2006 Brevet
Series in Review
147 cyclists participated in one or more brevets or populaires, up from 134 the prior year! The table below shows the growth in number of rides and their ridership:
| Riders
| Length | Type | Route | ’06 Date
| 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
116km | populaire | Keenesburg | 9-Apr | 43 | 28
| 29 | x | 17 | - | - | -
| 120km | populaire | Horsetooth | 12-Apr | 28 | x
| 11 | 28 | 13 | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Arizona-NM | 23-Apr | 10 | 10 | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 120km | populaire | Estes Park | 29-Apr | 28 | 21
| 4 | 18 | x | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Stove Prairie | 6-May | 58 | 52
| 53 | 56 | 39 | 24 | 16 | 19
| 24 hr | flèche | Front Range | 13-May | 4 | 9
| 9 | 7 | 5 | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Black Forest | 20-May | 48 | 35
| 33 | 50 | 22 | 19 | 12 | 16
| 400km | brevet | Lefthand | 10-Jun | 35 | 29
| 28 | 42 | 14 | 8 | 10 | 17
| 600km | brevet | Devil's Gulch | 24-Jun | 24 | 14
| 21 | 40 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 21
| 1000km | brevet | Lefthand - Ft. Morgan | 24-Jun | 1
| 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Grand Loop | 8-Jul | 22 | 17
| 13 | 8 | 6 | 3 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Barr Lake | Jul | - | -
| 4 | - | - | - | - | -
| 1000km | brevet | Lefthand-Ft. Morgan | 15-Jul | x | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Black Forest | 29-Jul | 8 | 21
| 20 | - | - | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Denver-Aspen | 5-Aug | 18 | 22
| 17 | 21 | - | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Durango* | 12-Aug | 14 | -
| - | - | - | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Peak-to-Peak | 19-Aug | 11 | 10 | 12 | - | - | - | - | -
| 1200km | randonnée | Last Chance | 13-Sep | 34 | 32
| 14 | - | 13 | 4 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Copper Triangle | 16-Sep | x | 17 | 9 | x | 11 | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Stove Prairie | 23-Sep | 19 | 15
| 15 | 20 | 12 | 13 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Apple Valley | 10-Oct | 5 | 14
| 10 | - | - | - | - | -
| Totals | 376 | 351
| 305 | 293 | 166 | 80 | 43 | 73
Distinct Riders | 147 | 134 | 115 | 92 | | | |
| | |
“-” = not scheduled “x” = cancelled "*" = new for 2006
Thank you for riding with us. We hope they've been satisfying for you, and that 2007 will offer you further chances for
personal accomplishment and comaraderie with others.
We had riders from Arizona, British Columbia, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ontario, Saskachewan, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington – and elsewhere! – in addition to many veterans and rookies from our region. Some highlights from this year:
- Another record Spring Populaire and 200k turnout – Continued growh in spring populaires and 200k.
- Fast Grand Loop 300k! – Record times to Fall River Pass, after rescheduling because of severe weather.
- Another record Last Chance turnout – Another successful, albeit much windier, Last Chance 1200k.
A Special Thanks to our Staff – RMCC President Charlie Henderson, who ran the Grand Loop and Denver-Aspen 300k’s and was was once again the trail boss out on the range on the Last Chance 1200k; Tom Foss, who handled registration for the entire series and ran the September 200km brevet; Val Phelps who organized and ran the Durango 200k; Carol Chaffee Havrda, who ran a number of the Populaires, and Jim Kraychy who ran populaires as well, … and last but not least, our friend and Arizona RBA Susan Plonsky, who rode and ran some of our brevets!!
Brevet -- 23 September, 2006 -- Stove Prairie - Poudre Canyon - Horsetooth §
| Time
| Rider
| 8:58 | Augenstein, Larry
| pend. | 11:19 | Eason, David *
| 153 | 9:17 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 7:15 | Ellis, Randy
| 2032 | 9:10 | Foss, Tom
| | 7:34 | Fourney, Robert
| 6 | 10:00 | Henderson, Charlie
| | 7:12 | Kalisch, Tim
| 3555 | 7:50 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 7:40 | Koenig, Gary
| | 7:12 | McDonald, Sargent
| 3589 | 7:55 | Nansel, Alan
| | 8:52 | Newton, Gerry
| 3199 | 8:58 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 8:53 | Parry, Diana
| | 7:34 | Pogorelz, Robert
| 2993 | 7:40 | Wiss, Dick
| * First Brevet!
Nicest, Most Colorful 200k ever!
Bright sun, balmy temps, and splendid fall colors accompanied the 9/30 reschedule of the fall Stove Prairie 200km brevet. Only a week before, snow threatened on the event date, occasioning the postponement. Ride starter Tom Foss (thank you, Tom!) continues ...
A mixed group of 19 randonneurs, (and 17 finishers), and several Last Chance luminaries, rolled out of the parking lot for our final brevet of the season. The day started cool, but quickly warmed up to a beautiful Indian summer day. Riders enjoyed bright autumn colors south of Masonville to the summit of Stove Prairie and a somewhat windy finish from there on back to Mead.
If entertainment from the bike wasn’t enough, riders could have stopped to enjoy the Ellis Ranch Pumpkin Patch Festival at Hwy 34 and Road 29 (no relation to our local RBA), a carnival at the Berthoud city park, or a wine tasting at the local Berthoud liquor store – see what you miss when you’re in a hurry to get home?
Congratulations to James Mapes, David Eason and Mathew McNatt on coming out for their first brevet.
- Tom Foss
Randonnée -- 13 September, 2006 -- "Last Chance" §
Rider checkpoint progress and elapsed times
Brevet -- 19 August, 2006 -- "Peak-to-Peak" §
| Time
| Rider
| 14:08 | Conner, Shaun
| 1471 | 12:00 | Foley, Paul
| | 16:01 | Freeman, Gary
| | 11:26 | Kalisch, Tim
| | 11:26 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| | 12:00 | Liedke, Brian
| 3112 | 12:01 | Rupel, Ray
| 3639 | 12:52 | Schemmel, Jerry
| 2993 | 14:08 | Wiss, Dick
Soggiest Peak-to-Peak Start?
Despite threatening-looking weather, and rain that nipped at riders' heels to Estes Park (not unusual!), 9 riders (out of 10 starters) persevered and ended up with a good performance! Eustachia Bean, on her first brevet ever, made it past thunder and lightning as far as Estes Park.
Thanks to Charlie Henderson for leading this brevet!
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 12 August, 2006 -- Durango - Aztec §
| Time
| Rider
| 12:26 | Beatty, Chuck
| 3147 | 10:11 | Foss, Ronaele
| | 8:55 | Freeman, Gary
| | 8:29 | Hannum, Neil
| 3096 | 8:58 | Jensen, Franklin
| 2856 | 7:43 | Kraychy, Jim
| 2094 | 10:04 | McCarter, Jackson
| 2750 | 12:26 | McCombs, Mick
| | 9:38 | Newton, Gerry
| | 9:38 | Parry, Diana
| 2299 | 7:43 | Phelps, Val
| 1576 | 7:43 | Phelps, Robin
| 3415 | 8:55 | Sanders, John
| 3100 | 8:58 | Wolff, Lonnie
First Durango 200k!
Thanks to Val Phelps for introducing randonneuring to this corner of the state, with our first Durango brevet!
Herewith, his report:
"We had 14 official starters and one DNS leave the Durango
Recreation Center with cool temperatures and a chance of rain. After
a short ride through town we made the longest climb of the ride up
Hesperus (a favorite local training hill). Our lone DNS then turned
around and headed back for his car. He had made the trip from Denver
only to discover he had forgotten his cycling shoes. He rode up
Hesperus in his sandals but didn't think it wise to attempt a 200k
without shoes that would actually clip into his pedals. I won't
mention any names but the DNS usually rides a tandem with his wife Beth.
After our climb up Hesperus, we had a long gradual descent into New
Mexico. We then turned east and had rolling hills to Aztec. From
Aztec we had a very slight but steady uphill to the second climb, back
in Colorado, up Bondad hill. After climbing Bondad, we had rolling
hills to Ignacio. From Ignacio more rollers to Bayfield. Our third
climb started after Bayfield and took us to Helen's store east of
Durango. Many of us encountered rain near Bayfield and Helen's store.
The final rolling hills took us from Helen's store to Durango. This
ride is considered flat by Durango standards but one rider recorded
6100 feet of climbing in 125 miles.
We had three riders from Denver, two from New Mexico, two from
Arizona, two from Utah, one from Colorado Springs, one from South Carolina, and three locals (including Robin
& me) from Durango.
All riders except one had brevet experience. The lone rookie (Neil
Hannum - a Durango local) hung with Jim Krachy, Robin, and me for
ninety plus miles until he fell off just before Bayfield. Neil made a
brief stay under a tree to avoid the rain and finished shortly after
Jim, Robin, and me. Quite the rookie performance!
After the ride, we had a barbeque at our house. It was fun to discuss
the day's ride and hear stories about rides from around the country.
Despite a few wrong turns everyone had a good time. We had fourteen
starters and a 100% finishing rate."
- Val Phelps
Brevet -- 5 August, 2006 -- "Denver-Aspen" §
| Time
| Rider
2207 | 15:45 | Gillespie, Mike
| | 11:30 | Kalisch, Tim
| 3555 | 13:30 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 2856 | 11:30 | Kraychy, Jim
| 1635 | 11:40 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| | 10:23 | Matteson, Tracy
| 3589 | 16:00 | Nansel, Alan
| 3199 | 15:25 | Odorizzi, Greg
| 3112 | 12:10 | Rupel, Ray
| 3615 | 15:45 | Sauvé, Robert
| | 11:55 | Shannon, Kelly
| | 14:05 | Skruch, Kevin
| | 11:35 | Zelhof, Andrew
Wettest, Fastest Denver-Aspen Yet?
This year's Denver-Aspen was a good ride, punctuated by wetness and the threat of hypothermia at altitude (at Twin Lakes, not to mention Independence Pass), and thankfully no fields of hailstones as in years past! We had a generally very fast group (nice going, guys!!), a number of D-A rookies who did well, and the highest RUSA membership proportion yet on this event!
Thanks to Charlie Henderson for leading this brevet!
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 29 July, 2006 -- "Black Forest" - Castle Rock - Elbert - Black Forest §
| Time
| Rider
| 7:28 | Erickson, Karl
| 796 | 7:57 | Farnsworth, Rex
| 2145 | 8:30 | Myers, Beth
| 2129 | 8:30 | Myers, Brent
| 991 | 8:18 | Plonsky, Susan
| 3615 | 8:28 | Sauvé, Robert
| 3551 | 7:30 | Snavely, Henry
| 2993 | 7:45 | Wiss, Dick
Below: Ride leader Susan Plonsky.
Smallest, Hottest Black Forest 200k Yet!
Like the Grand Loop reschedule (below), this year's Black Forest 200k featured a 100% finishing rate and (only) 8 riders ... perhaps in part as some riders had to choose between this and the Grand Loop, which started four hours earlier the same day.
Despite being hotter than last year, when it was toasty enough to sideline more than one rider, everyone finished this one, including Dick Wiss on his first brevet since breaking his clavicle on a fall on the Black Forest 300k last May. So Dick is clearly back in the saddle and we're glad to see him riding with us again!
Casa Grande, Ariz. RBA Susan Plonsky was gracious enough to lead this brevet, and was expeditious enough to finish a few minutes ahead of much of the field, and so give them a proper finish-line greeting. Thank you, Susan!
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 8 July, 2006 (29 July, 2006) -- "Grand Loop" - Trail Ridge Road - Berthoud Pass - Lariat Loop ‡
| Time
| Rider
| 12:56 | Caruso, Scott *
| | 12:56 | Ellis, Randy
| 2855 | 14:00 | Havrda, Carol Ann
| 3289 | 16:30 | Havrda, Robert *
| | 12:53 | Kalisch, Tim
| 2856 | 12:53 | Kraychy, Jim
| 3199 | 16:30 | Odorizzi, Greg
| 3112 | 13:25 | Rupel, Ray *
* First Grand Loop!
Wettest/Driest, Coldest/Hottest Grand Loop Yet?
July 8 - A record 22 riders milled around at the ride start in Golden, as drenching showers and the prospect for sleet, snow, and hypothermia at altitude beckoned. The ride was cancelled for safety reasons, a first in the history of the Grand Loop.
Having come all the way from Cedar City UT, Franklin Clair Jensen and Lonnie Wolff made the best of the day by riding the James Canyon Jaunt 200km Permanent, soggy at times but not frigid.
July 29 - Under cloudless skies, the rescheduled ride drew 8 riders and produced a 100% finishing rate, fast times, and in fact a course record (5:47) reaching the Alpine Visitors Center at Fall River Pass (12,000 ft.) on Trail Ridge Road.
While the front-end riders' performance was impressive - as usual! - a special commendation to rookie Grand Looper Robert Havrda not only for finishing but for sticking by Greg Odorizzi through some low points and assuring that 100% finishing rate!
- John Lee Ellis
‡ This event did not receive ACP or RUSA credit, as it was rescheduled beyond the ACP rescheduling deadlines.
Brevet -- 15 July 2006 -- Lefthand Canyon - Ft. Morgan - Big Thompson Canyon §
| 400k
| 600k
| Time
| Rider
3555 | 17:05 | 35:55 | 49:25 | Knoblauch, Tom *
* First 1000k ... and a course record!
Below: Tom finishing ride at 5:25am.
| Hottest? ... and FASTEST 1000k!
Scorching hundred-degree-or-so temps greeted this event the first and second day. But Tom Knoblauch persevered through the heat, and then did an end-run for the third segment by riding through the night to finish in record time ... by a long shot! Tom, a 1000km rookie (and Last Chance 1200k finisher!), says he had to get back to work on Monday, so couldn't afford the extra time to take a nap and finish late on Monday as everyone else has in years past. Helmets off to Tom!
- John Lee Ellis
Stay tuned for a photo!
Brevet -- 24 June 2006 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Ft. Morgan - Big Thompson Canyon §
| 400k
| 600k
| Time
| Rider
341 | 17:20 | 53:22 | 65:25 | Werner, Glen *
| |
| * nth Colo. 1000k!
| Most Upbeat 1000k Yet?
Clear skies and mild temps rewarded Glen on the second and third days of his 1000k, after a storm-tossed first day that tanked more than one 600k rider. The PBP'03 and London-Edinburg-London 1400k veteran seemed relaxed at the finish, resplendent in his green wool jersey, ready for more!
- John Lee Ellis
Stay tuned for a photo!
Brevet -- 24 June 2006 - St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch - Big Thompson Canyon - Wellington §
| Time
| Rider
410 | 30:50 | Baranczyk, Merle
| | 30:50 | Crossland, Ann
| 2900 | 37:23 | Dick, Nathan
| 153 | 31:32 | Ellis, John Lee
| 796 | 33:10 | Farnsworth, Rex
| | 23:55 | Fulton, Mike
| 6 | 33:10 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3585 | 35:00 | Herget, Scott
| 3555 | 26:45 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 32:10 | Koenig, Gary
| 2145 | 37:07 | Myers, Beth
| 2129 | 37:07 | Myers, Brent
| 1576 | 30:50 | Phelps, Robin
| 2299 | 30:50 | Phelps, Val
| | 32:10 | Pogorelz, Robert
| 3271 | 30:50 | Slauson, James
| 3551 | 34:15 | Snavely, Henry
| 3590 | 34:10 | Whitley, Rob
Most Differentiated 600k Yet?
A variegated forecast greeted 24 starters (and 18 finishers). Riders asked themselves what the first day portended
with a stiff, buffeting north wind accompanying the initial pre-dawn miles. And yet the rest of the first, 400km, loop was a very differentiated
experience depended very much on where you were and when on the route. Early and late riders got hammered (or "BRUTALIZED" as one veteran expressed it). A select few encountered a sprinkle or two. The next, 200km, loop was lyrical, except for the earliest, through-the-night, riders.
In addition to the valiant finishers, we doff our helmets to starters Will DeRosset, John Elmblad, Mike Fox, Peter Hoff, Philip Lee (from Omaha), and Greg Odorizzi!
More rider details to follow ...
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 10 June 2006 -- Lefthand Canyon - St. Vrain Canyon - Wellington §
Complete Results - 13-Jun-2006 |
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 16:44 | Aranda, Jasmine
| 3394 | 21:50 | Baker, Philip
| 410 | 15:28 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 21:00 | Barday, Bob
| 2401 | 14:58 | deRossett, William
| 2900 | 16:44 | Dick, Nathan
| | 21:35 | Egelhoff, Martin
| 153 | 15:28 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1927 | 21:50 | Elmblad, John
| 1471 | 15:28 | Foley, Paul
| 2032 | 17:42 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 21:50 | Fox, Mike
| | 16:42 | Fulton, Mike
| 1060 | 16:42 | Grealish, Chris
| 6 | 18:46 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3585 | 21:50 | Herget, Scott
| 3230 | 16:39 | Hoff, Peter
| | 16:44 | Khalilinia, Sean
| 3555 | 14:51 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 16:12 | Koenig, Gary
| 2856 | 15:15 | Kraychy, Jim
| 1635 | 15:15 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| 3589 | 17:42 | Nansel, Alan
| 1140 | 23:50 | Noris, Peter
| 3199 | 17:12 | Odorizzi, Greg
| 991 | 19:16 | Plonsky, Susan
| 1576 | 15:28 | Phelps, Robin
| 2299 | 15:28 | Phelps, Val
| 1503 | 19:16 | Simmons, Eric
| 1842 | 15:28 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 17:02 | Snavely, Henry
| 309 | 21:50 | Staggs, Ben
| 3206 | 21:50 | Terner, David
| 3590 | 21:35 | Whitley, Rob
Tailwindiest 400k Yet?
A summery forecast greeted 35 starters. And yet clouds and the hint of a cool front kept riders comfortable much of the day!
More rider details to follow ...
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 20 May 2006 -- Black Forest §
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 12:43 | Aranda, Jasmine
| 410 | 13:06 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 15:33 | Barday, Bob
| 2401 | 11:47 | deRossett, William
| 2900 | 13:06 | Dick, Nathan
| | 15:05 | Egelhoff, Martin
| 153 | 11:48 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 11:05 | Ellis, Randy
| 1927 | 15:33 | Elmblad, John
| 796 | 13:36 | Farnsworth, Rex
| | 10:00 | Fletcher, Steve
| 1471 | 11:05 | Foley, Paul
| 2032 | 13:24 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 15:15 | Fox, Mike
| | 11:00 | Fulton, Mike
| 1060 | 12:40 | Grealish, Chris
| | 11:05 | Hallam, Eric
| | 13:03 | Hecomovich, Paul
| 6 | 13:36 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3585 | 15:33 | Herget, Scott
| 2313 | 9:53 | Howe, James
| | 13:06 | Kestner, Marcia
| 3555 | 10:30 | Knoblauch, Tom
| | 13:03 | Koenig, Gary
| 2856 | 9:53 | Kraychy, Jim
| 1635 | 10:00 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| | 15:00 | Long, Beth
| | 11:05 | Liedtke, Brian
| 3083 | 9:53 | Lucas, Rob
| | 9:53 | McDonald, Sargent
| | 13:06 | McLeod, Robert
| | 12:31 | Michel, Mark
| 2129 | 15:00 | Myers, Brent
| 1140 | 16:52 | Noris, Peter
| 3199 | 11:47 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 13:03 | Pasque, Dave
| 991 | 13:58 | Plonsky, Susan
| | 12:36 | Pogorelz, Robert
| | 13:47 | Potter, Lori
| 3108 | 10:26 | Shenk, Catherine
| 1503 | 15:33 | Simmons, Eric
| 1842 | 11:05 | Smith, Vernon
| 309 | 15:33 | Staggs, Ben
| 3551 | 12:31 | Snavely, Henry
| | 13:24 | Weiland, Mark
| | 13:35 | Werner, Glen
| 3590 | 15:05 | Whitley, Rob
Fastest 300k Yet?
A summery forecast greeted 48 starters. Clouds and blustery sprinkles conspired at strategic periods to cut what might have been quite a scorcher. That didn't keep numerous finishing times from being pretty hot!
For Rob Lucas of Colorado Springs, this was a last-minute tune-up before heading for the Race Across AMerica, solo division. Finishing with the front group in 9h53m, looks like he's ready! You can follow Rob's progress on the RAAM website.
Our thoughts and sympathy are with veteran Dick Wiss who took a fall on Spruce Mtn. Rd. and fractured his collarbone. Dick was quickly attended to, taken to hospital and treated. We wish him a speedy recovery and return to the normal discomforts of randonneuring!
More rider details to follow ...
- John Lee Ellis
-- 13 May 2006 -- Colorado Front Range Flèche §
Team Prairie Dog - 232.5 Miles
| Ellis, John Lee (captain) (5)
| Farnsworth, Rex (3)
| Hoff, Peter *
| Henderson, Charlie (4)
* First flèche!
(x) xth flèche!
| Balmiest
Flèche Yet!
Under positively balmy conditions, 1 single flèche team took
to the field, one fewer than in 2005. Although generally a fine ride, the Prairie Dogs suffered one major disappointment,
as the neatly-lettered sign on the Glen Haven store proclaimed: "Cinnamon Rolls! Opening May 20th."
More details to come ...
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 6 May 2006 -- Horsetooth - Poudre Canyon - Stove Prairie §
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 8:15 | Aranda, Jasmine
| | 7:46 | Archambault, Ilka
| 410 | 8:50 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 9:56 | Barday, Bob
| 1762 | 9:05 | Boethling, Fred
| | 9:59 | Busch, Mike
| | 8:27 | Clancy, John *
| 2401 | 7:28 | deRossett, William
| 2900 | 8:08 | Dick, Nathan
| 153 | 7:46 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 6:53 | Ellis, Randy *
| 1927 | 9:59 | Elmblad, John
| 796 | 8:53 | Farnsworth, Rex
| | 6:55 | Fletcher, Steve *
| 1471 | 7:13 | Foley, Paul
| 3147 | 10:30 | Foss, Ronaele *
| 2032 | 8:52 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 9:18 | Fox, Mike
| 2207 | 9:25 | Gillespie, Mike
| 1060 | 7:46 | Grealish, Chris
| | 7:13 | Hallam, Eric
| | 9:59 | Handy, Keith
| 2855 | 6:40 | Chaffee, Carol
| 3289 | 9:05 | Havrda, Robert
| 6 | 8:53 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3585 | 9:40 | Herget, Scott *
| | 6:08 | Kalisch, Tim
| | 8:53 | Kestner, Marcia
| 3555 | 6:50 | Knoblauch, Tom
| | 8:27 | Koenig, Gary
| 2856 | 6:08 | Kraychy, Jim
| 1635 | 6:50 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| | 8:57 | Long, Beth
| | 7:13 | Liedtke, Brian
| | 6:08 | McDonald, Sargent
| | 8:53 | McLeod, Robert *
| | 7:20 | Michel, Mark
| 2129 | 8:57 | Myers, Brent
| | 8:14 | Nansel, Alan
| | 7:40 | Newton, Gerry
| 1140 | 11:40 | Noris, Peter
| 3199 | 7:30 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 8:59 | Parry, Diana *
| 1576 | 7:15 | Phelps, Robin
| 2299 | 7:15 | Phelps, Val
| | 6:08 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3115 | 7:25 | Rupel, Ray
| 3542 | 8:53 | Russon, Rick
| 3108 | 6:55 | Shenk, Catherine
| 1842 | 7:15 | Smith, Vernon
| | 6:50 | Simon, Lyn *
| 1842 | 7:15 | Smith, Vernon
| | 7:13 | Skruch, Kevin *
| 3551 | 8:00 | Snavely, Henry
| 3206 | 8:56 | Terner, David *
| 2993 | 8:27 | Wiss, Dick
| | 8:27 | Weiland, Mark *
| | 9:56 | Wood, Gail *
| * First Brevet!
| Largest 200k Yet!
A less than stellar weather forecast didn't keep a record 58 starters (with a 100% finishing rate) from this year's Stove Prairie climb fest! Undaunted, they were rewarded by splendid conditions, mild 60's and low 70's weather, with just a brief sprinkle for a few riders, and lack of troublesome winds.
We were honored to be joined by Gary Koenig, founder of the brevet series in 1994. From 1994-98, Gary did a great job establishing the series and establishing randonneuring in our area. Many of us remember his events with appreciation.
More rider details to follow ...
- John Lee Ellis
Brevet -- 23 Apr 2006 -- Show Low AZ - Salt River Canyon - Globe §
| Time
| Rider
2751 | 9:35 | Enfield, Mike
| 991 | 11:05 | Plonsky, Susan
| 3118 | 12:25 | Williams, Steve
| Windiest 200k Yet!
In our second Arizona foray, 10 starters braved roaring winds, all of them making it to Globe, but only 3 finishing officially, including Arizonans Mike Enfield and Susan Plonsky (Arizona RBA), and Aspenite Steven Williams.
More details to follow ...
- John Lee Ellis
Populaire Results
-- 10 October 2006 -- "Apple Valley"
| Time
| Rider
| 3555 | 4:16 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3551 | 4:35 | Snavely, Henry
| | Also started:
| | Hech, Ken
| | | Maddox, Tom
| | | Towne, Brad
| Peak Colors!
Cool, overcast conditions kept the crowds down, but those who rode enjoyed dry conditions with still peak colors in an autumnal atmosphere. Thank to Tom Foss for leading this end-of-season populaire!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 16 September 2006 -- "Copper Triangle"
| A Wash-Out!
From as far away as Byers, Last Chance Saturday finishers spied roiling clouds above the Divide as they rode the final miles of the event. Saturday afternoon finishers enjoyed 40-50 mph chinook winds. West of the Divide, those clouds were dousing hopes of a bright, sunny foliage fest on the Copper Triangle.
A big thanks to Carol Chaffee for driving from Durango to Copper Mountain to perform ride leader duties!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 29 April 2006 -- Lefthand Canyon - Estes Park
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 5:27 | Aranda, Jasmine
| | 5:37 | Ellis, Randy
| 1471 | 5:00 | Foley, Paul
| 908 | 6:39 | Fox, Mike
| | 5:58 | Kestner, Marcia
| 3555 | 4:34 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 2856 | 5:24 | Kraychy, Jim
| | 5:34 | Newton, Gerry
| 3199 | 5:10 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 6:30 | Pogorelz, Robert
| | 4:19 | Rudolph, Steve
| | 5:49 | Seidel, John
| | 4:49 | Simmons, Alan
| | 5:35 | Weiland, Mark
| | 7:19 | Wood, Gail
| Blustery (that is, Seasonable)!
More details to follow!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 16 April 2006 -- Horsetooth - Ft. Collins - Windsor
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 4:47 | Aranda, Jasmine
| 2855 | 3:57 | Chaffee, Carol
| 2900 | 4:47 | Dick, Nathan
| 3256 | 4:47 | Emme, Siegfried
| 2032 | 4:56 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 5:15 | Fox, Mike
| | 5:30 | Freeman, Gary
| | 3:57 | Kalisch, Tim
| | 4:25 | Katz, Seymour
| | 4:25 | Newton, Gerry
| 3199 | 4:35 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 5:16 | Perryman, Eric
| | 5:16 | Potter, Lori
| | 4:47 | Raymond, Peter
| | 3:57 | Rudolph, Steve
| | 4:37 | Schaefer, Tim
| | 5:09 | Shields, Dan
| | 4:25 | Simmons, Alan
| | 5:03 | Snavely, Henry
| | 4:56 | Ulmer, Allison
| | 6:07 | Velamparambil, Sanjay
| | 4:56 | Whiteman, Stephen
| Summer and Speed Continue!
Balmier weather still welcomed 28 riders (22 finishers) on the scenic, hilly, but not too punishing Horsetooth populaire!
More details to follow!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 9 April 2006 -- Ft. Lupton - Keenesburg - Brighton
| Time
| Rider
2317 | 4:46 | Aranda, Jasmine
| | 6:15 | Bergen, Larry
| 2855 | 3:34 | Chaffee, Carol
| | 4:51 | Cohen, Brian
| 2900 | 4:46 | Dick, Nathan
| | 4:24 | Epstein, Bruce
| 2434 | 3:52 | Flanigan, John
| 3147 | 5:24 | Foss, Ronaele
| 2032 | 4:20 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 5:23 | Fox, Mike
| | 3:48 | Havrda, Robert
| | 4:53 | Herman, Glenn
| 3230 | 3:40 | Hoff, Peter
| | 3:46 | Fulton, Mike
| | 3:32 | Herzberger, Matt
| | 5:30 | Johnson, Eric
| | 4:24 | Johnson, Terry
| | 5:23 | Kestner, Marcia
| | 3:34 | Knoblauch, Tom
| | 3:34 | McDonald, Sargent
| | 4:24 | McShane, Mac
| | 5:21 | Parry, Diana
| 2299 | 3:48 | Phelps, Val
| | 4:40 | Potter, Lori
| | 4:24 | Quick, Darrel
| | 3:48 | Richter, Gary
| | 4:20 | Rosenthal, Harris
| | 3:34 | Rudolph, Steve
| | 4:45 | Russon, Rick
| | 4:24 | Shields, Dan
| | 3:34 | Skinner, Chris
| | 4:20 | Snavely, Henry
| | 3:58 | Stefely, Ernie
| | 6:16 | Stotter, Jason
| | 5:14 | Thompson, Joanne
| | 6:13 | Velamparambil, Sanjay
| 3268 | 5:30 | Vincent, Jack
| 3269 | 5:30 | Vincent, Kristi
| | 5:23 | Wood, Gail
| A Summery Start to the Populaires!
Balmy weather welcomed 43 riders on the traditional plains-fest out to Keenesburg for the season's first populaire, a big jump from 28 riders last year. It started balmy ... and became downright summery! At least one rider to show up had been skiing the day before.
Once again, we had far-flung riders such as Val Phelps and Robert Havrda, who came from Durango, Eric Johnson from Quinter KS, and newcomers to randonneuring, including Ronaele Foss from Colorado Springs and Sanjay Velamparambil from Superior, and quite a few others - welcome to all!
Big thanks once again to Carol Chaffee on a great job leading this populaire - starting her second season of leading these randonnées
and any others that could use her help and savoir faire!
- John Lee Ellis