-- 14 October 2017 -- Front Range 200km Dart
| Rider
| Dist. At 11h30m
| Dist. At 13h30m
| Team Lookout! Squirrel!
1679 | Mangin, L * | 167 | 202
| 10610 | Nelson, David | 167 | 202
| 7898 | Warren, Corinne | 167 | 202
| Team Dartrek
10173 | Turek, Michael * | 175 | 206
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle | 175 | 206
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal | 175 | 206
| 3108 | Shenk, Catherine | 175 | 206
| 11024 | Turner, Jason | 175 | 206
| |
* Captain
| | |
| Breeziest Dart Yet!
Two teams of eight riders had a 100% finishing rate on a day that turned very windy.
Team Lookout! Squirrel! made their way up gnarly Grapevine Road, Highway 93, to Boulder then
down to the finish at Ken Caryl. Team Dartrek took in points in Boulder County before finishing
with an extended jaunt down Denver bike trails.
Thanks to Corinne Warren for instigating this Dart and corralling the teams together!
- John Lee Ellis
Team Lookout! Squirrel!
Dave Nelson, Corinne Warren, John Mangin
Team Dartrek
Michelle Grainger, Catherine Shenk, Pascal Ledru, Mike Turek, Jason Turner
-- 7 October 2017 -- Lefthand Lark Platteville Poke-Along
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 7:59 | Benoit, Diane
| 11265 | 6:43 | Carl, Caleb
| 153 | 8:52 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 6:43 | Guala, John
| 5692 | 6:48 | Jones, Lloyd
| 11847 | 7:32 | Howell, Jim
| 1679 | 7:33 | Mangin, John
| | 6:43 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3108 | 8:52 | Shenk, Catherine
| 11228 | 8:09 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 3551 | 8:58 | Snavely, Henry
| 10173 | 7:33 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 7:59 | Turner, Jason
Special energy food supplied by Mike Turek.
| First Fall Platteville Poke-Along!
16 starters and 13 finishers enjoyed a brilliantly sunny day on the near plains.
We had originally planned to run the Drake Doubleback, but CDOT closed US-34 for the season on October 2, to resume mega-construction
in the Big Thompson Canyon.
We then planned to run the Lefthand Lark, but winds in excess of 40 mph were forecast for the Peak-to-Peak Highway and the foothills.
In the end, Platteville Poke-Along riders got the consolation of giant homemade burritos in Platteville.
Thanks to Diane Benoit for leading this ride! (Photos below courtesy of Diane.)
- John Lee Ellis
A nice crowd on a sunny day for a brevet!
Climbing back from the first control in Platteville.
Early snow on the Front Range!
Sparkling Green Ridge Glade Reservoir near Masonville
-- 23 September 2017 -- Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 7:27 | Baker, Chris
| 11265 | 7:27 | Carl, Caleb
| | 6:31 | Guala, John
| 5692 | 7:27 | Jones, Lloyd
| 9094 | 8:46 | Ledru, Pascal
| 1679 | 8:47 | Mangin, John
| | 6:31 | Peterson, Tyler
| 11956 | 7:37 | Rosenthal, Harris
| 10173 | 8:46 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 8:47 | Turner, Jason
| 8660 | 8:22 | Ward, Don
| 7898 | 7:37 | Warren, Corinne
| Soggiest Fall Stove Prairie Ever!
13 starters and 12 finishers braved a chilly day that turned to showers and drenching rains towards the
end. Temps were in the 80's under brilliant sun as summer drew to a close only a couple days before, but fall was definitely
the season of the day for this ride!
- John Lee Ellis
Our riders zoom off at the start
Mike Turek, Pascal Ledru, John Mangin, and Jason Turner at finish
-- 5 August 2017 -- Peak-to-Peak
| Time
| Rider
| 10610 | 13:41 | Nelson, Dave
| 11863 | 13:53 | Ramos, Mateo
| 3551 | 15:13 | Snavely, Henry
| 10173 | 13:41 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 13:41 | Turner, Jason
Starting with them were riders doing the Coal Creek Conundrum 200km Permanent:
| |
| Time
| Rider
| 12136 | 9:01 | Bruder, Dan
| 11054 | 9:11 | Benoit, Diane
| 1471 | 9:11 | Foley, Paul
| 3112 | 9:01 | Rupel, Ray
| 1842 | 9:11 | Smith, Vernon
| Mildest Peak-to-Peak Ever!
6 starters and 5 finishers enjoyed a mild, dry, variably overcast day for the Peak-to-Peak.
The Hwy. 7 section of the route had been freshly paved just days before, adding to the pleasure of the day.
Riders could choose a menu item from the Fawn Brook Inn for their answer for the Allenspark info control.
For the first 100 miles, riders were accompanied by an equal number riding the Coal Creek Conundrum 200k Permanent.
- John Lee Ellis
Indian Peaks from above Peaceful Valley
300k and 200k riders at Crystal Springs in Allenspark
Lyons checkpoint
Vernon Smith, Paul Foley, Diane Benoit at finish
-- 22 July 2017 -- Vail Pass Volley
| Time
| Rider
| 11054 | 8:18 | Benoit, Diane
| 2844 | 6:59 | Dodge, Tim
| 11133 | 8:46 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| | 7:20 | Magro, Joe **
| 2129 | 10:56 | Myers, Brent
| 2145 | 10:56 | Myers, Beth
| 10610 | 8:06 | Nelson, Dave
| 11863 | 6:54 | Ramos, Mateo
| 10173 | 8:38 | Turek, Michael
| 8660 | 10:57 | Ward, Don
** First Randonnée!
| Earliest Vail Pass Volley Yet!
11 riders enjoyed a wonderful, sunny day in the mountains while it showered on the plains.
This foray into Summit and Eagle counties has been a favorite for those who ride it.
A big thanks to Mike Turek for leading this one!
- John Lee Ellis
At the turnaround point in Gypsum
Mike Turek photo
On the Vail Path, fresh snow on peaks
JLE photo the next week
-- 24 June 2016 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Lefthand Canyon
— 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 19:46 | Baker, Chris
| 10581 | 17:07 | Johnson, Kieran
| 11133 | 19:46 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 5632 | 17:40 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 1679 | 17:07 | Mangin, John
| 10610 | 19:57 | Nelson, David
| 3112 | 15:31 | Rupel, Ray
| 3551 | 21:55 | Snavely, Henry
| 11024 | 17:40 | Jason, Turner
| |
— 600km —
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 18:30 | 35:20 | Ellis, John Lee
| 7751 | 16:35 | 34:13 | Griffith, Scott
| 11377 | 17:07 | 28:17 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 11863 | 17:07 | 28:17 | Ramos, Mateo
| |
| Coolest Solstice Brevets Ever!
Riders were treated to mild temps all day - starting out chilly, in fact, quite a contrast to
the scorcher we normally have for our solstice brevets!
We reprised the St. Vrain Canyon - Lefthand Canyon route from 2015, with nice road conditions all along that stretch.
Hwy. 7 to Estes Park and then US-34 down Big Thompson Canyon still have construction work combined with
unpristine pavement, so we opted for a smoother, quieter ride.
Congrats to everyone at this wrap-up of our "core" series which began in April!
- John Lee Ellis
Chipseal Warning
Owl Canyon Roundabout
| |
-- 10 June 2016 -- Lefthand Canyon
— 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 18:36 | Ellis, John Lee
| 2434 | 18:09 | Flanigan, John
| 7751 | 18:10 | Griffith, Scott
| 5632 | 20:40 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 1679 | 18:09 | Mangin, John
| 11863 | 18:09 | Ramos, Mateo
| 10173 | 18:05 | Turek, Michael
| 7898 | 18:00 | Warren, Corinne
| |
— 600km —
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 19:50 | 38:00 | Baker, Chris
| 11133 | 19:50 | 38:00 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 3112 | 18:00 | 34:05 | Rupel, Ray
| |
— 1000km —
| 400k
| 732k
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 16:24 | 40:40 | 62:59 | Foley, Paul
| |
| First Climb up Lefthand Since the Flood!
Riders were treated to our first climb up Lefthand Canyon since the flood of September, 2013!
Silky smooth pavement, and reengineered segments greeted the happy randos 100km into their ride.
With temps breaking into the low 90's, it was pretty toasty back on the plains. Fortunately, there
were spates of high cloud cover at times. And 600k riders had it a bit cooler the next day.
A special congratulations to Paul Foley, for his first finish of our June 1000k! (We had moved it
from its traditional solstice weekend in hopes of cooler weather ... ha, ha.)
- John Lee Ellis
Platteville as dawn breaks
Windsor with swan
Paul Foley - fresh for his 1000k
| |
-- 3 June 2017 -- Cripple Creek
| Time
| Rider
| 12073 | 15:10 | Fey, Jonathan
| 7751 | 18:10 | Griffith, Scott
| 9481 | 18:01 | Moerk, Mike
| 10173 | 18:10 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 19:30 | Turner, Jason
| Climbiest 300k in 2017!
Ride leader Mike Turek reports: "5 hardy souls started Vern's masterpiece at 4a ...
where was everyone else they wondered? Enjoying the other ride opportunities with less punishment we had to assume.
"We stayed together until Mike left his water bottles behind in divide ...
then he played catch to Cripple Creek saying hi to Jonathan as he left control.
"This course was made for Jonathan ... the rest of us 'flatlanders' merely survived.
"But, when we weren't looking back at our cassettes wishing we had another gear, the scenery was spectacular,
no really spectacular...snow still on hi, green everywhere and plenty of streams and fishermen!
"The weather could not have been better. 4 of us rolled into Albertsons eventually...in the dark and thought about stuff we could leave behind next year! We're gonna cripple the cripple creek brevet ;-)."
Thanks, Mike, and congrats to all! Photos courtesy of Mike Turek.
- John Lee Ellis
Colorado Springs start, 4:00am
Mike Turek with dawn on Pike's Peak
Jason Turner
JLE ... thrilled Climbing out of Cripple Creek
-- 20 May 2016 -- Poudre Canyon / Jamestown
— 300km —
| Time
| Rider
| 11656 | 13:00 | Rivet, Richard *
| 3551 | 14:32 | Snavely, Henry
* First 300k!
| — 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 11377 | 21:06 | Hartokolis, Nate *
| 11257 | 21:32 | Miyazaki, Makoto
* First 400k!
| |
— 600km —
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 34:49 | Foley, Paul
| 9094 | 34:06 | Ledru, Pascal
| 2145 | 35:20 | Long, Beth
| 1679 | 34:06 | Mangin, John
| 2129 | 35:20 | Myers, Brent
| 1842 | 21:06 | Smith, Vernon
| 11024 | 34:06 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 34:06 | Warren, Corinne
| |
| Snow and Rain Again on the Early Bird 300k/400k/600k!
After a warm, sunny Flèche and Black Forest 300k, Colorado spring returned with snow, which caused a delay,
and then a chilly day of showers and the occasional peek-through of sunlight. Kudos to the riders for their
And a big thanks to Corinne Warren for leading the rescheduled pre-ride!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 13 May 2017 -- Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 14:39 | Baker, Chris
| 11996 | 14:50 | Bates, Blaine
| | 14:50 | Bates, Kyle **
| 11265 | 10:27 | Carl, Caleb
| 153 | 14:22 | Ellis, John Lee
| 2434 | 13:56 | Flanigan, John ®
| 1471 | 12:20 | Foley, Paul
| 7751 | 14:35 | Griffith, Scott
| 11377 | 12:11 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 10581 | 12:09 | Johnson, Kieran
| 11133 | 14:39 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| | 15:25 | Lippe, Amy
| 6026 | 11:18 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 12:25 | Mangin, John
| 11257 | 17:05 | Miyazaki, Makoto
| 9481 | 13:35 | Moerk, Michael
| 11956 | 11:30 | Rosenthal, Harris
| 3112 | 12:17 | Rupel, Ray
| 6276 | 14:00 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 1842 | 12:30 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 13:27 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 13:50 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 11:30 | Warren, Corinne
| 9223 | 11:18 | Zitz, Walter
® pre-ride
** First Colo. Randonnée!
| Sunniest, driest, toastiest Black Forest 300k in Years!
26 riders enjoyed a preternaturally warm, sunny, and dry Black Forest 300k. After years of cold rain, snow, and accumulating snow, our
big concern this year was sunscreen. This year we headed to "directly" to Black Forest for our first intermediate control, omitting Ken Caryl
and then making up the difference by turning around in Kiowa. And yes, that made for ten more miles up uphill into the wind.
But ideal temps at 7,000 ft. while folks at lower elevations were baking. It was a brilliant day to be out. The only fly in the ointment was
a traffic tie-up on I-25 which diverted some motorists onto Spruce Mountain Road into Larkspur, which put a dent of the serenity we were looking
forward to for that stretch.
Thanks to John Flanigan for previewing this new course, to Corinne Warren for stocking a water cache near Palmer Lake,
and to everyone who came out and had a great time!
- John Lee Ellis
Snowy Pikes Peak towers over the BF 300k!
Jeremy Shlachter at Corinne Warren's water cache
Chris Baker and Oksana Kovalenko at Black Forest
Henry Snavely at finish (after having to DNF, unfortunately)
Scott Griffith at finish
JLE ... thrilled at a sunny BF 300k!
A mere hint of virga at the end of a brilliant day!
-- 6 May 2017 -- Front Range Flèche
Team: Quartier Lanternes Rouges
| Distance: 362km
| Rider
| 1471 | Foley, Paul
| 5417 | Grainger, Michelle
| 5418 | Le Goff, Steve
| 9094 | Ledru, Pascal
| 10173 | Turek, Michael (captain)
Most Beer Tastings Ever!
Team captain Mike Turek writes, "Weather was fantastic (if you love headwinds) for the Team Quartier Lanternes Rouges' tour of Ales and Energy around Northern Colorado. The team stopped long enough for a quick 2 oz taste at 5 breweries. The sixth was closed when we arrived but my co-worker had a growler ... and Gatorade.
"We also saw the might of Colorado's energy sector ... hydro electric plant, gas drill pads, gas separation & production facilities, gas power plant, wind turbine plant and even the Lafayette solar plant.
"Thanks to Grace Turek and Sukmi Ledru for the fantastic support, and Britt Goldman for meeting us in Berthoud."
- John Lee Ellis
Start in the shadow of the Flatirons
Time out to help a stranded motorist!
| |
Finish: Steve, Mike, Pascal, Michelle, Paul
Gourmet Breakfast with French Cider, courtesy of Sukmi Ledru
| |
-- 29 April 2017 -- Stove Prairie Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 8:05 | Baker, Christopher
| | 8:05 | Bremer, Robert
| 11265 | 6:55 | Carl, Caleb
| 153 | 9:22 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 8:22 | Foley, Paul
| 9603 | 10:25 | Fraser, Malcolm
| 11377 | 8:11 | Hartokolis, Nathaniel
| 11847 | 9:06 | Howell, James
| 11133 | 9:52 | Kovalenko, Oksana
| 9094 | 8:22 | Ledru, Pascal
| 11863 | 6:55 | Ramos, Mateo
| | 8:10 | Schub, Nathaniel
| 12013 | 8:20 | Stephen, Ricardo
| 11024 | 8:15 | Turner, Jason
| 7898 | 8:11 | Warren, Corinne
® pre-rode Stove Prairie route
| Frostiest Rawhide Ramble Ever!
18 starters and 15 finishers fought fierce northerly winds and crisp temps for this taste of Colorado springtime riding.
Snow the day before suggested a last-minute change of route from Stove Prairie, to the broad, open, antelope-dotted landscape
up towards Wyoming. Speeds were in the single digits heading up, much brisker heading back.
Paul Foley writes: "Another spring Colorado 200K, rescheduled due to a blizzard, with resultant character building headwinds out to Rawhide with rewarding winds home, Camaraderie developed by the love of randonneuring and flexibility of dealing with weather changes enhances yet another beautiful day on the bike."
A big thanks to Paul Foley for leading this 200k, while I was out of state.
- John Lee Ellis
Heading out
| |
| |
-- 22 April 2017 -- On A Lark
| Time
| Rider
| 11265 | 6:49 | Carl, Caleb
| 1471 | 8:04 | Foley, Paul
| 2145 | 10:25 | Long, Beth
| 6026 | 7:36 | Lowe, Mark
| 11257 | 11:26 | Miyazaki, Makoto
| 9481 | 8:59 | Moerk, Michael
| 2129 | 10:25 | Myers, Brent
| 11029 | 8:04 | Rolfs, Christopher
| 1842 | 8:04 | Smith, Vernon
| 10173 | 8:04 | Turek, Michael
| 11024 | 8:09 | Turner, Jason
| 8660 | 10:23 | Ward, Donald
| 7898 | 7:36 | Warren, Corinne
| A Nice Lark of a Ride!
17 starters and 13 finishers enjoyed this hilly 200k. Thanks to Vernon Smith for leading - and designing - this route!
- John Lee Ellis
Token photo: a different 200k, on April 25 ... where could this be?
-- 15 April 2016 -- Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 8:25 | Albershardt, Andy
| 11996 | 7:45 | Bates, Blaine *
| 11054 | 8:14 | Benoit, Diane
| 11265 | 5:55 | Carl, Caleb
| 5967 | 10:05 | Cook, Brett
| 2844 | 6:14 | Dodge, Tim
| 153 | 8:14 | Ellis, John Lee
| 4819 | 8:25 | Feldman, Tim
| 2434 | 7:45 | Flanigan, John
| 9603 | 8:34 | Fraser, Malcolm
| 11377 | 7:39 | Hartokolis, Nate
| 11847 | 8:07 | Howell, James
| 11940 | 7:16 | Hustvedt, Anders *
| 10581 | 7:05 | Johnson, Kieran
| | 7:14 | Lippe, Amy *
| 1679 | 7:03 | Mangin, John
| 11574 | 10:05 | McKee, Amanda
| 11257 | 10:01 | Miyazaki, Makoto
| 10441 | 8:59 | Ng, Ricky *
| 11863 | 6:48 | Ramos, Mateo *
| 11656 | 7:40 | Rivet, Richard *
| 11029 | 8:00 | Rolfs, Christopher *
| 11956 | 7:03 | Rosenthal, Harris
| 11941 | 6:14 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3112 | 7:29 | Rupel, Ray
| 8945 | 9:54 | Schabacker, Noah
| 6276 | 8:19 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 11228 | 8:36 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 1842 | 7:45 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 9:15 | Snavely, Henry
| 11523 | 8:36 | TeBockhorst, Earl
| 10173 | 7:45 | Turek, Michael
| 2307 | 6:48 | Walsh, Bryce
* First 200k Randonnée!
| Most Rerouted Kersey Kick Ever!
35 starters and 33 finishers enjoyed mild temps - upper 40's into the 60's - under brilliant sun, with a stiff but not punishing SE breeze.
This Kersey Kick featured three route changes that increased the delight factor of this ride. First was a jaunt up the I-25 Frontage Road, to avoid a rough and heavily trafficked section of Weld County Rd 13. Next - the "Evans Bypass" - totally avoided Evans and the busy, rough roads leading in and out, by crossing the South Platte and heading east on peaceful roads paralleling the river. The final change was to avoid Kersey Road (Rd. 49) entirely - they are reconstructing this road in segments, and it's unsafe for cycling - by heading west on rolling Rd. 44, past Pelican Lake, then on to Platteville.
Lots of new riders and new RUSA members, as well as dear friends and familiar faces - welcome to all!
- John Lee Ellis
A bright start!