor injuries. This incident is a good reminder: even with good lighting and reflective gear
we need to stay vigilant."
"Why do I ride these winter rides, braving cold, ice and early darkness?
For me, the benefits of camaraderie, mental well-being and fitness far outweigh
by orders of magnitude my risk calculation. The miles literally melted away too quickly away for me.
One exception: Vern's and John's "Foley jokes" frequently interrupted my zen ;-)."
Thanks to Mike Turek for leading!
Photos courtesy of Mike Turek
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